
September 10th, 2008 | 1,050 Entries

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1,050 Entries for “wildflower”

  1. Wildfolowers tend to smell very good and look nice as well. One time, my family and I were driving and we came across these really pretty flowers that were almost neon colored on the side of the road.

    courtney ellis
  2. pink little yellow center not many of them in Minnesota mostly yellow and purple here like Vikings colors and in Wisconsin too except they’re green and gold packer’s fans. They have beautiful flowers in Wisconsin – the trillium that are everywhere in the woods, and large, and slowly slowly slowy turn pink over the summer

  3. mom and me sittting at the front room window on a summer evening talking about the things we like to see in the world and wildflower is one of the many items

  4. wildflower, don’t hurt me.

  5. wildflowers are so beautiful in north carolina!! i wish there was a way to pick wildflowers and incorporate those into my wedding. why spend a bunch of money on flowers that must be shipped halfway across the country when there are flowers more beautiful than any of those in my own back yard?!

  6. The wildflowers were in view across the prairie. Jenny knew she couldn’t stop. She had to go back home if she wanted to make it to work on time.

  7. Filling a field in the desert. Color as far as the eye can see. A tangle, a mess of color………BEES! Get me back to the city!

  8. there was a lovely wildflower sitting in the corner staring in the mirrror. wondering why she wasn’t as wonderful or pretty as the others. what had gone wrong with her? what made her different?

  9. wild flower can carry many mennigs for others but it means one thing for me””’freedom

    red rose
  10. wild and full of potential. Not? Acutally, just a piece of dust floating in a field of pollen. That field, the one by home in what has always been home, full of yellows with a gaping black hole full of water– the pond that I dreamed you fell into as if in baptism.

    Dorthy Potter
  11. im nika sanikidze i want learn english

  12. i think that a wild flower is a naturally grown flower. it sounds to be pretty and and smells good. i think that theyre grown out in an oen field if thats what they really are.

  13. Growing in the fields. A free spirit. Not subject to any “rules” or conventions. Blowing in the breeze. Bringing joy to all who pause to notice.

  14. DIL

  15. A wildflower is the same as everyone I have met in my life– people who work and work to be more than where they came from, but are still from the dirt. A flower is the same as the world. The world is your flower.

    Andrew Kane
  16. beautiful and free, grows effervescent in the wilderness! full blooms brighten any animals day as the humans admire from a distance!

  17. She lazily strolled through the field, blinded by her happiness until she came upon a bright purple wildflower among the never ending sea of green grasses that covered the hills.

    Andrew D
  18. FIELDS, PICTURES , THE WIZARD OF OZ. im writing in caps. i love this idea. when are my sixty seconds up. this has nothing to do with wildflowers. what about wall flowers at middle school dances? i was one until about 10th grade when i started to get friskaaaaayy. i have a small yellow vase that is barren of wildflowers.

    rachael ferranti,
  19. wildflower makes me sick.

  20. they are sweet. they are wild. they are flowers. they’re the only ones I ever really love I guess.

  21. there was a wildflower, green tips and yellow hues, contrasted in the sun, made me think of something that i had thought about the day before. Nothing simplistic enough to ascibe to a certain object or feeling, just the sun on my hand.

  22. wildflower.
    grow wild.
    free beauty.
    unbridled lovliness.
    not bound by the horridness of society’s standards and requirements.

    lance ziacha
  23. I once went for a walk with my beloved, I tried to express to her what she meant to me, and in my hesitance, choose a wildflower. She was offended. Now when I see a wildflower, I feel crusshed. Everything must be regulated

  24. people judge you on the things you wear, like a book they read you

  25. Wild flowers are as beautiful as “tame” ones. They usually cover a large area, rather than bloom in isloation. I have tried to identify wild flowers, but the books with pictures show only one blossom. That’s not realistic because you have to stop the car and get out and look down to see only one blossom. I want to know how they look across a meadow or field, or along the side of the road. I wonder if anyone has published a book with that kind of identification…

  26. What an image… I think of a girl. Not a girl I once knew, but a girl I would want to know. A free spirit to complete my own. Wild flowers are the crown of nature…

  27. Once there was a wildflower in my front yard. It had pretty red and blue petals. The softest petals I have ever touched. They were softer then the feeling of your warm sheets in the morning. This wildflower also had a prickly stem that was so sharp it would prick your hand til you bleed.

  28. wildflowers blooming on the ground
    moonlight hitting the lake, casting a silvery glow over everything
    the garden looked wild at night, like something out of a fairy tale
    my feet felt cold against the dewy grass but the air was still warm and hot with the first signs of summer
    it was beautiful at night

  29. it is free, it is beautiful and it does not care, it does not care whether you are late for work, whether you have someplace to be, it just demands to be seen, appreciated!

    lizl botha
  30. Wildflower. That is what he called her pussy. He didn’t remember how it started…but her certainly knew that it was wild. And not porn star wild but wild like a long-time lover who knows all the right buttons. Now he just wondered when it was time to push the buttons again…

  31. rain in the night giving me strength to go on to see the beauty of this amazing thing. There is no dawn in my eyes, I have seen the beauty of the world but I strive on to find the wildflower. I get there and it has died.

  32. full of life.

  33. race nature women dogs park nice beautiful mountain sky music jazz classic love feelings noise relaxation

  34. He slowly walked to her house nervously jingling the change in his pocket. The day had come. She had agreed to go out with him. He passed a garden and picked the prettiest wildflower growing there. He wanted to make a good impression on her.

  35. a wildflower was sitting in his hand each petal bunched up as if it had been in his pocket. “Whats that eliel?” i asked, but his eyes were staring through me as if i wasn’t there. “I said whats that!” i said louder. he looked deep into my eyes and said “This is all i have left to remember her.”

  36. Wildflower… yellow, free, blowing in the wind.
    Peaceful, alone, surrounded be nothing, and known by no one.
    I have no idea what I’m writing now…

  37. I thought about putting wildflowers in you hair and twisting them in to make dread locks. To lock in my love to you I even brought them home but their dried now and dead wilted away and you never got them

    Al Mc
  38. wildflower walks among us.
    no one sees it.
    no ones smells it.

    it can only sense our agony and the simultaneous pride of nothingness.

    click click click,
    beep beep beep.

    When will everything be over?

    Wildflower depends on our sun.
    When will we stop covering our sun and let it shine upon us ?

  39. wildflowers. over fields. rolling. rolling away. away from me away. to the clouds. white with the sun. wildflowers rolling away from me to the white clouds with the sun.

  40. flower is a wild animal which eats smaller flowers
