fields of montana running as a child during the summer, knowing the flowers will be covered in snow soon enough. I miss the outdoors of my childhood. my sister loves yellow flowers, wildroses, and others.
I am like a wildflower bursting on the scene in the middle of a sunlite summeer day. I turn my head toward the source of my life and follow the sun through out the day. I feell the bees brush my face and take a piece of me with them as they fly to visit my friends. I am wild. I am flower.
i like to think that wild flowers are representative of people who are lost, but don’t want to be found. Of course, finding wild flowers is always fun. It’s nice to get flowers that someone just found, thought of you, and picked them just for you. It’s also an OK band.
wildflowers are amazing because of their name. They are wild. They don’t have rules, no one cares when they gestate, and yet theyre still amazingly pretty. You cannot tame them. And I think that’s why people like them so much.
as a child we would pick lovely wildflowers to give our mother. It was when I started FFA that I learned many of these “flowers” were weeds, noxious weeds. It’s sad that so many beautiful things could be thought of has bad.
A wildflower usually grows in temperate climates, and not hot, humid climates like Florida. Traveling to northern georgia or north carolina in the spring is always wonderful, looking across praries and in
I like wildflowers so much I adore them. It was when I was a little kid that I smelled my first one. It took my breath away to the point I didnt want to breath again. For to breath again I would take a breath of air that was not a wildflower. I want my life to be a wildflower. wild
kansas Whitley
The field has many flowers in it, but they all look tame when you compare them to the one true wildflower. Alone, part red and part yellow, it is truly yellow and wild unlike the other demoesticated, tame flowers. It is ragged, and bug crawl all over it. Because wildness and beauty are not one and them same. Rather, they are two contradictory but consistent notions. The wild is beautiful because it is ugly.
Jane Kessner
the brightest flower in the patch, I feel a sting every time I see it, as if it were a part of me, slowly swaying in the grass above the sun spotted runs of wheat and rye. I bathe in wilderness, below me, above me, and around me. Though I know the wildflower.
paul rudoi
wildflower are found in deep jungles…………….i assume…………i had never seen a wildflower,i don’t know whether it is beautiful or not but prabably
Kunal Kishore
I found myself standing in a field of wildflowers. A sea of white, yellow and purple surrounding me. I felt a sense of peace, of happiness, flowing through my veins.
Jen M
With a wildflower in hand, the boy jumps off his bike and runs up the stairs. Panting now, he nervously rings the doorbell and waits. As he waits, he imagines her face when he gives the flower to her. When the door opens, his smile takes over his face and utter joy washes through him
The wildflowers grew, grew and finally become whales.
Wild flowers make me happy. They remind me about the diversity in nature. Whe I see wild flowers in may garden I now that the ecosystem y more or less ok. Diversity in life is good.
Enrique Reynaud
wildflower, running wild and free, but she don’t know where to go. up or down, there’s no one there. but that’s what makes her wild. wild because she’s a child of march, who could never settle down. set in her ways, but set no where. it’s easier in the shortrun, but in the longrun, she’s no better off. she never finds love.
a wild flower can be found in the wild, can’t it? what is so interesting about a wild flower? … perhaps the concept of its
Thousands of them all over the field. Different kinds too. The children raced round picking armfuls of them to take home to mum. Then a voice shouted “Leave them alone, you’re not allowd to pick them you little urchins.”
Marie Phillips
I watched as Mimi ran through the field gathering a bouquet of wildflowers already in her hands. She looked back at me her face shining with a beautiful smile spread wide across her face. I laughed at the joy of this seen until I felt something wet on my cheek.
I qyickly wiped it away and bounded after her, dancing among the flowers all the way.
and she runs like a wildflower, dress flying wildly in the wind. she laughs and cries at the same time. she is free.
i thought i told you id never want to see you again…your too much like a weed or some wildflowered plant that is as persistent as it is unwanted
beauty in a field, silence in my heart, I would love to have a wildflower for the start. I don’t know why I feel like ryming, that’s not part of this game, but it’s all about the timing and I know this may be lame. All and all I like wildflowers very much, I think I may go eat some lunch. I’m having chicken saled and I don’t think anything rymes with that.
in the dawn of a new day I stand feeling the dew on my toes,
the sun comes to warm my face and the birds sing
wildflower celebrate the day, waltzing in the field of green just there at my knee
nudging me gently
and I smile to be alive in this wonder
A flower that grows beatifully in the wild
Watering and feeding
A wildflower area doesn’t require any additional watering or feeding. This could alter the natural balance of plants in the area. Many native flowers colonise poor land and the addition of extra nutrients and water will encourage excessive vigour in grasses, which will consequently out-compete the more desirable native plants.
Mowing is one way gardeners can manipulate the range of wildflowers that grow. To encourage perennial flowers and grasses to make good root development, it is important to mow the meadow in the first year after sowing. Cut to a height of 5cm (2in) four times during the year.
Established spring-flowering meadows are cut in July and for the remainder of the summer to reduce the vigour of coarse grasses and to allow flowers such as cowslips, fritillary, lady’s smock, selfheal and bugle to prosper. Leave unmown from February to July. Established summer-flowering meadows are not mown until late August or September, after wildflowers such as knapweed, devil’s bit scabious and lady’s bedstraw have set seed. Use this summer-flowering meadow regime for meadows with plants flowering at various times.
It is usually a good idea to leave the initial mowings in situ for a few days to allow seed to drop to the ground but then it is important to collect mowings to reduce soil fertility. Aim for the first cut to be 5-7.5cm (2-3in) high. Subsequent cuts can be lower. Many lawnmowers will struggle with long grass. Small areas can be cut with a strimmer, though larger areas are best tackled with a heavy-duty mower (e.g. sickle-bar mowers and motor scythe) or a two-wheel strimmer.
Tackling weeds and dominant grasses
Perennial weeds, thistles and nettles for example, can either be weeded out by hand or spot treated with a weedkiller based on glyphosate, such as Roundup or Tumbleweed. Selective lawn weedkillers should not be used as these will kill the wildflowers you wish to encourage. Where grasses become dominant try sowing the annual wildflower, yellow rattle ( Rhianthus minor ) which is semi-parasitic on grasses. Sow this in August and keep the grass mown until March.
Alan Titctmarch
Ooh i simply love wildflowers!! Especially huge fields of them. When i was six my parents sowed a field next to our house with wildflowers and I was so small it felt like a flower forest to me. I loved it! I will plant some when i have land of my own.
flower found in the Jungle.
A wild flower a flower thats wild. A crazy word for a flower. Fun, new word
Wildflowers are really pretty. They have lots of illuminating colors that are very interesting. They give me allergies, but I still like them. Some wild flowers aren’t that great though. Now im running out of time so I’ll say wildflower again.
i think of a type of flower that its very colorful and rare. its a flower that is not found knower else but one place and one only.
I remeber when i was a ant. I was traveling on some kind of weird substance, humans call” Grass”.
The wind started to blow and a wildflower came down and took me with it to neverland.
a flower that grows in the wild
a nickname for a hippy
a name for a drug
a name for a dog
a new planet
I think wildflowers are really pretty. its a wierd word for a flower.
Berenisse Leyva
I remeber when i was a ant. I was traveling on some kind of weird substance, humans call” Grass”.
The wind started to blow and a wildflower came down and took me with it to neverland.
wildflower i imagine this as a big flower and with a lot of colors. This is like a me i identify my self with this word. i like lots of colors and be wild.
wild flowers are beautiful
one day i went outside to the fields
and my friend and i picked some of them
it was so much fun.
anju thomas
when I think about the word wildflower, I think of a plain, a midsummer day, and
Jean Rojas
A native beauty
Magnificent in color
A wildflower
Running wild among the wildflowers, as romantic as you may think it is, its really about the thorns at the end of it.
Wild World has rotten beautiful flowers and became a wildflower.
fields of montana running as a child during the summer, knowing the flowers will be covered in snow soon enough. I miss the outdoors of my childhood. my sister loves yellow flowers, wildroses, and others.
I am like a wildflower bursting on the scene in the middle of a sunlite summeer day. I turn my head toward the source of my life and follow the sun through out the day. I feell the bees brush my face and take a piece of me with them as they fly to visit my friends. I am wild. I am flower.
i like to think that wild flowers are representative of people who are lost, but don’t want to be found. Of course, finding wild flowers is always fun. It’s nice to get flowers that someone just found, thought of you, and picked them just for you. It’s also an OK band.
wildflowers are amazing because of their name. They are wild. They don’t have rules, no one cares when they gestate, and yet theyre still amazingly pretty. You cannot tame them. And I think that’s why people like them so much.
as a child we would pick lovely wildflowers to give our mother. It was when I started FFA that I learned many of these “flowers” were weeds, noxious weeds. It’s sad that so many beautiful things could be thought of has bad.
A wildflower usually grows in temperate climates, and not hot, humid climates like Florida. Traveling to northern georgia or north carolina in the spring is always wonderful, looking across praries and in
I like wildflowers so much I adore them. It was when I was a little kid that I smelled my first one. It took my breath away to the point I didnt want to breath again. For to breath again I would take a breath of air that was not a wildflower. I want my life to be a wildflower. wild
The field has many flowers in it, but they all look tame when you compare them to the one true wildflower. Alone, part red and part yellow, it is truly yellow and wild unlike the other demoesticated, tame flowers. It is ragged, and bug crawl all over it. Because wildness and beauty are not one and them same. Rather, they are two contradictory but consistent notions. The wild is beautiful because it is ugly.
the brightest flower in the patch, I feel a sting every time I see it, as if it were a part of me, slowly swaying in the grass above the sun spotted runs of wheat and rye. I bathe in wilderness, below me, above me, and around me. Though I know the wildflower.
wildflower are found in deep jungles…………….i assume…………i had never seen a wildflower,i don’t know whether it is beautiful or not but prabably
I found myself standing in a field of wildflowers. A sea of white, yellow and purple surrounding me. I felt a sense of peace, of happiness, flowing through my veins.
With a wildflower in hand, the boy jumps off his bike and runs up the stairs. Panting now, he nervously rings the doorbell and waits. As he waits, he imagines her face when he gives the flower to her. When the door opens, his smile takes over his face and utter joy washes through him
The wildflowers grew, grew and finally become whales.
Wild flowers make me happy. They remind me about the diversity in nature. Whe I see wild flowers in may garden I now that the ecosystem y more or less ok. Diversity in life is good.
wildflower, running wild and free, but she don’t know where to go. up or down, there’s no one there. but that’s what makes her wild. wild because she’s a child of march, who could never settle down. set in her ways, but set no where. it’s easier in the shortrun, but in the longrun, she’s no better off. she never finds love.
a wild flower can be found in the wild, can’t it? what is so interesting about a wild flower? … perhaps the concept of its
Thousands of them all over the field. Different kinds too. The children raced round picking armfuls of them to take home to mum. Then a voice shouted “Leave them alone, you’re not allowd to pick them you little urchins.”
I watched as Mimi ran through the field gathering a bouquet of wildflowers already in her hands. She looked back at me her face shining with a beautiful smile spread wide across her face. I laughed at the joy of this seen until I felt something wet on my cheek.
I qyickly wiped it away and bounded after her, dancing among the flowers all the way.
and she runs like a wildflower, dress flying wildly in the wind. she laughs and cries at the same time. she is free.
i thought i told you id never want to see you again…your too much like a weed or some wildflowered plant that is as persistent as it is unwanted
beauty in a field, silence in my heart, I would love to have a wildflower for the start. I don’t know why I feel like ryming, that’s not part of this game, but it’s all about the timing and I know this may be lame. All and all I like wildflowers very much, I think I may go eat some lunch. I’m having chicken saled and I don’t think anything rymes with that.
in the dawn of a new day I stand feeling the dew on my toes,
the sun comes to warm my face and the birds sing
wildflower celebrate the day, waltzing in the field of green just there at my knee
nudging me gently
and I smile to be alive in this wonder
A flower that grows beatifully in the wild
Watering and feeding
A wildflower area doesn’t require any additional watering or feeding. This could alter the natural balance of plants in the area. Many native flowers colonise poor land and the addition of extra nutrients and water will encourage excessive vigour in grasses, which will consequently out-compete the more desirable native plants.
Mowing is one way gardeners can manipulate the range of wildflowers that grow. To encourage perennial flowers and grasses to make good root development, it is important to mow the meadow in the first year after sowing. Cut to a height of 5cm (2in) four times during the year.
Established spring-flowering meadows are cut in July and for the remainder of the summer to reduce the vigour of coarse grasses and to allow flowers such as cowslips, fritillary, lady’s smock, selfheal and bugle to prosper. Leave unmown from February to July. Established summer-flowering meadows are not mown until late August or September, after wildflowers such as knapweed, devil’s bit scabious and lady’s bedstraw have set seed. Use this summer-flowering meadow regime for meadows with plants flowering at various times.
It is usually a good idea to leave the initial mowings in situ for a few days to allow seed to drop to the ground but then it is important to collect mowings to reduce soil fertility. Aim for the first cut to be 5-7.5cm (2-3in) high. Subsequent cuts can be lower. Many lawnmowers will struggle with long grass. Small areas can be cut with a strimmer, though larger areas are best tackled with a heavy-duty mower (e.g. sickle-bar mowers and motor scythe) or a two-wheel strimmer.
Tackling weeds and dominant grasses
Perennial weeds, thistles and nettles for example, can either be weeded out by hand or spot treated with a weedkiller based on glyphosate, such as Roundup or Tumbleweed. Selective lawn weedkillers should not be used as these will kill the wildflowers you wish to encourage. Where grasses become dominant try sowing the annual wildflower, yellow rattle ( Rhianthus minor ) which is semi-parasitic on grasses. Sow this in August and keep the grass mown until March.
Ooh i simply love wildflowers!! Especially huge fields of them. When i was six my parents sowed a field next to our house with wildflowers and I was so small it felt like a flower forest to me. I loved it! I will plant some when i have land of my own.
flower found in the Jungle.
A wild flower a flower thats wild. A crazy word for a flower. Fun, new word
Wildflowers are really pretty. They have lots of illuminating colors that are very interesting. They give me allergies, but I still like them. Some wild flowers aren’t that great though. Now im running out of time so I’ll say wildflower again.
i think of a type of flower that its very colorful and rare. its a flower that is not found knower else but one place and one only.
I remeber when i was a ant. I was traveling on some kind of weird substance, humans call” Grass”.
The wind started to blow and a wildflower came down and took me with it to neverland.
a flower that grows in the wild
a nickname for a hippy
a name for a drug
a name for a dog
a new planet
I think wildflowers are really pretty. its a wierd word for a flower.
I remeber when i was a ant. I was traveling on some kind of weird substance, humans call” Grass”.
The wind started to blow and a wildflower came down and took me with it to neverland.
wildflower i imagine this as a big flower and with a lot of colors. This is like a me i identify my self with this word. i like lots of colors and be wild.
wild flowers are beautiful
one day i went outside to the fields
and my friend and i picked some of them
it was so much fun.
when I think about the word wildflower, I think of a plain, a midsummer day, and
A native beauty
Magnificent in color
A wildflower
Running wild among the wildflowers, as romantic as you may think it is, its really about the thorns at the end of it.
Wild World has rotten beautiful flowers and became a wildflower.