
November 17th, 2009 | 328 Entries

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328 Entries for “weird”

  1. Well, this is weird. What will I write about the word “weird”. It’s a weird day? It’s a weird outfit? I know, a weird thing happened to me today!

  2. What a weird little cavity she was, sitting in her usual seat on the back of the bus, sucking her thumb although she was really far too old to still be sucking her thumb and everyone knew it. So syruppy sweet was her little voice, it almost shamed the boys and girls who threw her dirty looks and sometimes dirty popcorn, made her an ache in the back of their incisors, something they couldn’t understand and couldn’t get rid of.

  3. It was a thing he always found to be the most unusual part of himself.

    There were times where he felt like two different people. The one he showed the world was the largely sanitised version of himself.

    The other was true dark heart of his being, the dragon, the part that people didn’t talk about in polite company.

    It was always a weird feeling to want to choose the latter as the default.

    Sir -
  4. weird. yes, i am weird. but i don’t deny it and i’m not ashamed of it either. i look at it as a good thing because i don’t want to be considered ordinary….ever. weird is beautiful!

  5. it is so wierd when people just start ambling off about everything, making you forget what you were
    even talking about in the first place , the color of your clothes, the sky, anything, really, to the point that if the fish are deep down in the sea, the volcanoes still erupt, and do you even remember what I was talking about in the first place?

    Doug Hewey
  6. weird is a relative standard, i know many who proclaim themselves weird and are hardly at all. i just wish to break for this double standard.

  7. strange, something that is out of the ordinary, something you don’t hear often or sounds strange when heard, a nintey old woman as a model, something you don’t see every day,

    kathryn Jones
  8. “It’s weird, you know, how none of the information that we’re looking for is coming up on the scanner,” said Farr, fiddling with the contraption’s tuning dial. “You’d think more people would notice dimembered bodies.”

    “Maybe there aren’t any bodies at all,” Ena pointed out.

  9. I am exactly this. I have been told time and time again. I take pleasure in knowing I am weird because it allows me to see the world as it really is.

  10. weird is me. weird is everyone at some way. weird is the world. no one can truly know one person.

  11. Wyrd…fate… three sisters

  12. and the way you stare at me –
    like you’re trying to peak inside –
    while i’m just hoping you won’t see.
    and i know i’ve lied,
    and i know i don’t speak much,
    and i know i’m strange,
    and i know i have a weak crutch,
    but it’s all arranged
    to make sure you haven’t disappeared,
    even though i know you want to because i’m weird.

  13. I set the microwave for twenty seconds. I place the Tupperware on the tray table, push start, and watch it spin.

    I’m microwaving Mountain Dew Code Red. I’m going to make plaster with it.

  14. kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle kyle

  15. my ex boyfriend….never know what he is going to do next.

  16. i am so wierd everything i do is wierd i like the word wierd wierd has 5 letters wired i like being wierd i ear wierd when i think wierd i think chelsea i like being wierd i eat wierd i sleep wierd i talk wierd lauren and allie are wierd wierd wierd

  17. weird is weird. When i think weird. i THINK allie. When i think weird i think big foot. (allie) haha When i think weird i think of allie farting and picking her nose .

  18. This school is weird
    I am weird
    the state of Maine is Weird

  19. That is me and me so totaly me and all of my friends My friends relize how weird I am and they still hang out with me. lol

  20. odd not normal some thing funny oddball stuff this stuff ok i di

  21. goofy .not normal strange new different

  22. weird is weird. When i think weird. i THINK allie. When i think weird i think big foot. (allie) haha When i think weird i think of allie farting and picking her nose

  23. oh please. like this word is supposed to make an impact anymore. watered down, overused and underappreciated. yeah. you heard me right. too many people call themselves weird now. that whole empowered anti-cool coolness type bullshit. get a new angle.

  24. It was weird. The hippo took another look along the riverbank and blinked. There it went again. A flashing red light, fading to orange, zooming one way then another at dizzying speed. What could it be? thought he.

  25. man its so weird how people think life is complicated. life is simple. There are rules and if we follow them, most things will turn out okay, of course there are exceptions and weird things happen in life. But we didn’t make the rules, we just have to follow them, weird isn’t it :-).

  26. weird

  27. I think there are those who are weird for weird’s sake and then those who are plain weird. I made a vow to myself after high school to not work on outward weirdness, like dress or hair or speech; rather to cultivate my inner freak. Now I’m in a quandry because, from the looks of me, everyone thinks I’m normal.

    Leslie Cook
  28. i draw this. and i draw a blank.
    things that speak too much, speak silence when you really don’t want them to.
    and i really don’t want you to.
    i really want you to…

    for just a moment.

  29. Weird is what they call me, Weird is what I call myself.. They call me weird because I dodge wealth.. I call them weird because they pursue it.

  30. My sister says she hates the word weird, but she uses it so freely. I think it must be only when it is being applied to her, does she hate the word. However, it is the perfect word to describe her. Weird, not bad, not different,just weird.

    Tricia Honea
  31. one person’s weird is another person’s normal. In Ohio I would never have a soy-latte while in CA that is the one of the best morning drinks ever.

  32. What does it mean to be weird?
    Is reading comic books weird?
    Is wearing makeup weird?
    Is walking down the street weird?
    I can think of no word more subjective than the word weird.

  33. A weird, so funky and weird. What is weird besides a contradiction to the “i before e” rule? It’s all relative.

  34. hes a weird guy

  35. Weird, I get call weird all the time…. Alanna your weird… it is almost music to my ears. Weird though, to me use to be seen as a bad thing, now I see it as a compliment. I don’t want to be average. Normal. a clone I like being weird. don’t you?

  36. freak. half of the cake was still in the pan. What came out was just a weird mix of things.

  37. strange aliens abnormal staring nerd acting abnormal making noises looks deformed

    Megan Bowman
  38. it was weird, she had never really seen anything like these endless rooftops, endless. streaming on word and out word into infitity she was starteled at their vastness, but still had a goal, a place she was expected and needed to be, thinking would only slow her down, so she pushed the thought from her mind.

  39. strange aliens abnormal staring nerd acting abnormal making noises looks deformed

    Megan Bowman
  40. It’s weird the way I can’t think of anything else. I’ll be in the middle of dinner and then, suddenly, “tentacles.” Out of nowhere. And I’m not even eating anything remotely like calamari.
