Wild flowers just keep growing in my mind, it seems nothing can stop them. Amazing wild flowers, getting bigger and bigger, nearly can’t breathe ! How can we stop it ? I’ve never wanted this..
beauty field rare delicate fragile wind spring forset music air fragile forst woodland fairy careful grow colour
Patrick Widdess
when i was young my parents got divorced. my family lived in new york city. my dad had to move to some shitty suburb outside of NY because it’s too expensive. On the road to his house there were always a lot of wildflowers.
she was like a wildflower, free , lovely, beautiful. her hair was flying off her face, her summerdress lifting in the wind. she took one more look at him and smiled. then with that smile still on her face, she jumped off the cliff of the mountain…
Ronny ElShabassy
twirling. spining. hair flowing. amid the wildflowers. more beautiful. than the weeds. collapse. deathbed of unruly flora.
flowers are wild and u see wild flowers everywhere. there was this one time, lonely as i was and usualy am, went for a walk to this fiels. i was a little away form my senses and could see the world completely upside down. suddenly i came across this place which left like a millon wildflowers all around. there were there in various colours – purplr, blue, red and yellow. thats when i started singing one of my favourite coldplay song… look at the stars, look how they sine for u…but i soon realized, there werent stars, it was just one star. the sun, the huge star. the star that was all yellow. i then wondered, how life forms and how these wildflowers grow withought anyone treating them. its the sun, the sun who is their water, their heat, thereir everything and everything suddenly change to yellow. look at the star, look how it shines for you, and everything you do, and it is all yellow. i drew a line, i drew a line…ohhhhh… i need another hit. i dont need another line, i havent reached there yet, i just need the colour black to see yellow.
Something that grows in a wild meadow in the country side. Usually a bit scrappy but the effect of so many in one place is usually quite spectacular – especially if the lighting is good. The best times of day to see them are either late morning, late afternoon or bang on midday when they’ve all opened up.
I was picking wildflowers in the meadow near my Aunt’s country house. It was a clear, still April day and the flowers were still in bloom. It felt as the time were standing still in this meadow- for it’s beauty and glory to always be held.
My mom omce told me that when you picked a flower from the wild, it would become tame. According to her, the more wild a flower is – the brighter the colours. That’s why i stopped picking flowers from the wild. Instead, I grow my own – then sneak into the park and replant them in the wild. I always go back and check to see if they have become brighter as time passes. I may be fooling myself – but I think they do.
It’s a wonderful creation of nature, pefectly free and unique. They do and go whweevdr they want with iou observing any boundaries. I love them because of theuir freefomand lack of restraint.
Nancy Hazzard
the wildflower on the wall was so beautiful. it was growing on the long vines that were a vibrant green. before you know it the whole wall will be covered in wildflowers. i cant wait for that. i love flowers and all the pretty colors.
red flower, independent ,hard but sweet,loved,
Perfume that I would probably be allergic to
The wildflower said: “yes”
is where i thought i will find peace there somwhere nature awaits me and i hope to becom one with my beloved one until the end of my life
I want to be a wildflower.
Growing somewhere strange.
With no-one to bother me
i went for a trek and it was beautiful…i had a lot of fun with my frineds…we saw the most amazing thisngs and the wildflower that were spread around made the place look like heaven…the sun was setting
He called me Wildflower. Don’t know why. I’m not particularly wild. But he says I’m different from every other woman he knows. Maybe it’s a romantic concept to him, but I’d like to know what he means by “different.” I’m just myself, my own weird, lonely, crazy self. Whenever we’re together, he and I, it seems like I’m less lonely. The things we talk about! How wonderful to have a friend like him. but what does he mean by “different”? Am I that far gone that I’m barely recognized as female any longer?
Linda Y.
I was sitting in a field one day and there were wildflowers all around. It reminded me of when my mother died. She loved wildflowers and we would often trek up to fields of them in order to satisfy her longing for them. I never understood it before, as a child, it seemed foolish and I hated the long car rides. But now I understand. It wasn’t about the flower it was about her life. Ironically she died of a severe allergic reaction to wildflowers.
Wildflowers grow where we used to sit and tug up blades of grass. We’d let them fall through our hands and occasionally you’d try once again to teach me to use the blade as a reed. I never could make that wierd noise though.
Mark Clarke
wildflowers are free; they grow happily in the wilderness and is boundless with beauty. They represent the spirit of the woddlands, the forest, and the mountain. They are easily spotted but their beauty will remind you why they grow in the wild…they come in multitude of colors, depending on the place but they are united in its roguish beauty…
“You’re like… a wildflower.”
‘”A wildflower.” Is he really comparing me to a wildflower? “I rather be a rose,”
“A rose?” he sounded surprised, “Why ever would you want to be a rose?”
“Well… A rose is beautiful..”
“Ah,” he said, “But a rose has thorns. Its look are deceiving. A wildflower, on the other hand, is pretty, too, but more approachable, more–
it was a time past a time when we would go into the mountains and pick wildflowers, rich vibrand colors, and variety. mom woould set them out on the table as we all set for
it is a flower grown in wilderness .it may not be delicate but beautiful it is . may not have the rosy scent but definitely thr brightness to cheer everyone.
A burst of divinity in a plain of failure
Why do you mock me so?
Your perfection is too much for me to bear
The projection of your knowledge
Brighter than all the sun’s rays
I fear that if I look at you for too long
I will lose track of
My self
And be forever absorbed in your knowledge
The doom of Narcissus.
Finaly a new word! Well…
it’s like a girl, you know, like saying she is a real wildflower but who really wants to be a wildflower? I thought there were a lot of girls who wanted to be
they’re more like cultivated and genetically engineered and hormoned, steroided roses.
I’ve had so many walks with my Mom looking at wildflowers. She loved pointing them out and naming them for me. I didn’t seem interested at the time and she felt like her time was wasted, but now I always recognize wildflowers….and seem to enjoy them the same way my Mom did.
Wildflowers are an amazing type of flower, but I don’t necessarily understand why they are wild in comparison to their over various flower cousins. Tulips, with their elegant shapes, daisies, with their childlike manner- all of these flowers are wild, free, and lovely. Why are wildflowers so special as to be considered the wildest of the bunch?
Wildflowers tickled my nose, rubbing their slimy petals in my eyes. I bit the inside of my mouth, trying to kick them off of me with numb limbs. Wildflowers everywhere.
We are all wildflowers, in our own ways. We are the ones people stop on the side of the road to pick up, the rare beauties no one expects to be there. We are the unique ones, some even considered weeds, needing to be pulled, put out of there miseries. We even choke others out., Kill, push away, anything to be the center of attention.
i was riding in a car looking out the window and i saw a beautiful wildflower, but not just any wildflower for this flower was a vibrant red to yellow color standing high above the rest.
Well, wildflowers are pretty damn wild. They do the wildest things. Oh, how wild they can be. The wildness they can endure, similarily, is quite fascinating too! You see, these wildflowers not only ARE wild but can SOAK UP WILDNESS from others! As socrates once wrote, “I used to be cool… but then I passed by a wildflower.”
Beauty, my mother stopping the car on a routine drive to cut wildflowers. Stopping the routine. Beauty of my mother.
nice yellow natural pretty
a million million wildflowers appeared every time i went in the backyard, and in the kitchen the plastic bag that contained the extra paper towel rolls was melting. someone touched my leg and i bloomed outwards
freeing everything
i left a million faces and felt
that i could have felt
a million more
Nicholas J. Cummins
A beautiful flower growing in the wild, this flower often explodes without warning due to hyper intoxication from being so wild. Its colors vary, the smell varies, but one thing’s for sure– it’s wild, and it’s a flower. You’d better watch your step.
Often, the flower tries to reach to the moon, but can’t help but cry out in vain as it fails in its endeavor.
A wildflower is just insane. Wild. I couldn’t imagine the universe existing without the wildflower. It’s so imaginative, creative, and free flowing. It’s simply WILD. There is no other word to describe it. Crazy, insane, weird, tasty, and even attractive. Wild. Flower. Flowers are beautiful (usually) and it is pretty damn common that they smell good too. You should go smell a flower.
pink and purple waving gently in the wind. skipping and holing hands and having a picnic. memories of your last day together vivid in your minds eye. if only you’d had the time to say ‘i love you’.
I envy the wildflower’s ability to take root wherever it chooses. No rules, limits or boundries. Only the ability of the wind to take its seed as far as possible. Wilflowers are the stars of the earth, each bud a burst of vibrant color, giving beauty hope.
Wild flowers just keep growing in my mind, it seems nothing can stop them. Amazing wild flowers, getting bigger and bigger, nearly can’t breathe ! How can we stop it ? I’ve never wanted this..
beauty field rare delicate fragile wind spring forset music air fragile forst woodland fairy careful grow colour
when i was young my parents got divorced. my family lived in new york city. my dad had to move to some shitty suburb outside of NY because it’s too expensive. On the road to his house there were always a lot of wildflowers.
she was like a wildflower, free , lovely, beautiful. her hair was flying off her face, her summerdress lifting in the wind. she took one more look at him and smiled. then with that smile still on her face, she jumped off the cliff of the mountain…
twirling. spining. hair flowing. amid the wildflowers. more beautiful. than the weeds. collapse. deathbed of unruly flora.
flowers are wild and u see wild flowers everywhere. there was this one time, lonely as i was and usualy am, went for a walk to this fiels. i was a little away form my senses and could see the world completely upside down. suddenly i came across this place which left like a millon wildflowers all around. there were there in various colours – purplr, blue, red and yellow. thats when i started singing one of my favourite coldplay song… look at the stars, look how they sine for u…but i soon realized, there werent stars, it was just one star. the sun, the huge star. the star that was all yellow. i then wondered, how life forms and how these wildflowers grow withought anyone treating them. its the sun, the sun who is their water, their heat, thereir everything and everything suddenly change to yellow. look at the star, look how it shines for you, and everything you do, and it is all yellow. i drew a line, i drew a line…ohhhhh… i need another hit. i dont need another line, i havent reached there yet, i just need the colour black to see yellow.
Something that grows in a wild meadow in the country side. Usually a bit scrappy but the effect of so many in one place is usually quite spectacular – especially if the lighting is good. The best times of day to see them are either late morning, late afternoon or bang on midday when they’ve all opened up.
I was picking wildflowers in the meadow near my Aunt’s country house. It was a clear, still April day and the flowers were still in bloom. It felt as the time were standing still in this meadow- for it’s beauty and glory to always be held.
My mom omce told me that when you picked a flower from the wild, it would become tame. According to her, the more wild a flower is – the brighter the colours. That’s why i stopped picking flowers from the wild. Instead, I grow my own – then sneak into the park and replant them in the wild. I always go back and check to see if they have become brighter as time passes. I may be fooling myself – but I think they do.
It’s a wonderful creation of nature, pefectly free and unique. They do and go whweevdr they want with iou observing any boundaries. I love them because of theuir freefomand lack of restraint.
the wildflower on the wall was so beautiful. it was growing on the long vines that were a vibrant green. before you know it the whole wall will be covered in wildflowers. i cant wait for that. i love flowers and all the pretty colors.
red flower, independent ,hard but sweet,loved,
Perfume that I would probably be allergic to
The wildflower said: “yes”
is where i thought i will find peace there somwhere nature awaits me and i hope to becom one with my beloved one until the end of my life
I want to be a wildflower.
Growing somewhere strange.
With no-one to bother me
i went for a trek and it was beautiful…i had a lot of fun with my frineds…we saw the most amazing thisngs and the wildflower that were spread around made the place look like heaven…the sun was setting
He called me Wildflower. Don’t know why. I’m not particularly wild. But he says I’m different from every other woman he knows. Maybe it’s a romantic concept to him, but I’d like to know what he means by “different.” I’m just myself, my own weird, lonely, crazy self. Whenever we’re together, he and I, it seems like I’m less lonely. The things we talk about! How wonderful to have a friend like him. but what does he mean by “different”? Am I that far gone that I’m barely recognized as female any longer?
I was sitting in a field one day and there were wildflowers all around. It reminded me of when my mother died. She loved wildflowers and we would often trek up to fields of them in order to satisfy her longing for them. I never understood it before, as a child, it seemed foolish and I hated the long car rides. But now I understand. It wasn’t about the flower it was about her life. Ironically she died of a severe allergic reaction to wildflowers.
Wildflowers grow where we used to sit and tug up blades of grass. We’d let them fall through our hands and occasionally you’d try once again to teach me to use the blade as a reed. I never could make that wierd noise though.
wildflowers are free; they grow happily in the wilderness and is boundless with beauty. They represent the spirit of the woddlands, the forest, and the mountain. They are easily spotted but their beauty will remind you why they grow in the wild…they come in multitude of colors, depending on the place but they are united in its roguish beauty…
“You’re like… a wildflower.”
‘”A wildflower.” Is he really comparing me to a wildflower? “I rather be a rose,”
“A rose?” he sounded surprised, “Why ever would you want to be a rose?”
“Well… A rose is beautiful..”
“Ah,” he said, “But a rose has thorns. Its look are deceiving. A wildflower, on the other hand, is pretty, too, but more approachable, more–
it was a time past a time when we would go into the mountains and pick wildflowers, rich vibrand colors, and variety. mom woould set them out on the table as we all set for
it is a flower grown in wilderness .it may not be delicate but beautiful it is . may not have the rosy scent but definitely thr brightness to cheer everyone.
A burst of divinity in a plain of failure
Why do you mock me so?
Your perfection is too much for me to bear
The projection of your knowledge
Brighter than all the sun’s rays
I fear that if I look at you for too long
I will lose track of
My self
And be forever absorbed in your knowledge
The doom of Narcissus.
Finaly a new word! Well…
it’s like a girl, you know, like saying she is a real wildflower but who really wants to be a wildflower? I thought there were a lot of girls who wanted to be
they’re more like cultivated and genetically engineered and hormoned, steroided roses.
I’ve had so many walks with my Mom looking at wildflowers. She loved pointing them out and naming them for me. I didn’t seem interested at the time and she felt like her time was wasted, but now I always recognize wildflowers….and seem to enjoy them the same way my Mom did.
Wildflowers are an amazing type of flower, but I don’t necessarily understand why they are wild in comparison to their over various flower cousins. Tulips, with their elegant shapes, daisies, with their childlike manner- all of these flowers are wild, free, and lovely. Why are wildflowers so special as to be considered the wildest of the bunch?
Wildflowers tickled my nose, rubbing their slimy petals in my eyes. I bit the inside of my mouth, trying to kick them off of me with numb limbs. Wildflowers everywhere.
We are all wildflowers, in our own ways. We are the ones people stop on the side of the road to pick up, the rare beauties no one expects to be there. We are the unique ones, some even considered weeds, needing to be pulled, put out of there miseries. We even choke others out., Kill, push away, anything to be the center of attention.
i was riding in a car looking out the window and i saw a beautiful wildflower, but not just any wildflower for this flower was a vibrant red to yellow color standing high above the rest.
Well, wildflowers are pretty damn wild. They do the wildest things. Oh, how wild they can be. The wildness they can endure, similarily, is quite fascinating too! You see, these wildflowers not only ARE wild but can SOAK UP WILDNESS from others! As socrates once wrote, “I used to be cool… but then I passed by a wildflower.”
Beauty, my mother stopping the car on a routine drive to cut wildflowers. Stopping the routine. Beauty of my mother.
nice yellow natural pretty
a million million wildflowers appeared every time i went in the backyard, and in the kitchen the plastic bag that contained the extra paper towel rolls was melting. someone touched my leg and i bloomed outwards
freeing everything
i left a million faces and felt
that i could have felt
a million more
A beautiful flower growing in the wild, this flower often explodes without warning due to hyper intoxication from being so wild. Its colors vary, the smell varies, but one thing’s for sure– it’s wild, and it’s a flower. You’d better watch your step.
Often, the flower tries to reach to the moon, but can’t help but cry out in vain as it fails in its endeavor.
A wildflower is just insane. Wild. I couldn’t imagine the universe existing without the wildflower. It’s so imaginative, creative, and free flowing. It’s simply WILD. There is no other word to describe it. Crazy, insane, weird, tasty, and even attractive. Wild. Flower. Flowers are beautiful (usually) and it is pretty damn common that they smell good too. You should go smell a flower.
pink and purple waving gently in the wind. skipping and holing hands and having a picnic. memories of your last day together vivid in your minds eye. if only you’d had the time to say ‘i love you’.
I envy the wildflower’s ability to take root wherever it chooses. No rules, limits or boundries. Only the ability of the wind to take its seed as far as possible. Wilflowers are the stars of the earth, each bud a burst of vibrant color, giving beauty hope.