
September 10th, 2008 | 1,050 Entries

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1,050 Entries for “wildflower”

  1. sitting in the field i lay among them and can’t help but rub my face. even though they make me sneeze i get so lost in the colors. everything is so bright. they make my life feel without stress for just a second.

  2. New world order: cut down all wildflowers. Eradicate all bunnies.
    Punish laughter with whipping.
    Black is the new white

  3. Wildflowers grow in the meadows and fields. They are beautiful.

    Robert Reece
  4. my favorite wildflower was one without a name. some liked daffodil’s or the fuzzy ones that you could puff away… some said they were the same thing! i liked the quiet ones in the back not noticed until you looked extra hard for them. they were the prettyist. so there. don’t you wish you were the little flower in back?

  5. Everyone thought wildflowers were silly, but then they obtained nuclear weapons. No one is laughing now.

  6. i stopped and turned, a wildflower tucked behind my ear. i wanted to stay so much it felt like each step was ripping a chunk out of my chest. deep inside, i longed for a love that would last longer than it would take for a wildflower to wilt. but as i turned away, i could already feel it wilting.

  7. wild flower, the simplicity of rawness, the

  8. Wild flowers? Yeah, they live so free. Not like us, kept in place by those higher than us. Anything wild really people think wouldn’t be good. But it is like a gift from a higher power.

    Dan Dan
  9. Hey derrick do you love wildfloweres????

    Snoop Dogg
  10. Hey everyone i love wildflowers and i love spring.

  11. something so beautiful you want to set it ablaze just to watch the embers disintegrate into a million little pieces, and sit by silently.

  12. pretty, colourful, smell, scent, texture. Old over grown woods. Out the front of houses, growing in between the grass, looking like a see of colour.

  13. This flower was called a wildflower. a beautiful yellow yolk in the middle with lovely purple flowers coming of the middle, with red sharp spikes protecting it.

  14. the wildflower popped up. its beautiful petals spreaded out releasing its inner beauty. The other flowers gazed at it with envy.

    brittney jones
  15. the flowers billowed in the wind. The smell of spring filled the air. I watched the orange wildflowers from the classroom window wishing I was out there, enjoying the breeze, enjoying the warm spring day.

    Emily Tuechler
  16. I was in a meadow full of wildflowers. I took a bite out of my sandwich. Some pollen went up my nose and i sneezed.

  17. they cover the landscape like a carpet,a myriad of pattern and colour. God’s woven tapestry displayed for all to appreciate. No museum needed for this artwork, all can appreciate it for free.

  18. From where I hail, South Dakota, there are these wildflowers that are purple. I think they’re called the prarie bells or something like that. They’re really pretty, and if there’s one thing that reminds me of home, it’s those flowers surrounded by a mixture of dead and partially green grass. They’re adapted for dry climates, I think.

    Nathaniel Nelson
  19. Wildflowers grow in beautiful fields. You can pick them and squish them in books to keep forever. You can lay in the field and just smell them and watch them blow in the breeze. They wave in the wind. They come in many colors.

  20. wild flowers are pretty but sometimes unwanted i hate when they just appear somewhere they shouldnt be I picked a wild flower and gave it to a ghost and the ghost took it to his lord the king

  21. in the meadow blowing its peatals all over the scraggly grass. Yellow. Purple. The wind carries the smell. I’m not sure where, but I want to go. I wish I could ride on the wind’s back and let it take me away.

  22. When I was in Tuscany, I remember a field of wildflowers overlooking an enormous valley. Everyone from the tourist bus walked around taking pictures, but I couldn’t find any reason to move from the beautiful see of white. Setting my jacket aside, I lay down with arms spread wide and closed my eyes in the sweet Italian sun.

    Allyson Rost
  23. wildflowers are beaaaaautiful. they’re wild. and beautiful. they are also flowers. you usually see them in feilds. that was a lie. you see them anywhere that’s wild! i guess feilds are wild, sometimes, unless it’s a school feild. i kept spelling field wrong but i can’t go back and change it. you also see wildflowers in forests! oceans are will but you don’t see wildflowers there.

    miranda watters
  24. hm, this wildflower has been tamed.

  25. a wildflower is the best thing in the world. it is a flower that is wild and it is in the wild, therefore it is called a wildflower. one time a little girl came up to a wildflower and told the flower “why am i so wild?” and the flower replied, “cus you a live in a wild world.”

  26. i love the wildflower
    i love the freedom of the color
    i love the bee
    he sits on the petal
    i love to watch
    them in the breeze
    with a wildflower you never know
    what he’ll say

  27. I’m like a wildflower, nothing can keep my back. My roots run deep and I’m strong, even stronger than a weed. And even though I’m strong, I’m also beautiful.

  28. honey… a meadow. life in the natural world. beautiful but one that comes with pain. untamed. without boundaries or purpose. to just be.

  29. Wildflower; my wildflower. It’s a brilliant purple hue. It shines brightly in the summer light… the soft summer breeze blowing the petals gently, ever so carefully. One by one the pure scent of love and freedom drifts off silently into the wind, hopefully going to those who need it.

  30. Wildflowers grow peacefully on the side of a hill, basking in the sunlight. A terrible rumbling upsets their sunbathing. The rumbling grows louder and more upsetting with every moment. The first feet crest the hill. Eight children come tearing over the crest of the hill. They destroy the flowers in their path.

  31. beautiful amazonian uncontrolled, a prize that just the strongest people can arrive. Loving a wildflower gives us precious time to think. We won’t be here forever. We won’t have that beauty forever.

  32. The wildflowers in Montana are abundance and the aroma in refreshing with gentle breeze.

  33. Colors. Imagine all of it. You can’t see it. I know. No one can. They flow, glide past me before I can catch them. Blindness can’t stop them. Open your heart. Let your stone walls collapse. Feel again. Breathe.

    Miss Raincloud
  34. I can imagine the photographs of wildflowers for as far as the eye can see. Pink. Yellow. Orange. Blue. Purple. Red. GREEN. Perhaps mountains as the backdrop, deep indigo compared to the sky blue. Perhaps a wheat field in the distance.

  35. Wildflower afternoons… There are always tons of wildflowers growing beside my driveway, in the woods in the spring. Big blossoms of Queen Anne’s lace, black eyed susans, chickory, all growing harmoniously alongside the weeds.

  36. There are wildflowers around here everywhere in the spring. I saw entire carpets of purple lupines, and orange poppies when I came up the coast this spring. I love wildflowers.

  37. the diverse wildflowers of the rocky mountains are second only to the immense variety of fungi that also call these heights home. Festivals exist for each, and draw crowds on an annual basis. These festivals are also venues for exceptionally good music…

  38. she was a wildflower. growing where she shouldnt. over on the wrong side of the tracks. she was never there before, just sorta popped up one day. no one planned for her being there. but thre she was. hanging with that wrong crowd. hanging at pool halls with her school bag dropped next to one of the tables. allowing all the locals to feel her up, taking pleasure in the attention.

  39. a field to run and run and run. the petals pushing and moving and scratching against my bare legs. i want to never stop running unless it is to lie surrounded by wildflowers

  40. They grow like weeds upon hills people sing on. She tramps through them while lullabies of music spring out of her mouth.
