weird feeling that tomorrow will be exactly the same as today. If i could sing and risk being seen as weird i would could and might do it. It’s cold and weird if i were in the same car as him and had nothing to say, except I haven’t met him yet.
matthew is weird. he says so himself. thats ok because i am weird too. we know this because we like each other’s body odor. its better than deodorant, definitely
weird sound, in a weird life wearing a weird hairdo, weirdo. i think that the word weird isn’t at all a bad word, if anything weird is a compliment which is actually if you think in the context of the past would be weird.
Damnit! I thought it would give me a different word this time around! I got the same one. Looks like I need to waste more of my life by coming back here tomorrow just to write on another word. UGH. Goodnight!
Each more weird than the last.
I was chatting with quite a few weird strangers on earlier. You can meet some really interesting people, too, I guess. I met two people from Australia! No, three!
Omegled in Oxnard
It is so weird that i am writing here about the word weird
again weird? why always weird is there anything else you want me to type? hmmm I’m weird everybody is weird and I like it that way. We have to be so different and do all the things differently rather than doing it the same all the creative and weird!
there once was a man who had one eye and three noses. he was very eccentric. he could talk every language even backwards. he was in love.
This girl is so weird about everything she’s so bitter and vindictive. and i coulnd’t stand being with her. so weird!
flowers seem to be unsual. I dont understand why that came to my mind but it did. random association i suppose is what its about. i just cant seem to stop thinking about that sunflower that is taped to my door. mill pendola prayed for me for 30 some days straight which is very flattering.
This is stupidly weird, the tramp said. Then silence. Utterly deafening silence in the screaming daylight of that warm autumn afternoon. The tramp tramped off, never for me to see her again. And I never saw my car again either.
the first thing in the morning to the last thing at night
some people think i’m weird. i think i’m completely normal. basically, i think you have to have some weirdness to be “normal.”
where is the word i do not see it, well then i will just write about love, cause i think that s the most important in our lives.
where is the word i do not see it, well then i will just write about love, cause i think that s the most important in our lives.
my life is weird.. everything at one time is weird to me. this site is weird. i like weird. why am i doing this?
I find that I am weird. But I also find that you are weird as well. What is weird anyways? its just different. When one thing is different to one person then the other they consider it weird.
Psycho Kitty
This is one of my most favourite words…it has always defined most the things i go through or feel…if i cant define something with anything else i will say it is weird…
It’s weird the way things work out. You think you are going down one path and something else comes along. then when you do a business plan it all seems to happen by itself. I think people should do a business plan for their lives and maybe it would work out better.
Annabel Weir
I used to think that I was a weird misplaced person. Now I find I am just like everyone else. for there is no such thing as normal.We are all weird in our own way.Not normal weird.
Sarah Najera
Why are certain people called as ‘weirdos’ or concluded as weird people? Is it because of their different attitudes, their tastes, or is it just the fact that they do not think like others normally do? Weirdness is and awesomely different trait. When people know you are weird, you have all the advantages.
It is weird that I am writing this. Also, it is weird that all of the tards get piercings and tattoos all over their body. Don’t they how completely ridiculous they will look when they get older. sad
You talked to me. I replied. You said something. I made you laugh. I laughed with you. Then we were just laughing together. And… I didn’t want it to get weird and awkward, so I walked away. Let’s try that again?
what is it to think, feel, or be weird? communication will never fully explain the sensations of your body. what you feel could be exactly the same or astoundingly different from what someone else feels.
weird is a person that does not fit in with his crowd. weird is something you don’t understand. weird is scary, because it falls out of your patterns. weird challenges you to think. weird is not something you want to wake up in the morning with.
Weird is not an insult, it’s a compliment. It’s the one word that truly defines and connects us all. It is saying that an individual has the strength of heart and sense of self to not feel the need to mirror the behaviors and thoughts of others, but instead embraces all of their quirks and idiosyncrasies. They understand that those things are what define us. They’re what we will be remembered for. I would prefer to be remembered.
I already wrote about this word? Is it one word for the entire day? Maybe I didn’t write enough. I have tired of narrow minded insecure people who seek to critisize those who march to their own beat
no poetry knows the true place of wierd in thie brain. the whole fire is inside it and it knows that we are two rather than one. In wierd are a thousand hopeful dreams, a thousand religions and a thousand souls. In wierd are memories, forgotten, and identities erased or evaded. No finality to wierd, then, it is the culmination of absence.
I alreasy wrote about this word? Is it one word for the entire day? Maybe I didn’t write enough. I have tired of narrow minded insecure people who seek to critisize those who march to their own beat
i think that im weird. i dont really know how to act around people. and i think im just awkward. i dont know. i get really shakey in social situations, i blurt out things that dont make sense. im a nervous wreck pretty much, and theres nothing i can do about it. ive always been like that. but hey, thats what makes me, me. and i like it. ill take being weird over being normal anyday.
I have nothing to say about the word weird.
dark strange, fruity , cool mix, toffee, hair,
families, boys,
Many people see others who do not automatically conform to their exact social normas as wierd. I see those people as sheeple. Be who God created you to be.
i got this strange feeling when i saw you there, on the sidewalk.
i knew you didn’t want to see me, but it was the only reason you were here.
you still couldn’t break the old habit.
we talked, and i just couldn’t walk away.
we talked, and you wanted to stay.
It was so weird how the mirror kept going dark and then light over and over again. Sammy wanted to touch it but what she was afraid what might happen. She’d read far to many movies where things like this turned into scary adventures and that wasn’t for her.
Weird? Shit, weird is my exboyfriend and my current email correspondence. I mean, what is not weird about us discussing what my UTI feels like? And then I accidentally let it slip to my current boyfriend that my exbf, too, had a large penis. FAILSELF.
wake-up, brushing, breakfast etc.,
weird feeling that tomorrow will be exactly the same as today. If i could sing and risk being seen as weird i would could and might do it. It’s cold and weird if i were in the same car as him and had nothing to say, except I haven’t met him yet.
matthew is weird. he says so himself. thats ok because i am weird too. we know this because we like each other’s body odor. its better than deodorant, definitely
weird sound, in a weird life wearing a weird hairdo, weirdo. i think that the word weird isn’t at all a bad word, if anything weird is a compliment which is actually if you think in the context of the past would be weird.
Damnit! I thought it would give me a different word this time around! I got the same one. Looks like I need to waste more of my life by coming back here tomorrow just to write on another word. UGH. Goodnight!
I was chatting with quite a few weird strangers on earlier. You can meet some really interesting people, too, I guess. I met two people from Australia! No, three!
It is so weird that i am writing here about the word weird
again weird? why always weird is there anything else you want me to type? hmmm I’m weird everybody is weird and I like it that way. We have to be so different and do all the things differently rather than doing it the same all the creative and weird!
there once was a man who had one eye and three noses. he was very eccentric. he could talk every language even backwards. he was in love.
This girl is so weird about everything she’s so bitter and vindictive. and i coulnd’t stand being with her. so weird!
flowers seem to be unsual. I dont understand why that came to my mind but it did. random association i suppose is what its about. i just cant seem to stop thinking about that sunflower that is taped to my door. mill pendola prayed for me for 30 some days straight which is very flattering.
This is stupidly weird, the tramp said. Then silence. Utterly deafening silence in the screaming daylight of that warm autumn afternoon. The tramp tramped off, never for me to see her again. And I never saw my car again either.
the first thing in the morning to the last thing at night
some people think i’m weird. i think i’m completely normal. basically, i think you have to have some weirdness to be “normal.”
where is the word i do not see it, well then i will just write about love, cause i think that s the most important in our lives.
where is the word i do not see it, well then i will just write about love, cause i think that s the most important in our lives.
my life is weird.. everything at one time is weird to me. this site is weird. i like weird. why am i doing this?
I find that I am weird. But I also find that you are weird as well. What is weird anyways? its just different. When one thing is different to one person then the other they consider it weird.
This is one of my most favourite words…it has always defined most the things i go through or feel…if i cant define something with anything else i will say it is weird…
It’s weird the way things work out. You think you are going down one path and something else comes along. then when you do a business plan it all seems to happen by itself. I think people should do a business plan for their lives and maybe it would work out better.
I used to think that I was a weird misplaced person. Now I find I am just like everyone else. for there is no such thing as normal.We are all weird in our own way.Not normal weird.
Why are certain people called as ‘weirdos’ or concluded as weird people? Is it because of their different attitudes, their tastes, or is it just the fact that they do not think like others normally do? Weirdness is and awesomely different trait. When people know you are weird, you have all the advantages.
It is weird that I am writing this. Also, it is weird that all of the tards get piercings and tattoos all over their body. Don’t they how completely ridiculous they will look when they get older. sad
You talked to me. I replied. You said something. I made you laugh. I laughed with you. Then we were just laughing together. And… I didn’t want it to get weird and awkward, so I walked away. Let’s try that again?
what is it to think, feel, or be weird? communication will never fully explain the sensations of your body. what you feel could be exactly the same or astoundingly different from what someone else feels.
weird is a person that does not fit in with his crowd. weird is something you don’t understand. weird is scary, because it falls out of your patterns. weird challenges you to think. weird is not something you want to wake up in the morning with.
Weird is not an insult, it’s a compliment. It’s the one word that truly defines and connects us all. It is saying that an individual has the strength of heart and sense of self to not feel the need to mirror the behaviors and thoughts of others, but instead embraces all of their quirks and idiosyncrasies. They understand that those things are what define us. They’re what we will be remembered for. I would prefer to be remembered.
I already wrote about this word? Is it one word for the entire day? Maybe I didn’t write enough. I have tired of narrow minded insecure people who seek to critisize those who march to their own beat
no poetry knows the true place of wierd in thie brain. the whole fire is inside it and it knows that we are two rather than one. In wierd are a thousand hopeful dreams, a thousand religions and a thousand souls. In wierd are memories, forgotten, and identities erased or evaded. No finality to wierd, then, it is the culmination of absence.
I alreasy wrote about this word? Is it one word for the entire day? Maybe I didn’t write enough. I have tired of narrow minded insecure people who seek to critisize those who march to their own beat
i think that im weird. i dont really know how to act around people. and i think im just awkward. i dont know. i get really shakey in social situations, i blurt out things that dont make sense. im a nervous wreck pretty much, and theres nothing i can do about it. ive always been like that. but hey, thats what makes me, me. and i like it. ill take being weird over being normal anyday.
I have nothing to say about the word weird.
dark strange, fruity , cool mix, toffee, hair,
families, boys,
Many people see others who do not automatically conform to their exact social normas as wierd. I see those people as sheeple. Be who God created you to be.
i got this strange feeling when i saw you there, on the sidewalk.
i knew you didn’t want to see me, but it was the only reason you were here.
you still couldn’t break the old habit.
we talked, and i just couldn’t walk away.
we talked, and you wanted to stay.
It was so weird how the mirror kept going dark and then light over and over again. Sammy wanted to touch it but what she was afraid what might happen. She’d read far to many movies where things like this turned into scary adventures and that wasn’t for her.
Weird? Shit, weird is my exboyfriend and my current email correspondence. I mean, what is not weird about us discussing what my UTI feels like? And then I accidentally let it slip to my current boyfriend that my exbf, too, had a large penis. FAILSELF.