
September 10th, 2008 | 1,050 Entries

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1,050 Entries for “wildflower”

  1. wildflowers are very pretty and cool. we like to eat them. There is a song called ‘wildflower’ by Sheryl Crow. It is very awesome. Do you think it is awesome? Well, she sings ‘wildflower’… she also has a song called Albiene. Rivers are quite near wildflowers, what are wildflowers? I don’t know. What do you think? Flowers are pretty. Are wildflowers the same as Wild Flowers? Are they white? Oh no, we will all die. I’m suprised the minute isn’t up yet. Wildflowwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeer…. in the song ‘repent’ there is the mention of a ‘wildflower’ too ‘of the, wildflower, hovering above my own life like an apparittion’. awesome huhg? heheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee well I am v bored are you? I really think I’m done.

  2. Wildflower bulbs were one of the choices in the funraiser packet Johanna brought home. I hate the pressure to buy something in there, and they’re always too expensive. But I love wildflowers. These didn’t look all that wild, actually, but they were colorful, diverse, beautiful as only flowers are. I will buy some.

    Sydney Mandt
  3. wildflowers to me are happiness. They blow in the breeze and are among the weeds. Beautiful and thriving, yes they are. They need no extra care, just mother nature to look after them.

  4. flowers are nice, wild i dunno as long as thye smell sweeet but i guess they would, that’s how they would attract honey and stuff i mean who doesn’t liek to smell good and bees would probably be loving it cuz they can collect honey and eat wow! yum! so my favourite color is yellow so i hope the wild flower is also yellow it just shows how bright, fun and filled with happiness-thats’ the kind of feeling i get from it, can’t wait to see wat other ppl typed on this anyways so since i am just chit chatting i came across this site by some one’s blog page and they recommended it, oh i should be studying, that’s what i am suppose to do so after this i should get off facebook and really buckle down or else i will fail this year before i know it when does these 60 seconds end? feels like forever and wow i do chat a lot don’t i?

  5. This is the Alice B. Toklas pastries’ main ingredient — wild flour.

    Joseph Leff
  6. Julia let out a breath of relief as she entered her apartment.

    She searched her brain to come up with the reason
    she’d become a doctor in the first place while she
    trudged toward her bedroom to change.

    After she took a shower and got into some new clothes,
    she ventured into the kitchen for something to eat.

    Then she saw them

    A small bouquet of wildflowers with a small envelope
    tucked under the stems

    Suddenly she remembered that Owen
    had left that day for his dad’s funeral.

    she retrieved the envelope and opened it to find a small card with the words-

    “Love is like a wildflower…it is often found in the most unlikely places.”

    etched on the cover.

    The words ‘I Love You’ written in
    Owen’s chicken scratch inside the card

    As she inhaled the sweet smells of the wildflowers
    she smiled to herself and suddenly didn’t feel so depressed.

    M Ehrlicher
  7. you tell me what I fear
    of the negative
    in your beauty:
    all in a row
    silver bells and cockle shells
    you smile at me
    through pollen and dirt,
    humming along to Alice’s botanical dreams

    Hannah Wells
  8. A wild flower is untamed. It’s not too strange to think of it that way. I mean wild animals are untamed too. So, a wildflower is one of them. Beauty unbridled. Freedom galore. But don’t fret; even a wildflower can be tamed.

    Jenia O'Brien
  9. growing in numbers
    and growing with speed
    you can’t stop the thinking
    when it starts from a seed
    people seem to grow together
    and die apart
    where are these wildflowers
    and do they grow in the dark?

  10. i sit in the field and stare into the sky wondering how i ended up here, at this time in this place does my life really mean anything or am i just another wildflower in this field picked carelessly by some little girl

  11. wildflowers are beatiful, you know, but then they’re plucked and dragged far way to be pressed into a book. Can’t I grow again? Why is this about me/ But being wild is kind of overrated. They say.

  12. Wildflowers are all over the place. Wild makes me think of wild crazy party-ers, getting crunk all around the clock. I’m glad that that sort of wild isn’t the same sort of ‘wild’ meant by the wild found in the word “wildflower.” Those’d be some sloppy flowers.

  13. A wildflower is a flower that exists in the wild and has grown out of control. It’s a weed not found in cultivated gardens or wanted by gardeners.

    The wildflower can sometimes be pretty like a proper cultivated flower.

    Graham Bolton
  14. I like them. They’re so hard to find these days. Everyone seems to want more asphalt, more sidewalks, more freeways. Why? Why do you take away the only pretty, tangible things we have left in this world? Progress is overrated.

  15. It’s a flower and it’s wild and it’s yellow and made of all the pretty colors. It makes me think of fields of grass and pretty colors of flowers. It smells of compost and tastes like a freshly mowed lawn.

  16. Oh little wildflower
    why do you not bloom?

    Is it because of the sky’s shower
    or the pain in the world?

    Please little flower
    I cannot loose you

    You’re the only one on this Earth
    Who’s love it still true.

  17. I don’t have any ideas about wildflower. But, a wildflower is a flower that has bad smell. It can make you puke and don’t have any reason to trash it.

  18. Flowers
    they’re wild
    and that’s also where you find them
    they can also be found in captivity (?)
    and stuff

  19. my wildflower you make my heart sing wildflower I think I love you.

    Star Riley
  20. The wildflower grew in the corner of the garden. It wasn’t the prettiest flower in the bed, it wasn’t tall and slim like the lilies-of-the-valley, or pleasantly plump like the rosebush, but it was vibrant and had an abundance of self-confidence.

  21. Is something i like to give to my wife. she really likes wild flowers

  22. the thing was in the field that me and my sister would go to. the wildflowers were there every summer, just waiting to be picked. since our mother died though, there is noone to give them to..
    a neighbor?
    a grandma?
    or should we keep with the tradition and just send it to her grave?
    she would like that i think..
    yes.. she would like it a lot.

    lauren haubrich
  23. grow wherever you want
    ill be watching, ill be listening to drumming
    hearing petals unfold
    and bees alight

  24. Lucy smelled like summer.

    She smiled at me then, wildflowers in her hair, and I knew this was the most perfect day.

  25. I called her Wildflower. She was small, and bright. And her mouth was always open, squealing about the wonders of the world. She looked at me with eyes that smiled better than my mouth ever could.

  26. the wildflower made me remember. A mountain meadow, a crystal lake, a soft fragrant breeze. the wildflower made me remember..him. the sun glinting off his hair, his carefree laugh. th wildflower. him.

  27. a wildflower is a flower that grows in the wild. i suppose it is kinda neat. boy, watch that timeclock go. go, timeclock, go. gas shot up a lot last night. stupid media. my arm hurts. aaaaaaaaaaugh

  28. A wildflower fell from her hair and and as she leaned over to grab it the sun glinted from a knife in the sand. It was at this time that our young heroine first heard the voice of God.

  29. I remember going on a walking expedition and about three-quarters of the way towards our final goal we stumbled upon the most beautiful field of wildflowers all swaying in the wind. The walk may have been hard and sometimes painful, but the wildflowers were beautiful, the walk was like my life really, painful but beautiful.

    Liz Coulter
  30. wild flower is beautiful and refreshing. healthy to eyes and ease mind.

  31. flowers firweed alaska and willow, driving to denali and loving every minute of jason’s illiterate jesus freak manifestoes. I love the world, wrangells and drama hates me so I try to avoid it. wildflowers represent everything that I am to die for, in the wild mountain ranges of my dreams and landscapes I never thought I’d see, love me I love them and glaciers for my confidence and for my tundra feet

  32. carefree summer days, sunshine and happiness, colorful beautiful rainbow of colors.

  33. its a wildflower over the lawn and i miss the smell of shunsine when i return home.. nights, days, all in vain waiting or the smell of the wild.

    hoy now
  34. her parents named her wildflower but she was more of a weed. A noxious persistent who wouldn’t go away, I guess you could say, she took over

  35. it is pretty… and it grows in the wild. i wonder why it is called wildflower. because im pretty sure i see those in the not wild. like when i used to live in washington im pretty sure i saw those in my backyard. but i live in okinawa now and those arent in my backyard anymore. well they are probably still in washington just not in okinawa. well they

  36. beautiful, but i have allergies. Picking wildflowers at farms is a simple reminder that some of the world is still sane. beautiful wildflower, blowing in the breeze, I wish that i could still find patches around here.

    Sarah M.
  37. where the wind blew is where i saw her, my wildflower, sweet passionate eyes with a smile that was most beautiful, of my sweet wildflower where have you gone, gone with the wind…and now i wait for the wind to blow again

    Jay Grays
  38. A good name for a band, or indeed is it the wildflower that caused the small animals to go crazy. Or indeed as the bumbling man shuffles down the road, does he pick the wildflower

  39. I have no idea what a wildflower is…

  40. wildfowers on the lady’s gypsy skirt, and all i can say is holly hobby

    enough with the wildflowers, already

    let’s talk cultivated roses and lilies that last three weeks after you’ve brought them back from the store
