
January 14th, 2011 | 323 Entries

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323 Entries for “whim”

  1. in any direction without a care in the world. Time flows and breathes past you effortlessly. Kissing a beauty on the cheek and then the forehead, feeling the breath on your skin watching her hair slow down time.

  2. Twas only a whim, I knew. It wasn’t much- who could have.. Would have wanted it in the first place? Who could have known about my simple wish? It was nothing to the outside world, but to me, it was my entire universe. It was my soul mate, my lover. My one and only, my everything.

    … It was my Playstation 3. And how I missed it here in this dull, dreary university dorm.


  3. thought unhinged, like some sort of drain of the brain. Winds taking with hands held but not pushed or forced. Lackadaisical, just enjoyed, like fruit.

    tony bannach
  4. On a whim I decided to through cation to the wind and tell her how I felt. I had no idea how she’d react, and a part still wishes that I didn’t know. Sigh, I guess that I’m going to have to wait for th right woman to accept me and love me as I am. Though, I fear that with my time growing even shorter each day, I’m going to have to wait until the next time around. Who knows, maybe next time I won’t be sick, or maybe if I am sick, I’ll at least be male.

  5. What does whim mean? I know whin, is when you say a lot of things, and whimp which means you are not very strong. So I guess a whimp that whines would be a whimmer. Hahaha I am inventing so much words. I hope I can just whim this. If I wanted to whim, I could whim all down, and people would whim back at me. Funny.

  6. Everything in my life seems to be done on a whim. I always think to myself, once it’s over that is, “Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time.” Sometimes it WAS a good idea…sometimes it’s a shitty one. I think that things done like this can lead to the most rewarding experiences in your life. Wow……..I’ve seen the country so far. EUROPE NEXT

  7. Whim. To whim is to…
    What does that matter.
    Whim could be anything really.
    I whimmed as he discarded my thoughts.
    I thought I saw a whim, but it was just my shadow.
    I lost all traces of whim as my mind depleted.
    You see, words are just human-made things.
    Emotions, they’re something else.
    They’re something special.

  8. As I step into my twenties
    mom gives in to all my whims and fancies,
    from a fancy (read super expensive) coat to a bunch of fresh daisies
    and white and pink lilies,
    and cookies and brownies.
    They ask her to reason, to set boundaries
    but she says its only a few years ‘until she finds the right one and marries
    carrying with her, my heart and all these sweet memories.

  9. I live on whims. It was a whim when I grabbed my coffee this morning. It was on a whim that I chose my outfit, and when I went out to the Castro. It was on a whim when I decided to “date” you. Whim’s are whimsical.

  10. Whims are something that affect our daily lives. People can choose to visit friends, go shopping, or even kill, on a whim. Actually, the impulses that whims encompass are pretty damn powerful if you think about it. Huh…

  11. My eyes are burning I’m so tired. This hardly seems like anything useful. It bothers me when people put too much emphasis on the h in wh- word such as white, whip and whim.

  12. On a whim she ran out the door, hopped into her car, and drove. She didn’t know where she was headed but she didn’t care. Just as long as it was far away from the pain and the stress.She felt free as she drove she wanted as far away as possible. She was going where ever the road was going to take her. No real plans except to stay in hotel rooms and work random jobs when she ran out of cash to support her. Oh, and not get caught running away from home. That was her only fear was being caught.

  13. it has been only a few weeks and i am already feeling like nothing can hold me back . i love him. what is this emotion that i have taken so lightly? As if on a whim, he has caught ahold of my heart, broken down this wall or depression and caressed my body so tenderly

  14. On a whim, Elvin put on his skinniest red corset and tore through the streets of New York City’s midtown textile district. His false breasts strained against the corset’s boning and the lacing held on like a psychotic cat before bath time.The little flesh pendulum between his legs, with which which God had graced him, swung and jiggled in an oblong spiral. The people on the street continued to be people on the street.

  15. Taking a walk in the night on a whim, stopping on a hillside just because. Sitting in the grass, staring off into the ever-deep sky, looking for a reason worth explaining.

  16. Only on a whim
    did I brush her hair back
    And caress her face;
    breathed on her white skin
    let my eyelashes mingle
    with hers
    Only just on a whim
    but it fulfilled the promise
    of forever
    for us.

    Noir Schist
  17. I am sitting here without a thought, without a trace of emotion that i can place with a feeling. Just a head full of empty theories about how i got here. What could have been?

  18. I don’t do anything on a whim anymore.

  19. it all happened on a whim

  20. Claire got her ears pierced on a whim one afternoon. She’d been walking in the city and just so happened to pass a tattoo parlor that advertised all sorts of piercings. What seemed like a coincidence afterward felt more like a sign that she was meant to go inside the shop at the time.

  21. one morning, i wok up and decided, You know what? I don’t need to do anything to day. So I put some reasonable clothes on, walked out the front door, and I just went. and I went and I went and I went. and when I got back, I had no idea where I had been, but it was the best day I had had in a very long time

  22. funny whimsical fairy faerie whim flitty light merry spontneous fluttery flighty idea cheey upifting cute tree forest wit

  23. i wish whim could be a good thing. people are always saying whim like whenever you do things on a whim, they are usually amazing. what if it was just the opposite. well, it feels like that for me anyways. it feels like everything i do is on a whim, and not because i choose to. it never turns out good never the less.

  24. On a whim I would like to travel around the world. Whims are things other people have, which you should never obey! A whim is 3 letters short of a whimper.

  25. What a whimsical day today was today. I went out on a whim and talked to complete strangers. I felt such exhilaration, not only talking to strangers but using the word whim. It makes me feel complete inside, because not many people use whim.

  26. and what a whim i find What a whim i find on the floor, on the ceiling, on the walls, and in the air. For indeed, we are coated in a thick felt layer of whims. We swim in them, bathe in them, and dry ourselves with whims. we do not, however, always let these substances guide ourselves.

  27. On a whim I write this passage, not knowing exactly what my mind is thinking as it happens to be 3 in the morning and I’m aimlessly browsing StumbleUpon. Oh well. Perhaps this will tire my brain enough for me to finally fall asleep. Sleep is highly underrated, in my personal opinion.


  28. on a whim is when i decide to purchase a big-ticket item and try to convince myself for the next month or two that the item was actually worth it (by constantly obsessing over it).

  29. Whimsical feelings come over me when I’ve had a lot of sugar. Silly whim, impulsive, no more cookies for me.

  30. On a whim I texted you. I planned not to, but then , last minute I did. Something cosmic happened and your response was perfect.

  31. whimsical life. whimsical words. never thought it out. should’ve contemplated what i was doing- i wouldn’t be living this disaster. it’s a shame.

  32. It was on a whim that she took the bus that she normally did not take. The one that travelled along the coast and dropped her off at the quaint little town that she was at now, far in the distance she could hear the calls of seagulls and the waves crashing into the shore.

  33. living on a whim. grasping the life ahead of you without thinking. a wisp of life and all it has. magic fantasmic journeys can be brought to you on whim. it is the crisp air and invisible thing fluttering above you when you just feel happy. like flight on a bird, it is is liberating and awe-inspiring.

    Patricia Murphy
  34. ..whim…whim…i dont even know what it is. im just going to guess it means something like wit. so wit is being clever. and clever is when your really…clever :P im bad with definitions. i wish i was clever. i cant think of good comebacks or jokes until way after the situation passes. and when i watch golden girls and sophia cracks jokes so fast i just wish i could do that. watch whim not mean anything close to that :P

  35. I usually throw caution to the wind, but only recently have I learned how to dodge it as it flies back at my face.

  36. The decisions I make in life. I don’t thinkabout anything for too long before the anxiety takes over. it HAS to be this way, on a whim. Life happens tht fast and i really don’t think there’s any sense in wasting my precious time not living on that whim. There’s no point in not doing what your heart says right now.

  37. On a whim spur of the moment no time to think all cliches but accurate to a tee it means living in the moment not always the best decision but sometimes necessary

    Joey Adams
  38. on a whim they danced through the streets
    surrounded by the spanish guitar music filling the damp air
    music notes seemingly hanging on the floating moisture
    whims of flowing and singing and moving.
    filling a whim of only each other.

  39. On a whim i decided to try this little adventure. Being sick and bored, I thought, “Why not?” As it turns out its a bit more difficult than i expected. Not so much writing really as… thinking onto a screen. Perhaps that is the point.

  40. my whim was to go and say hi to him. as i was thinking abot this he tunred and looked at me and my anger faded away. i looked in those memerzing eyes and my whim was to hug him and never let him go.