
May 3rd, 2024 | 5 Entries

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5 Entries for “wind”

  1. Wind winds round me, pulls my hair and covers my eyes, pushes me forward, and stirs the trees.

  2. very calm and very refreshing, it feels calmness of it when it touches to your skin. The very nature of wind is clear and freshness.

  3. The wind tore through the town, knocking down the roofs and knocking over furniture set up for weddings and funerals. It sent the flames of a forest fire at the edge of town hurling towards more un-burned areas. This had happened so many times and yet the villagers still did not understand.

  4. They bore down on him from all directions. Robots, Santa Clauses, little chattering teeth. He was surrounded and it looked grim. He knew there was no way out. Until, slowly, one by one, they slowed and stopped. Fortunately for him, there was nobody around to wind them up again.

  5. The wind comes in through the window with the sun hiding behind clouds. Listening to music focusing on every single lyric. Feeling a rush of excitment for spring. Wondering what else can be stored for later.
