
April 21st, 2009 | 242 Entries

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242 Entries for “when”

  1. when?
    this word again?
    I liked this game the first time
    I decided to play again
    Why does it have to be when?
    I told you, it was the word of the day!
    Oh the irony!
    It’s always “When!”
    I’ll try again,

    brittany heber
  2. when do I get there
    when is it going to happen
    when is the word
    the question of the day
    always wondering…

    brittany heber
  3. When was the last time she saw him. She thought it was when he left her on the subway. Or manybe it was when he walked by her house the other day. She couldn’t remember when. All she could remember was that she wished that when was right now, and that he would love her once again.

    Kali Namir
  4. i was hoping that when I went to school I would have many friends and i did sot that made me really happy. I wonder when my next assignment will be i hope not soon, when I want to rest. I only react when I hear the word to be near someone is when you are feeling happy

  5. When we were youger everything was so much easier. And then we grew up. And Now we’re here. And WE’re No longer living in delusions. Instead we’re making names for ouselves. And we’re getting knocked down. But we’re getting back up. And we throw the caution to the wind.

    kayleen scott
  6. when dreams are free to fly in winter and doves belong under the hawks strong wings then love will float above dreamers diamond desktops and frightend children will come out to play.

    Victoria Talbot
  7. when i was little i had a ballon and a tree was there and natalie is standing nex tto me and then when i went to the shop i bought a chocollate bar and it was called sally then i held a rabbit in my eyes and then when i tilted it to one side many people smiled at me and said hello. bye bye, hello! zombies! music, dancing, fun times, water fight and lemonade! do i keep going?

  8. shall i go? what time, when i was young. what who why soon later maybe im not sure. in the future consequences past present

  9. When we stopped talking I knew that everything was about to fall apart. I missed the intruding feeling I felt in my side when I met you and when that feeling left, I knew you did too. It was fleeting. It was uplifting. When it happened I felt like we were never ending.When it didn’t any longer I loved the saddness that accompanied its absence. Loving you is a blessing and a curse. Without out it I’m empty and with it, I’m far too happy to stay that way.

  10. when you dance youre like an angel, that makes me flow an be happy, and se the world in pretty colors because you are everything that ive dream for

  11. When you loved me once, I was young. You were tragic, like tear drops, and I was bright like a penny and when you loved me, we were happy.

  12. when is funny question. when will you be here? when can we be friends agaian? the answer is well you can never know for sure when it comes to when. i know that ive been asked when ten thousand times in my life and everytime i can never come up with a good answer because i never know the answer, when

    nic elliott
  13. when you swept by, your smell trailing an old story, my attentiona was caught. I think perhaps you and I could find a place to belong beyond details of the morning ironing and breakfast for the kids.

  14. when I was little I thought that the world is a playground..but now, as I grow up, I understood that we are just living on the top of an ice-cream.

  15. when what? Thats what well say when they ask. Oh yeah. ggo dida. Okay lets say it. Open the oor to the third floor room and go left.

  16. when i was a young boy i played in the sand outside my parent’s house.

    we buried toys in the sand. now my parents have built a deck over the sand box.

    i’ll never see those toys again.

    jonathon franks
  17. when will happen, all the shit of a sudden? that pink haired girl, i saw her yesterday on main st..
    so now? i falled in love. like some others. like wild gettin passion from all and everyone and thats

  18. When I was little, I always thought I’d be somebody special.

  19. it reminds me of a place in time when there was no trouble and people loved the earth and each other. with butterflies and birds and fairies and pretty things. like green flowers and orange birds. when, when. way back when. when things were good and everything was right. and flowers bloomed and everything was good.

  20. When when when when
    Godammit why can’t I make this word
    Lose its meaning to me
    When when when when
    Its still full of anxiousness
    And all too real
    When when when when when

  21. When I was a boy I love, O how deeply I loved. She was beautiful, but that was when I was young. Now she seems to hate me each day

  22. why is college necessary? why am i being pigeonholed into something i dont want to do just because i cant do anything else… whats so bad about vocational school? why is that such a negative thing

  23. when I was young. I wanted to become a doctor. But something perplexed me. A pastor preached his words and I as I was watching him convincing others… I understand his good intention behind all o

  24. the word of the moment, the bridge,the door. the movement from one state to the next. the word of connection, one time with another.

  25. when I was a child, I wanted to write. I bought a pad of paper and felt excited at all the blank lines, just waiting to become. Now I look at the blank lines and wonder, will I ever be good enough? Will I ever stop worrying? When I write, I want to do the best that I can, and I can’t seem to get away from the Editor on the Shoulder. I’m never good enough. When will I feel the confidence?

    Starr* R
  26. when will it happen? when will it all start? it seems i’ve been waiting an awful long time for it to happen. when will i get it through my head that when will probably never come. when is a good question that really doesn’t seem to have an answer. when.

  27. When I look at you I want to throw up. When I see pictures of you, I want to rip them and burn them like a vampire in Twilight. When I think of your existence in my world I feel small and angry and I want to punch you until your eyes are black and your nose is bloody. When I think of my contempt for you I realize that I am an awful person.

  28. When i wa younger I did not have a father. During that time i felt like I was alone in the world. Why did you leave me in a time WHEN i needed you most. Why couldn’t you have been there in the most important part of my life. you meant everything to me.

    Candice Sasyniuk
  29. When, O Lord, is the question you must be sick of hearing from me. Or so I imagine, because I’m certainly sick of asking it. When, and when, and when!? When can I expect to receive the desires of my heart? And you know what I mean by desire – I mean that tall drink of water who likes me back, who picks me. When, O Lord, will someone pick me? I keep waiting, and wondering, when?

  30. will i see you again little one. My dearest thoughts go out tor you just not to reach you in time, because airmail is still slower than I am back

  31. When I went to Russia, I was in a large room on a Saturday night. A queen had arrived and was speaking to us in English. A small Hispanic man translated. As she walked from room to room, the people began to clap, louder and louder,in unison. The applause became a wind, ruffling my hair behind my ears. I smiled. I was in Russia and there was more than enough vodka for everyone.

  32. When means something That is a certian time. when I go to school I like to play with my friends and when class starts its always a go time to get setteled in. When I go to soccer games its always fun to watch people play soccer. WHEN I like to play outside I like to play Base ball. When I play outside I like to play soccer and basketball to. When is when something is going to Happen

  33. One day when the parrot was shrieking, the boy was just about fed up. He went over to the cage to give it a good shake when he realized something was odd about the bird today. It had changed color! This had never happened before and he wondered what had caused it. He took the bird out of the cage and held it close.

    Anna Britt
  34. wenn ich einmal alt bin, möchte ich zufrieden auf mein Leben zurückblicken. Die zeiten, in denen ich für anderen gelebt habe und auch auf die zeiten in denen ich für mich gelebt habe. glücklich sein, was heisst es eigentlich, für andere oder für sich selbst in jeder situation kann man das grosse und das kleine glück finden, denn alles im leben ist sinnvoll, auch wenn der augenblick nicht so erscheint, aber im nachhinein kann man es sehen.

    miss c
  35. If you had asked me when was the last time I tasted this kind of crap in a dish, its never.

  36. Oh, me, oh, my. When, oh, when will my knight in shining armor appear? I have been waiting oh so patiently for him to show, but no such luck!

    Amy Max
  37. when i think about what i want to do, i usually dither. sometimes, i worry about how i’m going to do some, sometimes I worry about why. it often comes to the point where I worry less about the hows and the whys, and become concerned about

    Christina M. Sayson
  38. I didn’t know exactly when it happened. We’d been married for… oh, I think about sixteen years at that point, and we hadn’t spoken to each other in days. It took me a week to realize that she had moved out of the house. The thing that made me realize that she was gone was that I no longer heard the quiet strains of classical music from her side of the house.

  39. i see you, i fall in love with you. when i tell you i love i will mean it. IUntill then, just go on knowing that i do feel this way, even if i can’t bring myself to physically say it aloud to you, i can still feel it. I’m just too damn scared to say it to you. I promise you, i love you.

    Alex Kromer
  40. When he looked down at her, he saw his own pitiful reflection in her eyes and sighed. He turned away, unable to watch himself fall apart anymore. She pressed harder against him.
    “What’s wrong?”
    “You wouldn’t understand.”
    When they first met, he’d tell her everything. And now they hardly even spoke.
    “What’s wrong?” she repeated.
    “I doesn’t matter.”
    He didn’t like lying to her. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t stop.
