
September 10th, 2008 | 1,050 Entries

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1,050 Entries for “wildflower”

  1. Purple chicory growing on the side of the road. Its hot and the air is still. I’m on a bike, and the dead air rushes over my skin, cooling me and keeping me able to move. I drink and pour some luke warm water over myself, and I swerve and I have purple flowers stuck in my spokes.

  2. Today I drove home from your house and there were four rats on the road, crossing, slowly and three of them ran back, but one was me, curious and hesitant, watching for a second before returning back to where he’d come from.
    I came home and my hamster ate a petal off of an African daisy. I’m not sure if that will kill him.
    I hope not.
    I do like hamsters.

  3. wildflower

  4. hello mello

  5. you belong among the wildflowers
    you belong at a boat out at sea
    sail away
    go by the hours
    you belong somewhere you’ll be free

    something special
    in the middle of a field

  6. taLL, PRETTY, BEAUTIFUL, SERENE, unique, pink, wild, soft, delecate, petals, rain, fallen glory, escape

  7. smells nice when seasoned but has no lasting effect on my brain as a whole it’s hard to understand because you’re not me but one day when you are me you’re going to wake up and understand just what it means to not know why a windflower has no lasting effect on your brain as a whole

  8. i see purple triangles upon purple triangles. bits of yellow, black circles upon green stalks. how desolate? how dangerous? yuck.

  9. a wildflower is a flower you find in the wild. it is pleasant. there will be wildflowers in the countryside and in towns and cities. a bit of greenery is always nice i think.

  10. pretty amazing spectacular work of art made by god the loving father that creates all things beauty within the kingdom earth that lies within a wildflower.

  11. Everywhere I go, when I walk along the desert hills that pop out of this little town, I see yellow wildflowers dotting the way. I always cut my legs on the other plants, which isn’t very pleasant, but it’s nice to know that flowers can grow naturally even on the burnt sienna mountains or around areas where there have been forest fires in the past, which are now red from that pretty chili powder stuff that the planes spilled on it.

  12. The mountains of Colorado possess endless beauty. From the sinking valleys to the striking peaks. The incredible thing about this area is that you cannot look anywhere without seeing beauty. Even the spaces of nothingness are are filled with beautiful wildflowers.

  13. There is a fiels full of them, but I can’t reach it because there is a bridge I have to cross. I hate bridges. I’d happily jump the fence, but that bridge is too much. So I’ll look for a while, and maybe smell a waft of them in the breeze.

  14. to be wild, and unrestrained, colorful, and unpredictable…to be a human wildflower…that appeals to me. that was also just about the most grammatically incorrect sentence ever.

  15. wildflower
    not mine
    not human
    not even a flower
    wild flower

  16. tiny grow.. tiny grow… beautiful, i love you, thats why i gave this to you.. take me in the wild flowers.. make me your wildflower.. if that i possible

  17. such an awesome word.
    it really embodies what nature is all about. beauty and savage all in one.
    it’s got the looks, but it’s also got the part that’s not afraid to fuck your shit up.

  18. Falling down, but like a spiral. That’s what it felt like, anyway. I could it in my head: Me, but a different me, turning like something that can ride turns through currents. I was beautiful, then.

    The Fool
  19. a wildflower was spinning around the sun when gacro came with it he said:”hey man, you like the light inhere?” he was flikkering at the flower and said what light?

  20. wildflower could be the name of a hippie child born from some weed-fuelled love in in woodstock festival whenever that was 60s or 70s i suspect. also there are many different types of wildflower i am lead to understand, peonies and such. poets are often very interested in wildflowers, i can kind of see why like hte whole beauty in unlikely places thing but still get some new material damn poets.

    Tom F
  21. a wild flower is a flower that is wild….. i like wild flowers… do you??? flowers that are wild are wild flowers……….

    lizzie bleu
  22. The essence of love has all along been with us. It never touched the silhouette of the damsel in her pink dress. Not once have I been wrong. The essence of desire, the flavor of lust. Mysteries.

    Miguel B.
  23. Wildflowers should grow in the field across from my family’s house. They should be purple, and blue, and pink and yellow. It shouldn’t be abandoned farm land, and it shouldn’t be developed into another community of identical homes.

  24. i pressed a couple yellow ones. bea’s favorite is queen anne’s lace. i remember she told me that when we went to pierce a calf’s ear. it was very cute, but its mother was sick.
    i don’t really see why queen anne’s lace would be anyone’s favorite. it’s nice, but plain.
    we had some violets in the backyard in years past, but not so many this year. what a pity. i rather like them.

    grace h
  25. What makes you wild, flower? Aren’t all flowers wild? I want to be one. Wild. If I had to choose between being simply wild or being a simple flower, I’d be wild. I don’t like too much of this tamed life.

  26. wildflowers are pretty but they kind of remind me of wallflowers which makes me sad. i never want to be one of those wallflowers. i believe i’ve tried hard to break out of that i still sometimes want to go in. maybe thats why i’ve never liked flowers. i guess that just another of lifes mysteries.

  27. Wildflower? What the hell is wildflower? Some sort of flower I suppose. Never ever heard of it. In fact, given my lack of knowledge on the topic, sixty second is way too much time for me to write about it. Tic toc, tic toc. Anybody else know about that place? Not me, that for sure. Uhm, already said that. Yeah. hey! That line is turning red…

    Stefan Chavdarov
  28. field, earth, dirt, dylan, book, charlie, pot, high school, gay, straight, molestation, penn state, pittsburg, east coast,

  29. there once was a wild flower named suns upwards. it lived on the flower planet. one day it was walking to the store. it saw another flower. that flowers name was rains above. they became best friends. they went to the park and lived happily ever after.

  30. “in the town where i was born there lived a man with yellow horns, atop his mane a man did sit, and on his lip a lovely lisp”

    Walter is a honey bee, who visits the flowers. His wife describes him as a manly bee. but one time he tried to sting me.

  31. In Texas the wildflower flow across the land like a sea in waves of bluebonnets and Indian paint brushes and primroses. Like the Grand Canyon and the Cherry Blossoms in Washington, DC you don’t understand until you see it.

  32. As I tumble through the paradise of paint, I only realize I am creating this paradise with my mind… Oh the wildflowers I see, drenched in reality and smothered with acrylic… I wish I died everyday to realize this beauty…

    dayne whitehouse
  33. i had a wild flower once. i named it jacob. it rained a bit and jacob got wet, then he got big. he was a wild tulip. he was in the shape of a dog. i belive it was greenish with a red tinge to a purply orange vomitty coloured leaf. doogle is irish google. fact!! actually, feck!

    stuart mckeown
  34. wild, meadows, pretty, sunny, playful, purple, yellow, weed, native, natural, bees, butterflies

  35. wildflowers are found in valleys and on hillsides. the wildflower is often pink or purple but can be found in a number of different colours. they are considered beautiful and are often used as tokens of one’s love for another. wildflowers are pretty and smell lovely as well.

  36. They can be picked, yet they are always withered when I find them. And prickly. Ouch. Who wants prickly wildflowers. Leave them to the animals. They can eat them. Fine. Nevermind.

  37. there is a wildflower that likes to dance and frolic in the wind. It is stationary but plays wiht the thoughts in my mind. its color is vibrant and makes me wish i was a flower. i think, aren’t we all flowers that just want to be picked?

  38. I was thinking of a wildflower blowing in the wind. And how it just bends with it not really tugging or trying to go against it. And yet it does not break. and it keeps it’s shape and form.

  39. there we sat in the field filled to brim with wild flowers as brimming as the cup of chai tea she drank on the porch this morning and equally fragrant. We tumbled and frolicked, you know the usual sort, and then we burned the field to ground.

    Aaron Rogachevsky
  40. i have a group of wildflowers in my kitchen. my ex brought them over to me the night before we broke up. he wanted me to come pick them up at 2am but i told him that the gesture didnt quite work if i had to go out of my way to get the flowers.
