It could be the name of life. Wierd. You think ur in control but ur not. There is just a bunch, a cluster of ways that one may chose, only to get you to one place. A wierd feel of control in an uncontroable world
Weird Al Yanko is a funny guy. Writing those songs about amish and pie. Why oh why do I listen to him try.
thats weird
“That’s weird. I thought I left my cell phone in my pocket. I guess I didn’t.” Stacy shrugged and kept walking. “There’s nothing like a relaxing day away from technology anyway. I’m so glad it won’t be pestering me with all of its ringing.”
“Isn’t it weird?” she whispered in my ear. “Have you ever looked at your hands? They’re, like, sooo weird-looking.” She was obviously stoned out of her mind, but I didn’t say anything. This was the first time in weeks she had been so calm.
Weird words. That’s what the letter he held in his hand was full of. Words like “moving on,” and “incompatible,” and “new directions.” His hands shook slightly as he scanned each line, searching for words he used to see often – words like “love,” and “forever,” and “tomorrow.” Weird, they were missing.
How often
it’s weird that i think so much. makes my train of thought very weird, cuz i’d just come up with the most random things. how my mind works is just plain odd. i’m weird
Weird, but who defines normal?
How can we say what is weird and what is not in FACT form.
we can’t, when it comes down to it, weird is your own personal views and opinions. Some people might think transvestites are weird, however they do not see themselves as so. Point example.
poeple have always said i was wierd. Just because i was a tad different and see the world in a different light. does that make me weird? Make me not normal? Maybe the epople whos ee the world the same are the weird ones. Maybe I am the normal one ebcause I veiw the world in a different veiw. Maybe they are the oens who needs thier etye open,
what is weird to one person is perfectly normal to another. Weird really means its not what I would normally do, or its not what I was brought up to believe, its not how I think I should behave.
It was such a weird day, the clouds opened, hailstones as big as rocks fell form the sky; I got sokaed and feel into a gutter
in high school, they called me weird and i avoided it now i think that i wouldn’t be afraid to be called weird
Cee felt odd. He felt downright weird. Living for so long within a cage, he had forgotten what it felt like to have free will, to have decisions to make. He wasn’t entirely sure what he should do, but he knew he must do something. He had made the first step in his liberation. He had won his physical freedom, and how he must search for his destiny. He knew his true freedom lay down that very path. Still, he felt strange suddenly.
I have looked in the dictionary. Weird. Bizarre.. White, cold, sweet images evokes this word. What a weird machine in the ideas..
I do not know what do this word means. I am french. It make me think to a man with white hair. Not an old man, just around 50 years old.
Isabelle Jeanne
I like weird people for they are different and usually interesting, weird things are fun to think about as well. I like!
I’m weird. But it doesn’t matter. I also think we’re all weird anyway. But you and your quirks, antics, they might just be the reason why I love you.
every one is wired in this world .. mostly intelligent people ..some tines i think i am wired my self.
but how does one explain it or rate weirdness. i can be at different wave length ..some may match some may no
i have some weird friends. but they think i am the one ..
is weird begin different ..out of the ordinary
things that happens rear
eveyday i discover again how small i am .. at the same time .. how small the world is
Everyone’s weird. What is weird? And why do some people spell it “wierd”? It’s one of my biggest bugbears. Does that make me weird?
this girl in my off is really wierd, no manners.we all feel wierd in our lives sometimes or the
mason sloane is really fucking weird, seriously, that guy is neveeeeeeeer gonna get laid
sensationnally particular, though very special, astonish and lving through the trees, up ther watching or staring, annoying??
everything is just being off what is there that is normal, it is all getting out of hands, i wish things would not be labeled, why do people feel the need to do things in a societal way? it is just wrong! or is there a wrong or right?
ja g
i believe that wierd is just a matter of opinion , that being weird is standing out because if you are wierd then people notice you and that is the beauty of being different.
I am just a person who wishes he was weird weird like einstein or columbus or ghandi . this page is geeky
it was a tall order, this alabaster cove experiment went far beyond anything else ever asked of the “department” but then again, they were always rewriting the book on, well the book.
you’re a weirdo
i am weird. i think anyway, slightly strange in so many ways, but aren’t we all? weird is fun, i’d much rather be a weirdo than…well… not be a weirdo?
it’s weird.
you think you’re done with something then old feelings seem to rise up from nowhere. you know that it means nothing but it bothers you just a little.
how odd.
this website. I think it’s weird that I dislike so many people in my fall and whenever I see the word weird I think wired. I don’t know why, maybe because the guy from the Italian Job wants to be on Wired so bad and he’s kinda weird. I think weird is a compliment. one of the highest actually =]
da situation i am in now…
or i am often in…
but i think it i would find it wierder if it happened to somebidy else
It could be the name of life. Wierd. You think ur in control but ur not. There is just a bunch, a cluster of ways that one may chose, only to get you to one place. A wierd feel of control in an uncontroable world
Weird Al Yanko is a funny guy. Writing those songs about amish and pie. Why oh why do I listen to him try.
thats weird
“That’s weird. I thought I left my cell phone in my pocket. I guess I didn’t.” Stacy shrugged and kept walking. “There’s nothing like a relaxing day away from technology anyway. I’m so glad it won’t be pestering me with all of its ringing.”
Unique, rare. Missing numbers, un-digestable thoughts, infinity, finity, existance beyond the material, language, chaos, nature.
“Isn’t it weird?” she whispered in my ear. “Have you ever looked at your hands? They’re, like, sooo weird-looking.” She was obviously stoned out of her mind, but I didn’t say anything. This was the first time in weeks she had been so calm.
Weird words. That’s what the letter he held in his hand was full of. Words like “moving on,” and “incompatible,” and “new directions.” His hands shook slightly as he scanned each line, searching for words he used to see often – words like “love,” and “forever,” and “tomorrow.” Weird, they were missing.
How often
it’s weird that i think so much. makes my train of thought very weird, cuz i’d just come up with the most random things. how my mind works is just plain odd. i’m weird
Weird, but who defines normal?
How can we say what is weird and what is not in FACT form.
we can’t, when it comes down to it, weird is your own personal views and opinions. Some people might think transvestites are weird, however they do not see themselves as so. Point example.
poeple have always said i was wierd. Just because i was a tad different and see the world in a different light. does that make me weird? Make me not normal? Maybe the epople whos ee the world the same are the weird ones. Maybe I am the normal one ebcause I veiw the world in a different veiw. Maybe they are the oens who needs thier etye open,
what is weird to one person is perfectly normal to another. Weird really means its not what I would normally do, or its not what I was brought up to believe, its not how I think I should behave.
It was such a weird day, the clouds opened, hailstones as big as rocks fell form the sky; I got sokaed and feel into a gutter
in high school, they called me weird and i avoided it now i think that i wouldn’t be afraid to be called weird
Cee felt odd. He felt downright weird. Living for so long within a cage, he had forgotten what it felt like to have free will, to have decisions to make. He wasn’t entirely sure what he should do, but he knew he must do something. He had made the first step in his liberation. He had won his physical freedom, and how he must search for his destiny. He knew his true freedom lay down that very path. Still, he felt strange suddenly.
I have looked in the dictionary. Weird. Bizarre.. White, cold, sweet images evokes this word. What a weird machine in the ideas..
I do not know what do this word means. I am french. It make me think to a man with white hair. Not an old man, just around 50 years old.
I like weird people for they are different and usually interesting, weird things are fun to think about as well. I like!
I’m weird. But it doesn’t matter. I also think we’re all weird anyway. But you and your quirks, antics, they might just be the reason why I love you.
every one is wired in this world .. mostly intelligent people ..some tines i think i am wired my self.
but how does one explain it or rate weirdness. i can be at different wave length ..some may match some may no
i have some weird friends. but they think i am the one ..
is weird begin different ..out of the ordinary
things that happens rear
eveyday i discover again how small i am .. at the same time .. how small the world is
Everyone’s weird. What is weird? And why do some people spell it “wierd”? It’s one of my biggest bugbears. Does that make me weird?
this girl in my off is really wierd, no manners.we all feel wierd in our lives sometimes or the
mason sloane is really fucking weird, seriously, that guy is neveeeeeeeer gonna get laid
sensationnally particular, though very special, astonish and lving through the trees, up ther watching or staring, annoying??
everything is just being off what is there that is normal, it is all getting out of hands, i wish things would not be labeled, why do people feel the need to do things in a societal way? it is just wrong! or is there a wrong or right?
ja g
i believe that wierd is just a matter of opinion , that being weird is standing out because if you are wierd then people notice you and that is the beauty of being different.
I am just a person who wishes he was weird weird like einstein or columbus or ghandi . this page is geeky
it was a tall order, this alabaster cove experiment went far beyond anything else ever asked of the “department” but then again, they were always rewriting the book on, well the book.
you’re a weirdo
i am weird. i think anyway, slightly strange in so many ways, but aren’t we all? weird is fun, i’d much rather be a weirdo than…well… not be a weirdo?
it’s weird.
you think you’re done with something then old feelings seem to rise up from nowhere. you know that it means nothing but it bothers you just a little.
how odd.
this website. I think it’s weird that I dislike so many people in my fall and whenever I see the word weird I think wired. I don’t know why, maybe because the guy from the Italian Job wants to be on Wired so bad and he’s kinda weird. I think weird is a compliment. one of the highest actually =]
da situation i am in now…
or i am often in…
but i think it i would find it wierder if it happened to somebidy else
morning activities
wake-up, brushing, breakfast etc.,