It faced the sun and mirrored it with its hues: yellow, somehow translucent and streaked with light simultaneously, freckled with droplets of blood-orange.
in NOrth dakota i was walking through the wilderness and stumbled upon a wildflower that was growing in the ground. I wanted to play with the flower so I started to pick at it, but the head of the wildflower came off. I was sad at this. I wanted to see if I could grow it at home.
Steven Walker
i used to pick them in the summers. they made lovely hair ties. I miss them a tad, and what they represented. They would live for only a day, but what beauty they held. Wildflowers were like the dreams of my youth – short-lived but fantastical, fleeting but impressionistic.
sometimes i just want to run into the woods, put my head down on the base of a tree, and smell the wildflowers. purple is my favorite, followed closely by bright red. i want to make flower bracelets and necklaces and let my dog barrel around the trees and bushes and just…
She walked down the road. It was completely dead, except for one beautiful flower. It shone red in the sun, but when she walked forward to get a better look, it appeared yellow. Each angle she looked at it from, she saw a different color. She plucked it from the ground, and the nearest tree seemed to lose all of it’s life supply.
she danced on my sleeves like butter,
churning and yearning with lemon-drop
eyes the color of sunset, sunrise,
my sweet, sweet surprise
dreaming is a fickle hobby,
by fickle men
and wildflowers dare not grow where
the gardener lays his hand-
keep the wilderness from my heart
and keep the sorrow nested warm
upon the crimson cart
wildflower is something that seems out of control.some one who is very out going, fire, danger, exciting.out in the wild , the countyrside, a great time to go hiking in nature.outdoors in the free open land.nice breeze and sunny day.maybe it means trouble maker,or a name used by hippies for hippies,sounds good.
the flowers run down my face. the indians used to crush these into makeup, caking their faces with poison. everyone thought they were so smart. I guess that they weren’t. the wildflowers will always be smarter. nature will always be smarter. we rose from the ashes. but what made the ashes?
The breeze blew in the field of flowers. A small girl ran through this field. She picked up one of the beautiful wildflowers and strung it through her crimson hair. The look on her face was pure joy, something not often seen in these times. As she lifted her hands and the flowers, shone ever brighter in the sunlights
Matthew Kolbert
Wildflower, bloom, happy in the forest, a meadow where lovers meet, its peaceful, content, beautiful. It smells green, it smells fresh there is no smog there is no traffic, it is just peaceful. He kisses her like he can’t stand to wait.
This one time I was walking through a field that I have never been in before. I saw all these flowers that I was not familiar with, but they were beautiful nonetheless. As much as their beauty struck me though, my mind kept wandering to other things.
if there was anything more beautiful than a wildflower, it wouldn’t be illegal to pick them on other people’s property. cool breezes through open fields. yellow, pink, blue growing from the land with the amber waves of grain. this is heaven. if i were wild, i’d be a flower.
a wildflower is a beautiful weed
a blue clear sky with a verdant field filled with lilacs underneath, blue mountains in the background, thousands of flowers litter the ground.
The wildflowers bloom in the field near my house. They wave in the wind, gently, as the bulldozer slowly advances. A sign pronounces the imminent arrival of ‘Cherry Blossom Estates’.
The song “wildflower” by Tom Petty.
You belong among the wildflowers, you belong on a boat out at sea. Sail away, kill off the hours, you belong somewhere you feel free.
Those are the lyrics. It reminds me of my ex, Jamie. She loved boats. I loved that song, thought of her every time. It’s melancholy to listen to now, because we’ve broken up. I feel like it’s taken on a whole new meaning, like I wish the best for her.
How I fucking want you
How I want to
press your bold
against me
let them sink
into my skin
Pick you in full
bloom, keep you
save me
from pollination
the birth of a nation so deprived of what it means to be
the self.
so instead preservation instincts sink in
and burn the natural stem of sex
and love
what it means to be
what you are
even when the wind billows
and you forego your faith for touch
Hannah Wells
wildflower growing in a field. sunflowers on a bright sunny day. laying in the grass. thinking about eternity, everything in life is ok. there are no problems. the sky is blue and perfect. there are three clouds that are perfectly white and fluffy. there is nothing i would rather be doing.
Wildflowers are the token symbol of nature and freedom. They are the flowers that elsewhere would be called weeds, but in nature, away from society, fit in perfectly and add to a scene. I’m sure there’s a metaphor, but I’m too lazy to find it.
spots of color on the side of the road of life,
I have learned to see.
A rainbow of flowers, in every shade,
going on for eternity.
The wildflower skips and then it goes all the blooms through what I call it and then it is what i think of it oh yeah, it is almost as if I were flying through a bunch of medowz, it is almost that epic yeah it is just like that. I am a poet in a writers body it fits me perfectly just like a wildflower in the wild. It is almost yeah like that. I feel the vibe of all the retarded chimps. this is how it flows and how I feel that it flows oh wow. Omg this is epic bro I can’t comprehend it!
there aren’t really any where i live, can you consider them wild when they’re manicured, or wrapped in paper and plastic?
i have never lived in the country, so wildflowers are somewhat of a fantastical idea
Wildflower is a dangerous disease that originated in the Middle East. It involves loss of self-control and an inability to identify your loved ones. It also causes one to binge drink and be impulsive. Uncontrollable bouts of crying may or may not occur. Said to be caused by a certain type of flower, it is now contagious.
fiore di campo in italiano mi ricorda la mamma, una bambina, strappata troppo pesto all’infanzia nel paese di cui non ricordo il nome, dal paese che on ha nome perchè mai fu nominato. non sapevamo deve fosse nata la mamma ne che maledizione custodisse quel paese, la sua origine. eppure c’era una storia da raccontare e io la raccoterò. costi quel che costi.
fabio masetti
wildflowers are good. if we keep over farming there won’t beany. just the boil in a bag versions you get at the garden centers. wont that be a shame, but then hey fuck it all the bees are gone anyway
crazy i hide in the sameness of the wall
we dance in the insides of the summer of our
sky we hide we hide
i want you, you cry
loudly with all your hands and eyes
but i am busy adding to the decoration
i am busybeing all
la lalallal.
diamond dizziness opal skin
i want you
all within all within.
wildflower?what kind if word is that. it makes me think of daisies for some reason, not quite sure why. im not rwally that into flowers. i suppose thats cuz im a teenage guy. and a comic geek at that. flowers. yep, thats about it, i cant really think of anything else
greta likes the wildflowers she planted in the garden with the seeds she got from mom. they grew all over the place like crazy sunshine and never looked back. now they droop over the edge in the rain. the bees come to visit them and then they go away
the wildflower blossomed in the sweet summer sun, the glowing peddals kissing the sky. singing songs the birds flew about heedless of the flower and its majestic contribution to the whole of their marvalous world.
wesley vinton harney
We are like wildflowers. Sometimes we get stepped on, sometimes we blow in the wind, and other times we stand free and beautiful as ever.
a bloom in the breeze is the sadness of tranquility. we embrace, we live, and embrace what we live. a soulful touch lightens the burdens, so forever we are honored.
Gently bent by the swaying breeze, in colors of purple, yellow, and white. By the side of the road they grow – wild and free. A field of color – wildflowers.
N. Kourmoulis
I took a walk
amongst the wildflowers
out in the drenching rain
I saw you there beauty beyond compare
and knew I had to take you away
In the meadow the was these beautiful purple wildflowers. I’d never seen any so amazing as these. And the sunset was perfect. everything was just perfect. life really can surprise you at times. the emotions flowing thru all these beautiful things before me is so captivating. I wish I could keep this feeling forever.
Laura Hernandez
greenish windy flowing in the sun, it bows to the clouds but not to man. It’s perfume finds no receptors of the particles it emits…it attracts no one
wild flowers make me think of summertime and feeling free; like walking around barefoot on hot pavement.
It faced the sun and mirrored it with its hues: yellow, somehow translucent and streaked with light simultaneously, freckled with droplets of blood-orange.
in NOrth dakota i was walking through the wilderness and stumbled upon a wildflower that was growing in the ground. I wanted to play with the flower so I started to pick at it, but the head of the wildflower came off. I was sad at this. I wanted to see if I could grow it at home.
i used to pick them in the summers. they made lovely hair ties. I miss them a tad, and what they represented. They would live for only a day, but what beauty they held. Wildflowers were like the dreams of my youth – short-lived but fantastical, fleeting but impressionistic.
sometimes i just want to run into the woods, put my head down on the base of a tree, and smell the wildflowers. purple is my favorite, followed closely by bright red. i want to make flower bracelets and necklaces and let my dog barrel around the trees and bushes and just…
She walked down the road. It was completely dead, except for one beautiful flower. It shone red in the sun, but when she walked forward to get a better look, it appeared yellow. Each angle she looked at it from, she saw a different color. She plucked it from the ground, and the nearest tree seemed to lose all of it’s life supply.
she danced on my sleeves like butter,
churning and yearning with lemon-drop
eyes the color of sunset, sunrise,
my sweet, sweet surprise
dreaming is a fickle hobby,
by fickle men
and wildflowers dare not grow where
the gardener lays his hand-
keep the wilderness from my heart
and keep the sorrow nested warm
upon the crimson cart
wildflower is something that seems out of control.some one who is very out going, fire, danger, exciting.out in the wild , the countyrside, a great time to go hiking in nature.outdoors in the free open land.nice breeze and sunny day.maybe it means trouble maker,or a name used by hippies for hippies,sounds good.
the flowers run down my face. the indians used to crush these into makeup, caking their faces with poison. everyone thought they were so smart. I guess that they weren’t. the wildflowers will always be smarter. nature will always be smarter. we rose from the ashes. but what made the ashes?
The breeze blew in the field of flowers. A small girl ran through this field. She picked up one of the beautiful wildflowers and strung it through her crimson hair. The look on her face was pure joy, something not often seen in these times. As she lifted her hands and the flowers, shone ever brighter in the sunlights
Wildflower, bloom, happy in the forest, a meadow where lovers meet, its peaceful, content, beautiful. It smells green, it smells fresh there is no smog there is no traffic, it is just peaceful. He kisses her like he can’t stand to wait.
This one time I was walking through a field that I have never been in before. I saw all these flowers that I was not familiar with, but they were beautiful nonetheless. As much as their beauty struck me though, my mind kept wandering to other things.
if there was anything more beautiful than a wildflower, it wouldn’t be illegal to pick them on other people’s property. cool breezes through open fields. yellow, pink, blue growing from the land with the amber waves of grain. this is heaven. if i were wild, i’d be a flower.
a wildflower is a beautiful weed
a blue clear sky with a verdant field filled with lilacs underneath, blue mountains in the background, thousands of flowers litter the ground.
flower, yellow, pink, smelly, pretty, fun, big, growing, wild, crazy, plant, grass, leaf, tree, outdoors, sunshine, blooming, expanding, fresh, weeds, nature
The wildflowers bloom in the field near my house. They wave in the wind, gently, as the bulldozer slowly advances. A sign pronounces the imminent arrival of ‘Cherry Blossom Estates’.
The song “wildflower” by Tom Petty.
You belong among the wildflowers, you belong on a boat out at sea. Sail away, kill off the hours, you belong somewhere you feel free.
Those are the lyrics. It reminds me of my ex, Jamie. She loved boats. I loved that song, thought of her every time. It’s melancholy to listen to now, because we’ve broken up. I feel like it’s taken on a whole new meaning, like I wish the best for her.
How I fucking want you
How I want to
press your bold
against me
let them sink
into my skin
Pick you in full
bloom, keep you
save me
from pollination
the birth of a nation so deprived of what it means to be
the self.
so instead preservation instincts sink in
and burn the natural stem of sex
and love
what it means to be
what you are
even when the wind billows
and you forego your faith for touch
wildflower growing in a field. sunflowers on a bright sunny day. laying in the grass. thinking about eternity, everything in life is ok. there are no problems. the sky is blue and perfect. there are three clouds that are perfectly white and fluffy. there is nothing i would rather be doing.
Wildflowers are the token symbol of nature and freedom. They are the flowers that elsewhere would be called weeds, but in nature, away from society, fit in perfectly and add to a scene. I’m sure there’s a metaphor, but I’m too lazy to find it.
spots of color on the side of the road of life,
I have learned to see.
A rainbow of flowers, in every shade,
going on for eternity.
The wildflower skips and then it goes all the blooms through what I call it and then it is what i think of it oh yeah, it is almost as if I were flying through a bunch of medowz, it is almost that epic yeah it is just like that. I am a poet in a writers body it fits me perfectly just like a wildflower in the wild. It is almost yeah like that. I feel the vibe of all the retarded chimps. this is how it flows and how I feel that it flows oh wow. Omg this is epic bro I can’t comprehend it!
there aren’t really any where i live, can you consider them wild when they’re manicured, or wrapped in paper and plastic?
i have never lived in the country, so wildflowers are somewhat of a fantastical idea
Wildflower is a dangerous disease that originated in the Middle East. It involves loss of self-control and an inability to identify your loved ones. It also causes one to binge drink and be impulsive. Uncontrollable bouts of crying may or may not occur. Said to be caused by a certain type of flower, it is now contagious.
fiore di campo in italiano mi ricorda la mamma, una bambina, strappata troppo pesto all’infanzia nel paese di cui non ricordo il nome, dal paese che on ha nome perchè mai fu nominato. non sapevamo deve fosse nata la mamma ne che maledizione custodisse quel paese, la sua origine. eppure c’era una storia da raccontare e io la raccoterò. costi quel che costi.
wildflowers are good. if we keep over farming there won’t beany. just the boil in a bag versions you get at the garden centers. wont that be a shame, but then hey fuck it all the bees are gone anyway
crazy i hide in the sameness of the wall
we dance in the insides of the summer of our
sky we hide we hide
i want you, you cry
loudly with all your hands and eyes
but i am busy adding to the decoration
i am busybeing all
la lalallal.
diamond dizziness opal skin
i want you
all within all within.
wildflower?what kind if word is that. it makes me think of daisies for some reason, not quite sure why. im not rwally that into flowers. i suppose thats cuz im a teenage guy. and a comic geek at that. flowers. yep, thats about it, i cant really think of anything else
greta likes the wildflowers she planted in the garden with the seeds she got from mom. they grew all over the place like crazy sunshine and never looked back. now they droop over the edge in the rain. the bees come to visit them and then they go away
the wildflower blossomed in the sweet summer sun, the glowing peddals kissing the sky. singing songs the birds flew about heedless of the flower and its majestic contribution to the whole of their marvalous world.
We are like wildflowers. Sometimes we get stepped on, sometimes we blow in the wind, and other times we stand free and beautiful as ever.
a bloom in the breeze is the sadness of tranquility. we embrace, we live, and embrace what we live. a soulful touch lightens the burdens, so forever we are honored.
Gently bent by the swaying breeze, in colors of purple, yellow, and white. By the side of the road they grow – wild and free. A field of color – wildflowers.
I took a walk
amongst the wildflowers
out in the drenching rain
I saw you there beauty beyond compare
and knew I had to take you away
In the meadow the was these beautiful purple wildflowers. I’d never seen any so amazing as these. And the sunset was perfect. everything was just perfect. life really can surprise you at times. the emotions flowing thru all these beautiful things before me is so captivating. I wish I could keep this feeling forever.
greenish windy flowing in the sun, it bows to the clouds but not to man. It’s perfume finds no receptors of the particles it emits…it attracts no one
wild flowers make me think of summertime and feeling free; like walking around barefoot on hot pavement.