The width of the world… who really knows? Not the Earth-world, I mean the universe, the extent of reality as we know it. There are no boundaries that we know of which means that the human experience has not yet seen it’s end.
Girth. It’s all about being a fat piece of shit, man. You’re fat. I’m fat. We’re all fat with something…fat with knowledge, fat with creativity, fat with semen (namely the whores). It’s okay to be fat, baby.
many wide steps along the curvy white balcony ascending into the spring gardens in which many a young maiden has lost her prickled rose. the white unicorns come here to die and little girls
it was tight and uncomfortable. neither you nor i would want to be in a position like theirs.
but they were happy.
they were all together and that was enough.
the width of that small little bed was just right to accommodate all of them.
it was tight. it was uncomfortable. but there was also warmth. there was thankfulness. there was love. there was family.
width is the strange bedfellow of length. They can’t seem to do without one another, a “Width, can’t live with them can’t kill them” sort of thing from the perspevtive of length. Maybe one day they will have a baby and name her girth.
width is the strange bedfellow of length. They can’t seem to do without one another, a “Width, can’t live with them can’t kill them” sort of thing from the perspevtive of length. Maybe one day they will have a baby and name her girth.
this is different to height but why? don’t be afraid of height as its just width on its side. also why even
T Booth
The cavern was wide and dark, and as the little children huddled inside, hiding from the monsters that chased them, they worried that perhaps their hideout was more dangerous than the outside world. And as a dark breath came from the darkness, they realised, perhaps they were right.
Amy Pilkington
Uncle Ben had bit his tongue,so it was hard for Peter to understand him,but he tried”Width wait powwas -ums wait we-wants-a-willity.”
a false terl
girth, length. how long? the width of space is an infinite, the width of time if finite? go figure.
It amuses me to see how many people have an issue with their width after reading these posts. If it’s a matter of health, I can understand. If it’s a matter of vanity, I wonder why. Are we so shallow we cannot see past the width of a human being? And yet, I state this, I write this, after having made a commitment to myself to start to lose my belly fat. Nobody asked me to. Nobody called me fat. I’m actually exceptionally skinny, but because in passing, someone mentioned it. This person makes me want to be a better woman. Even if it means doing 75 leg lifts every day for a problem I don’t even really care about.
Growing, stretching, the little green bar above this text box. My box. It’s pushing the bounds, expressing it’s width, moving across the screen, determined. Bound to a mission to grow until it can grow no more.
Width is a measurement of how wide something is. yeah, not totally original. But that description can have a number of dimensions. Dimensions, ha. Get it?
Hannah Burgess
You are too cruel. I just looked in the mirror. Width is on my mind and my hips. So is depth. Too bad people don’t judge your depth as much as your width.
The width of the box puzzled the bride! It was just long dammit! It couldn’t be a picture frame… It couldn’t be a nice china… It couldn’t be any possible wedding gift!
So she thought–not willing to open the box till she finished imagining the exactly CORRECT gift.
my fat stomach is something with which I have a love hate relationship. I’ve always been fat. I’m fat now, and in some ways ok with it. but when i look in the mirror and see my dimpled flesh, a lot of my rah rah fatshionista attitude flies out the window and I am crushed by what i see.
alise marie
how wide is something. It also can be used to express a range of comprehension for ideas or concepts. It can be used as a measurement for a lot of thing conotting many things.
“Width is a measurement of widt. width is wideness enummberated and defined and given a number for measuring. Width is width and width is also width. wide ass mother fuckers have width, not length.”
– parkingstones
OMFG i just read this guys’ post and it is the best thing ever. ever.
more and more things to think about, and whtye include the width of my imagination. expansee? I’d rather call it width, becausew width sdeems sthat much smaller. i am trying my very best to think of things to type, can you feel it?
i have a really really huge width about my tummy that i try and get rid of every day but i cannot make myself go and excercise nor do anything to help lose this flab. i talk like my brother when I access this site and it sounds really digusting. MUST TO! i want to have a smaller width, but is it really healthy>?!?!?!! oll
breadth of a body considering the issues at hand one cannot even begin to consider size this isn’t how we were meant to deal with this there were supposed to be options no one considered these options we couldn’t handle them not here why did we ever think it could be possible these women have feelings in between their sandwiches large women having problems facing the world in front of them they need their time they need their space they need anything else than what they have
Mike Norris
i automatically think of people. why does the width of people really matter? why judge? why think about the size of someone when really it only matters what the width of the brain may be? people are amazing to me. people make my life the width that it is.
i guess that’s what really matters.
or, what you are too much of to fit through the door.
what i think i have to much of.
what i place multiple lines of.
text at the end of a paragraph.
for, in order to demonstrate a.
simple fucking point.
width is how wide something is it is like length but different in a way. some things that have a large width is a fat man, for example. erm… width is spelt with a w, an i, a d, a t, and a h. There are five letters in the word. Width, with length and depth, make up the three dimensions. Erm… Width is cool.
The width of the cavern seemed enormous, though small at the same time. Cramped as we were, we understood the dragons nest was around the dark, rocky corridor, and we fled.
so wide you can’t get over it love it leave it alone. wide like your eyes under the divide of sand and solitude.. so lost I was found with the width of my breath between yours. under the weight of a big black moon
girls must determine their social value through the width of their bodies
the width of the boat was staggering. a compulsory glance would almost make one fall over backwards — it seemed to obscure the sky. framed as it was against a mountainous background, it took on the appearance of a massive creature, a titan of millenia past.
The width of the curtain was barely big enough to cover a doll’s house. She stared at it, and measured the size of it quickly. It sucked having to measure curtains for a living.
width is the measurement based on the thickness of an object
The width of it was incredibly large. Who would have thought something could be so thick? Susie was sure it would never fit through the front door frame, and if it did, it would rip the goddamn door of it’s hinges. She wondered what to do about it.
H. Castelle
His thrust, his width too great for me. I squeezed my eyes shut, braced myself, and still it was too much. Tears leaked from beneath my lids. Pain, molten, leaked from between my thighs.
God. I hate the gynecologist.
Ethan X. Thomas
width is the measure of the walls around me. The width is everything it has within. The width of my mind is infinite and the width of his “mind” is measured in mere inches.
Liz Sanchez
Width is a measurement. Together with the measurements of height and length, it forms the dimensions of a 3 dimensional object. Another word for width is breadth
Michael McHale
the width was the problem, if it hadn’t been so wide we would have easily got the wardrobe through the front door. There were a lot of men measuring the width of the wardrobe and the width of the door. It was obvious it wouldn’t fit but men dont listen …..
Katherine Race
width expanding against all reason, pushing ever forward draining all that which it is not from the that which it is to become. Life expands widening its scope, itself, until it encompasses everything. Love moving outwards until it reaches the breach of mind, still pushing against that barrier.
Sean Wilner
The width of something is a very interesting concept. As why would you think it’s wide? Maybe it’s really tall standing side-ways? Who knows? It is all about perspective.
Wide horizontal stripes make you look wider. Narrow stripes make my eyes go all funny.
I’m thin, but nearly everyone in my life is wide. My father-in-law is hugely wide. 300 pounds. Ack.
I wish that width also meant breadth and depth. But it doesn’t.
length big fat height
things that are wide. fat. they can’t fit through door ways. the opposite of length? there are a lot of formulas that i learned in high school that have to do with it. length times width equals????? i don’t remember.
The width of the world… who really knows? Not the Earth-world, I mean the universe, the extent of reality as we know it. There are no boundaries that we know of which means that the human experience has not yet seen it’s end.
Girth. It’s all about being a fat piece of shit, man. You’re fat. I’m fat. We’re all fat with something…fat with knowledge, fat with creativity, fat with semen (namely the whores). It’s okay to be fat, baby.
many wide steps along the curvy white balcony ascending into the spring gardens in which many a young maiden has lost her prickled rose. the white unicorns come here to die and little girls
it was tight and uncomfortable. neither you nor i would want to be in a position like theirs.
but they were happy.
they were all together and that was enough.
the width of that small little bed was just right to accommodate all of them.
it was tight. it was uncomfortable. but there was also warmth. there was thankfulness. there was love. there was family.
width is the strange bedfellow of length. They can’t seem to do without one another, a “Width, can’t live with them can’t kill them” sort of thing from the perspevtive of length. Maybe one day they will have a baby and name her girth.
width is the strange bedfellow of length. They can’t seem to do without one another, a “Width, can’t live with them can’t kill them” sort of thing from the perspevtive of length. Maybe one day they will have a baby and name her girth.
this is different to height but why? don’t be afraid of height as its just width on its side. also why even
The cavern was wide and dark, and as the little children huddled inside, hiding from the monsters that chased them, they worried that perhaps their hideout was more dangerous than the outside world. And as a dark breath came from the darkness, they realised, perhaps they were right.
Uncle Ben had bit his tongue,so it was hard for Peter to understand him,but he tried”Width wait powwas -ums wait we-wants-a-willity.”
girth, length. how long? the width of space is an infinite, the width of time if finite? go figure.
It amuses me to see how many people have an issue with their width after reading these posts. If it’s a matter of health, I can understand. If it’s a matter of vanity, I wonder why. Are we so shallow we cannot see past the width of a human being? And yet, I state this, I write this, after having made a commitment to myself to start to lose my belly fat. Nobody asked me to. Nobody called me fat. I’m actually exceptionally skinny, but because in passing, someone mentioned it. This person makes me want to be a better woman. Even if it means doing 75 leg lifts every day for a problem I don’t even really care about.
Growing, stretching, the little green bar above this text box. My box. It’s pushing the bounds, expressing it’s width, moving across the screen, determined. Bound to a mission to grow until it can grow no more.
Width is a measurement of how wide something is. yeah, not totally original. But that description can have a number of dimensions. Dimensions, ha. Get it?
You are too cruel. I just looked in the mirror. Width is on my mind and my hips. So is depth. Too bad people don’t judge your depth as much as your width.
The width of the box puzzled the bride! It was just long dammit! It couldn’t be a picture frame… It couldn’t be a nice china… It couldn’t be any possible wedding gift!
So she thought–not willing to open the box till she finished imagining the exactly CORRECT gift.
my fat stomach is something with which I have a love hate relationship. I’ve always been fat. I’m fat now, and in some ways ok with it. but when i look in the mirror and see my dimpled flesh, a lot of my rah rah fatshionista attitude flies out the window and I am crushed by what i see.
how wide is something. It also can be used to express a range of comprehension for ideas or concepts. It can be used as a measurement for a lot of thing conotting many things.
“Width is a measurement of widt. width is wideness enummberated and defined and given a number for measuring. Width is width and width is also width. wide ass mother fuckers have width, not length.”
– parkingstones
OMFG i just read this guys’ post and it is the best thing ever. ever.
more and more things to think about, and whtye include the width of my imagination. expansee? I’d rather call it width, becausew width sdeems sthat much smaller. i am trying my very best to think of things to type, can you feel it?
i have a really really huge width about my tummy that i try and get rid of every day but i cannot make myself go and excercise nor do anything to help lose this flab. i talk like my brother when I access this site and it sounds really digusting. MUST TO! i want to have a smaller width, but is it really healthy>?!?!?!! oll
breadth of a body considering the issues at hand one cannot even begin to consider size this isn’t how we were meant to deal with this there were supposed to be options no one considered these options we couldn’t handle them not here why did we ever think it could be possible these women have feelings in between their sandwiches large women having problems facing the world in front of them they need their time they need their space they need anything else than what they have
i automatically think of people. why does the width of people really matter? why judge? why think about the size of someone when really it only matters what the width of the brain may be? people are amazing to me. people make my life the width that it is.
i guess that’s what really matters.
or, what you are too much of to fit through the door.
what i think i have to much of.
what i place multiple lines of.
text at the end of a paragraph.
for, in order to demonstrate a.
simple fucking point.
width is how wide something is it is like length but different in a way. some things that have a large width is a fat man, for example. erm… width is spelt with a w, an i, a d, a t, and a h. There are five letters in the word. Width, with length and depth, make up the three dimensions. Erm… Width is cool.
The width of the cavern seemed enormous, though small at the same time. Cramped as we were, we understood the dragons nest was around the dark, rocky corridor, and we fled.
so wide you can’t get over it love it leave it alone. wide like your eyes under the divide of sand and solitude.. so lost I was found with the width of my breath between yours. under the weight of a big black moon
girls must determine their social value through the width of their bodies
the width of the boat was staggering. a compulsory glance would almost make one fall over backwards — it seemed to obscure the sky. framed as it was against a mountainous background, it took on the appearance of a massive creature, a titan of millenia past.
The width of the curtain was barely big enough to cover a doll’s house. She stared at it, and measured the size of it quickly. It sucked having to measure curtains for a living.
width is the measurement based on the thickness of an object
The width of it was incredibly large. Who would have thought something could be so thick? Susie was sure it would never fit through the front door frame, and if it did, it would rip the goddamn door of it’s hinges. She wondered what to do about it.
His thrust, his width too great for me. I squeezed my eyes shut, braced myself, and still it was too much. Tears leaked from beneath my lids. Pain, molten, leaked from between my thighs.
God. I hate the gynecologist.
width is the measure of the walls around me. The width is everything it has within. The width of my mind is infinite and the width of his “mind” is measured in mere inches.
Width is a measurement. Together with the measurements of height and length, it forms the dimensions of a 3 dimensional object. Another word for width is breadth
the width was the problem, if it hadn’t been so wide we would have easily got the wardrobe through the front door. There were a lot of men measuring the width of the wardrobe and the width of the door. It was obvious it wouldn’t fit but men dont listen …..
width expanding against all reason, pushing ever forward draining all that which it is not from the that which it is to become. Life expands widening its scope, itself, until it encompasses everything. Love moving outwards until it reaches the breach of mind, still pushing against that barrier.
The width of something is a very interesting concept. As why would you think it’s wide? Maybe it’s really tall standing side-ways? Who knows? It is all about perspective.
Wide horizontal stripes make you look wider. Narrow stripes make my eyes go all funny.
I’m thin, but nearly everyone in my life is wide. My father-in-law is hugely wide. 300 pounds. Ack.
I wish that width also meant breadth and depth. But it doesn’t.
length big fat height
things that are wide. fat. they can’t fit through door ways. the opposite of length? there are a lot of formulas that i learned in high school that have to do with it. length times width equals????? i don’t remember.