
June 9th, 2024 | 2 Entries

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2 Entries for “whirlwind”

  1. Everything was happening too fast, each scene spinning by in a blur as if a memory drug up from the grave. Things he wasn’t supposed to know, yet now did, all of which he wished he’d never learned. They promised no secrets between each other, yet now he knew why it was all kept from them.

  2. When I am cleaning, or more accurately, tidying up, you cannot tell. It looks like a whirlwind swept through because now everything is on the floor because I have to see it all to know what I have and organize it. It’s thrilling at the beginning, overwhelming in the middle but I know it’s going to be better. I just found out I have 5 rolls of scotch tape. Why? I don’t know. Also, I have a lot of markers. I need to use markers more. It’s overwhelming but also reassuring because I don’t have to be so scared, because I have more than I thought I had.