When I die a wreath of wildflowers will be strung around my neck. As I decompose, the petals will join my bones in a sweet embrace.
Growing wildly in the air the flower breathes. A child passes and notices the eccentricity of this being. Drawn to it, the child naively and selfishly kills it, carrying it back home.
Nikki Hodgdon
I remember that day when we went on a picnic to those hills outside the city. I stuck my hand on her knee and before we knew it the wildflowers were all mixed up with the quiche. It’s over.
Wild flowers are pretty. They are wild, but how come when you need to be wild there are no “wild flowers” around? Just dead ones. lame.
Yellow, gold, shades of purple
The wildflower brings the sun into our lives.
put two, thre, even four together and you have nature’s never-ending symphony.
I see a wildflower on my way to school this morning. I can’t help to think about all the blessings I have when I look into this one single wildflower. It made me feel so alive and I can’t help to thank God that I’m here today.
the wildflower graces the land
its petals radiating from the sun
John Crowell
my aunt is obsessed with them. I don’t get it. Maybe it’s because she has been burdened with responsibility her whole life and has never felt free, like wildflowers. Freedom is a funny thing. You want it so bad, then when you have it… you don’t respect it nearly as much as you should.
A beautiful flower that no one thinks about but is the most beautiful and wild of all. Some say that it is an outcast but i believe that to be a good thing. Some thing that is there but not appreciated.
The wildflower sits. And she waits, patiently, wondering, wondering, wondering. She doesn’t know what she’s waiting for — oh no, it’s more of a something else. Who knows, when things have turned tide for the more befuddling course?
The wildflower is as her name says, and all she can do is wait and watch as time passes her by — against will against will against will against another.
I sometimes question myself, whether I exist; whether I’m a wall flower, or a wild flower; whether I’m pretty, or ugly; whether I am amazing, or boring; someone tell me who I am because I haven’t the faintest.
Wildflowers are the part of the meadow that makes the rest of the meadow hang its head. You see grasses and the like, all drooped and withered, aimed at the ground, to slough off rainwater. The wildflowers glory in it, though. They’re so proud, straight-necked, decadent, wondering at their own beauty. And everybody else just wants them clipped.
She walked slowly through the feild occasionally stopping to pick a wildflower. It was perfect, movielike. But she was unhappy. She didn’t know why but she just couldn’t find that joyfull feeling that had once enveloped her. Now all she could do was walk and think trying to go deep enough to discover what had shaken her from her optimistic post.
This song from the mid seventies would play on saturday mornings while my mom and sister and I would clean the house. We’d pack a lunch and then drive to the beach in the afternoon.
The hills between Los Angeles and Bakersfield come alive with California Poppies every summer. What a treat it is to drive through there and see all the different shades of orange wildflowers.
there are many wildflowers in the world a lot of them are different varieties of wildflowers. I enjoy looking at them. they have a wonderful ability to encourage almost anyone. God made wildflowers as something to brighten the world and they are so amazing because they always grow again in the spring. there is no way to kill them off. they are just always there.
Ah wildflower a bounteous thing. This message an ode to your untamed beauty growing wild and free without rule or regulation
I didn’t think the time had started. Wasn’t I supposed to have to press a button or something? Sometimes technology gets in the way of creativity ..like GMOing a wildflower.
that’s where you belong. in a field of green with all the birds and bees flying through the air. if you are quiet enough, you may also see some deer grazing in the field. bring a blanket and a loved one, with some food and have a picnic on a beautiful day.
opposite of wallflower
i’d rather be a wildflower in a cemetery
than a daffodil on a kitchen table.
she was so pretty in her blue dress amongst the fields. The wind was playing in her hair, they were flying all over her face. She looked like a wild flower and I couldn’t help feeling the luckiest guy in the world to have her
gardens and meadows. in a rolling feild, with a loved one, spinning in circles. love. kissing. wine. running. rolling around. bouquets, weddings beatiful settings. marraige, cottage, with cathedral windows, looking out at garden.
in a field
and they are plants with flowers i once picked a wild flower asking if it was planted and my mom told me that it just grows and i was puzzled. i wonder how they get there other than the wind its amazing to think that everything that isnt planted gets there by wind and air. seeds fly to grow the flower and its amazing
They stood in the middle of the street.
There was no reason to worry about traffic.
No one had a car these days and if they did –
there was no gas.
Standing there side by side
they watched the storm move in closer.
There was no where to go, no where to hide.
They just silently held hands and waited.
Looking down at the broken road she smiled.
Through the cracks wildflowers had taken root,
dancing gently in the strengthening breeze.
i had slept in a field of wildflowers, when the morning sun woke me..i found i didn’t know where i was
a flower that’s wild. pink purple. green grass. doesn’t care about what’s goin on with the other flowers. the “hippie” of it’s type. random. grows freely.
the wildflower grew along the narrow road by my house. Not the big road where all the traffic uses, but the road that winds along in my back yard. I walk by the flower everyday on my way to school. It’s yellow with splashes of pink and orange on the pedals.
a small intense area of my heart beats with rapid fire against a light. i try to stumble towards it, rage but it finds me trapped… alone. without a soul or a magnificent emotion. no praise. just a wind. a dying wind alone in a changing breeze. fight for bright
the flower of the wild for the wild. But it’s not as wild as you might expect.
Like the one you picked for me,
like the way you considered.
Almost as if you knew how it’d be,
didn’t you know that I did too?
I knew it would happen before it began.
If only I could have seen the ending.
In the same way.
is a wild thing on side of a road or in park. it soes not fit into the sourrinding but is still beautiful!
christian Rost
beautiful, alone in the field. just waiting for someone to pluck it and enjoy what’s left of it’s beautiful fragrance. because, once it is plucked it is alive no more. it doesn’t breathe, it just slowly whithers away.
You belong among the wildflowers
You belong in a boat out at sea
Sail away, kill off the hours
You belong somewhere you feel free
Run away, find you a lover
Go away somewhere bright and new
I have seen no other
Who compares with you
I’m not necessarily a big fan of wind. I mean, really high winds can damage buildings, ruin a good game of golf or kill the airborne. However, a slight breeze can be amazing. For instance, the calm sway of the grass, a wildflower, the trees… How peaceful is that?
Even more amazing is seeing her hair calmly dance in the breeze, revealing her intoxicating eyes. It’s at that point I thank God for the breeze. I get jealous of the breeze in that same aspect – touching parts of her I’d only dream to. It’s constantly on her lips, taken in and becoming one with her. I can’t help but focus on her skin, her eyes, her hair; all beautifully brushed with the breeze. One of these days, soon, I will become the breeze…
Fred Man Jones
Jenny picked the wildflower and put it to her lips. She could only taste colours, she couldn’t see them. Her father thought it was because her mother was a hippie. Jenny knew it was because she had a sun growing inside her. She tentatively put one petal in her mouth and sucked.
“Mmmmmmm,” she moaned. “It’s going to be a beautiful summer.
Nicolas Griffin-Lloyd
wild child colorful exotic
is sometimes thought of as a beautiful thing. I think they are the most repuslive of all flowers. not because they are ugly, but because they are cheap. if a guy sent me wildflowers i’ll throw them right back in his face for being a cheap bastard
Wildflower was not happy. You could tell by the way he kept stomping is hooves, and I swear there was something flippant in the way he shook his mane.
Wildflower and I never really got along. Ever since we first got him for my sister I’d tease him and bother him.
Probably why he kicked me in the skull.
Today I saw a bunch of wildflowers on the side of the road. I love spring when these flowers burst into free bloom. I can only imagine a long time ago when there were no roads and businesses taking over fields.When I close my eyes I can see thousands of wildflowers cover hundreds of pastures. Bright splashes of colors as far as the eye can see.
When I die a wreath of wildflowers will be strung around my neck. As I decompose, the petals will join my bones in a sweet embrace.
Growing wildly in the air the flower breathes. A child passes and notices the eccentricity of this being. Drawn to it, the child naively and selfishly kills it, carrying it back home.
I remember that day when we went on a picnic to those hills outside the city. I stuck my hand on her knee and before we knew it the wildflowers were all mixed up with the quiche. It’s over.
Wild flowers are pretty. They are wild, but how come when you need to be wild there are no “wild flowers” around? Just dead ones. lame.
Yellow, gold, shades of purple
The wildflower brings the sun into our lives.
put two, thre, even four together and you have nature’s never-ending symphony.
I see a wildflower on my way to school this morning. I can’t help to think about all the blessings I have when I look into this one single wildflower. It made me feel so alive and I can’t help to thank God that I’m here today.
the wildflower graces the land
its petals radiating from the sun
my aunt is obsessed with them. I don’t get it. Maybe it’s because she has been burdened with responsibility her whole life and has never felt free, like wildflowers. Freedom is a funny thing. You want it so bad, then when you have it… you don’t respect it nearly as much as you should.
A beautiful flower that no one thinks about but is the most beautiful and wild of all. Some say that it is an outcast but i believe that to be a good thing. Some thing that is there but not appreciated.
The wildflower sits. And she waits, patiently, wondering, wondering, wondering. She doesn’t know what she’s waiting for — oh no, it’s more of a something else. Who knows, when things have turned tide for the more befuddling course?
The wildflower is as her name says, and all she can do is wait and watch as time passes her by — against will against will against will against another.
I sometimes question myself, whether I exist; whether I’m a wall flower, or a wild flower; whether I’m pretty, or ugly; whether I am amazing, or boring; someone tell me who I am because I haven’t the faintest.
Wildflowers are the part of the meadow that makes the rest of the meadow hang its head. You see grasses and the like, all drooped and withered, aimed at the ground, to slough off rainwater. The wildflowers glory in it, though. They’re so proud, straight-necked, decadent, wondering at their own beauty. And everybody else just wants them clipped.
She walked slowly through the feild occasionally stopping to pick a wildflower. It was perfect, movielike. But she was unhappy. She didn’t know why but she just couldn’t find that joyfull feeling that had once enveloped her. Now all she could do was walk and think trying to go deep enough to discover what had shaken her from her optimistic post.
This song from the mid seventies would play on saturday mornings while my mom and sister and I would clean the house. We’d pack a lunch and then drive to the beach in the afternoon.
The hills between Los Angeles and Bakersfield come alive with California Poppies every summer. What a treat it is to drive through there and see all the different shades of orange wildflowers.
there are many wildflowers in the world a lot of them are different varieties of wildflowers. I enjoy looking at them. they have a wonderful ability to encourage almost anyone. God made wildflowers as something to brighten the world and they are so amazing because they always grow again in the spring. there is no way to kill them off. they are just always there.
Ah wildflower a bounteous thing. This message an ode to your untamed beauty growing wild and free without rule or regulation
I didn’t think the time had started. Wasn’t I supposed to have to press a button or something? Sometimes technology gets in the way of creativity ..like GMOing a wildflower.
that’s where you belong. in a field of green with all the birds and bees flying through the air. if you are quiet enough, you may also see some deer grazing in the field. bring a blanket and a loved one, with some food and have a picnic on a beautiful day.
opposite of wallflower
i’d rather be a wildflower in a cemetery
than a daffodil on a kitchen table.
she was so pretty in her blue dress amongst the fields. The wind was playing in her hair, they were flying all over her face. She looked like a wild flower and I couldn’t help feeling the luckiest guy in the world to have her
gardens and meadows. in a rolling feild, with a loved one, spinning in circles. love. kissing. wine. running. rolling around. bouquets, weddings beatiful settings. marraige, cottage, with cathedral windows, looking out at garden.
in a field
and they are plants with flowers i once picked a wild flower asking if it was planted and my mom told me that it just grows and i was puzzled. i wonder how they get there other than the wind its amazing to think that everything that isnt planted gets there by wind and air. seeds fly to grow the flower and its amazing
They stood in the middle of the street.
There was no reason to worry about traffic.
No one had a car these days and if they did –
there was no gas.
Standing there side by side
they watched the storm move in closer.
There was no where to go, no where to hide.
They just silently held hands and waited.
Looking down at the broken road she smiled.
Through the cracks wildflowers had taken root,
dancing gently in the strengthening breeze.
i had slept in a field of wildflowers, when the morning sun woke me..i found i didn’t know where i was
a flower that’s wild. pink purple. green grass. doesn’t care about what’s goin on with the other flowers. the “hippie” of it’s type. random. grows freely.
the wildflower grew along the narrow road by my house. Not the big road where all the traffic uses, but the road that winds along in my back yard. I walk by the flower everyday on my way to school. It’s yellow with splashes of pink and orange on the pedals.
a small intense area of my heart beats with rapid fire against a light. i try to stumble towards it, rage but it finds me trapped… alone. without a soul or a magnificent emotion. no praise. just a wind. a dying wind alone in a changing breeze. fight for bright
the flower of the wild for the wild. But it’s not as wild as you might expect.
Like the one you picked for me,
like the way you considered.
Almost as if you knew how it’d be,
didn’t you know that I did too?
I knew it would happen before it began.
If only I could have seen the ending.
In the same way.
is a wild thing on side of a road or in park. it soes not fit into the sourrinding but is still beautiful!
beautiful, alone in the field. just waiting for someone to pluck it and enjoy what’s left of it’s beautiful fragrance. because, once it is plucked it is alive no more. it doesn’t breathe, it just slowly whithers away.
You belong among the wildflowers
You belong in a boat out at sea
Sail away, kill off the hours
You belong somewhere you feel free
Run away, find you a lover
Go away somewhere bright and new
I have seen no other
Who compares with you
I’m not necessarily a big fan of wind. I mean, really high winds can damage buildings, ruin a good game of golf or kill the airborne. However, a slight breeze can be amazing. For instance, the calm sway of the grass, a wildflower, the trees… How peaceful is that?
Even more amazing is seeing her hair calmly dance in the breeze, revealing her intoxicating eyes. It’s at that point I thank God for the breeze. I get jealous of the breeze in that same aspect – touching parts of her I’d only dream to. It’s constantly on her lips, taken in and becoming one with her. I can’t help but focus on her skin, her eyes, her hair; all beautifully brushed with the breeze. One of these days, soon, I will become the breeze…
Jenny picked the wildflower and put it to her lips. She could only taste colours, she couldn’t see them. Her father thought it was because her mother was a hippie. Jenny knew it was because she had a sun growing inside her. She tentatively put one petal in her mouth and sucked.
“Mmmmmmm,” she moaned. “It’s going to be a beautiful summer.
wild child colorful exotic
is sometimes thought of as a beautiful thing. I think they are the most repuslive of all flowers. not because they are ugly, but because they are cheap. if a guy sent me wildflowers i’ll throw them right back in his face for being a cheap bastard
Wildflower was not happy. You could tell by the way he kept stomping is hooves, and I swear there was something flippant in the way he shook his mane.
Wildflower and I never really got along. Ever since we first got him for my sister I’d tease him and bother him.
Probably why he kicked me in the skull.
Today I saw a bunch of wildflowers on the side of the road. I love spring when these flowers burst into free bloom. I can only imagine a long time ago when there were no roads and businesses taking over fields.When I close my eyes I can see thousands of wildflowers cover hundreds of pastures. Bright splashes of colors as far as the eye can see.