
November 17th, 2009 | 328 Entries

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328 Entries for “weird”

  1. “If you could take an adjective, wrap it up and tie a bow around the box and present it to your weirdness as a gift, what adjective would it be?”

  2. suck et just inoin jeste da malo sutra sta da radim kako je neko cudan ???

  3. this weird feeling how i’m feeling… i want it to go, leave me alone but it won’t get out of my head… weird, how this happens, this weird feeling of weirdness in my head!

  4. this website.

  5. She crinkled her nose. “You’re so weird.”
    He smiled at this and tucked some stray hair behind her ear. “I love you too.”

  6. this webs site is weird but agood idea and its is sort of addickting and weird

  7. Some people call me weird. But I don’t care. You see, they don’t know what I know. If they did theyy would be running for cover. Just wait, after it happens we will see who is weird and who is not.

    Mr. Mitch
  8. Isn’t it weird? She thought to herself. All this time I’ve been saving the little tops from each bottle of beer I’ve consumed and now suddenly they are missing? I can’t figure out where they’ve gone. I doubt someone stole them…why would they? That is just bizarre. Hum…I was going to make new fashion items out of them…but not anymore. I have lost my beer bottle top collection!! Blast you, world!

  9. The weirdness of it scared him. The monster advanced closer and closer to him and all he could think of was how weird it was. Not how he was supposed to defend himself but how weird it was. It was covered in leaves, red and yellow and on the top of its head was a little grenn hat…

  10. This is weird. This is very weird. How did I get here? And how do I get out? The last thing I remember was standing at the door of your place, hoping for the kiss goodnight.

    Heather Marie
  11. Such a weird exercise. This is my first time one-wording. Impulses can be weird.

  12. Sit here. Nothing much.

  13. How weird is it that my fiery spirit dancer is not grooving. Weird is as weird be.

  14. Everybody is a little weird. There is no normal person among us. We all have different likes and dislikes, but we still are all weird. The whole world is quite weird too. Is being weird the goal with our lives?

  15. the thing about ‘weird’ is that it’s not a word that any one likes. It’s most always a negative thing. As you get older you like the word less. As a kid, it’s a compliment, as an adult, an insult. It’s a shame.

    Marlowe Canning
  16. that’s really weird. That’s also my favorite word. That is bacause I have nothing else to say. Weird!

  17. i like weird people.
    i prefer weird than absoulute normal and understandable. creep, absurd – it diversifies our life.

  18. Weird in only a perception. NOT an opinion not based on truth.

  19. it’s weird that this word would be weird. what is weird? in my opinion, the people sitting next to me right now are weird. but who am i to judge? i evaluate everything. that’s weird, right? im sure the fact that im typing this makes me weirder than they are. hmm… weird.

  20. he as irritated.that much i could tell.the inability to be social got on his nerves,but nobody had commented on that.until now.

  21. Weird…one of those words that can have so much meaning behind it. With a giggle it can be a compliment, eyeroll: a dismissal. A snarl and you have been degraded…weird.

  22. I don’t like the word “weird” because it has a negative connotation. I think that we are all “weird” in our own little ways.

  23. i told you i dont fucking want to write about you weird people! stop stalking me like a tomatoe red ketchup car that never ever stops driving! you are a pain in the ass!

  24. when im weird im only around my frends . its not easy to be weird, because you do not know what people think of you then, when im around my friends i just act weird all the time. its

  25. isn’t life weird…it seems no one very few people end up being what they had planned in i never planned on being a custodian for a career. I was going to be a teacher and i was a daycare teacher for 7 yrs,but they didn’t have benifits and we all know you have to have those,esp if u have kids or health problems of your own.
    not to mention the fact that I am now a two time divorcee…sounds horrible doesn’t it? I used to believe in fairy tales…happily ever after and all that…we have all seen the rare marriage that last a lifetime,but I wonder if its truly love or just complacency. I don’t know any more I do know that there is love that last forever . the love of god,the love of my parents,kids and grandkids,siblings,and some very dear friends.

    mary ann vanduzen
  26. This is what I think of those who insist on going well below the speed limit when they could safely go a lot faster. Though I can think of some far more derogitory words to use as well!

    Promotional Pens
  27. Weird! LOL…this makes me laugh. My first AOL screen name had the word weird in it and I remember my friends used to make fun of me because I spelled it wrong. Wierd I think is how I put it. Now if I could only remember the whole name…I think it was something like wierdgirl69…can’t remember.
  28. i’m weird
    but am i weird?

    the world looks at me from above
    because they’re more numerous

    and because they’re stronger

    but maybe i’m not weird. Maybe i’m just me?
    and maybe it’s all those out there who are weird

    and me who is not
    but who would know?

    Nobody would.

    Julia Perez
  29. d

  30. the idea of writing this in front of the class is weird. it makes me nervous.

  31. it’s weird that i’m always learning who i am. yet, i’m not sure i’ll ever fully know. isn’t who i am constantly evolving? i change according to who i’m surrounded by or what choices i make…perhaps i’m really have no one personality at all.

  32. Somethings in nature just look weird. Mushrooms, moss, worms,etc.

    Chris G
  33. funny
    weird hairdo
    sneezing loudly

  34. Weird is a word in the dictionary. People use it to expres other people they do not like.

  35. It’s kinda funny how weird the world can be. However, why is the word weird usually seen in a negative light? Without weird, the world would be a very, very dull place. Weird is different. Weird shakes it up. Kudos to weird!

  36. the little boy is weird said his sister. i like to think of him as a brother

  37. this is life,
    this is words,
    this is heartbreak,
    this is riding into
    the morning on a cell
    phone and clinging to
    my own imaginary ending
    that I have carefully
    mapped out — this is

  38. man, this has been a strange day, I don’t know what else to say. I wish I would have sat in some hay on this strange blustery day. A cow came and licked my face. A kitten climbed my leg. I wish I could have gone away on this strange blustery day. Weird day today.

    Tyrone Biggums
  39. People always thought I was weird as a child. Although, I think that’s actually a pretty normal feeling. Lonely child, feels like they don’t belong. Not like everyone else. Weird. That’s how I always felt. Still kind of do. But I’m okay with that though, I don’t think it’s always a negative thing.

  40. After 25 years you would think I could grow a new persona, more polished, refined, maybe even interesting. But after coming home from a blind date, I overheard him refer to me as weird.
