I like them. They live in the sea. They are red and rosy. And they make the slugs sing.
The old windmill creaked and groaned in the grip of early winter winds, determined to hold fast to the spot the millers’ sons hed inherited from their father and nine generations before him.
Break. Crack. Bang. Up, up, up. And the whoosh swishing of the turbines drowns out everything else, but the bright sparkling sun above me. Squinting, I run.
I walked through the deserted field, the only sound is the creaking windmill to my left. It’s spinning like crazy. I stare at it while the wind moves my hair in time of a passionate dance.
love, summer, wheat, smile, hair
In ireland i saw a lot of windmills. I loved Ireland it was so inspiring. The wind was so strong it almost blew me overrr
i’ll be in holland in the next couple of months…land of windmills, right?
i can’t help but think that i might just.. stay.
i am not tethered here
Out in the pasture sits a windmill. It’s a beautiful windmill. I watch it as the wind blows the blades around. It reminds me of my childhood when father used to let us play in the fields. I loved those days. I’ll vividly remember that Windmill for the rest of my life.
windmills are a dutch trademark, they have been used for centuries help grind corn or dry up land. Some windmills are still functional but most are just being kept for cultural purposes.
Modern windmills generate power.
The windmill sits on top of the hill. THe sails revolving in the light breeze. It’s peaceful and i can hear the swoosh as they go by. I wonder how long it has stood her by itself watching over the village and the hills.
This reminds me of Paris first of all, and my visit to the moulin rouge. i was about 12, and it scared me. I think we saw some real life prostitutes, which, prior to this trip, i thought were a thing of the past , and no longer existed. I was very wrong.
Turning, blades turning, spinning in the air, filled with motion, sound. It stands, turns, begins to be, is always, continues into forever.
Don Quixote fought windmills and I fought with living room chairs. Inanimate objects have a way of pissing you off when you’re least in the mood.
they are pretty, reminds me of a farm in europe. also my grandma likes them because of the man of la mancha. they are hard to overturn i hear.
a thing that spins and generates energy
The windmill stood silent
on the farm that had been
abandoned years before.
The barn was empty,
its wood decaying.
The animals had long ago
died of starvation. The
farmhouse was empty,
silent, and dust covered
the furniture. The farm
was abandoned, a monument
of the peaceful past.
Today, live, go, think, love, peace, don’t give up, family, house, mother, father, remember.
That’s it, all things that you can get in your heart.
alessandra lima
don something or other chased some windmills once. feels a bit windy, i guess. ANTM did an awesome shoot with windmills once, season six, i think? Wow, tyra’s crazy sometimes
pinning pinning
pining pinging
i would like
to conserve energy
and the beautiful milky breath
of this earth
can help us to do that
yes, please,
yes, please.
are not going to be the savior of our world, jsut because we have developed wind technology as well as other more enviromentally friendly energy sources. overpopulation is inevitable.
a windmill is a device that creates energy from wind. right? or grain or something. and don quixote fought them. and they have some of them around here near the ocean, i forget where. maybe i’d know if i had my license. but yeah, they’re tall and white and modern looking. ummm and i gu
Eine gro
Windmills on the horizon, blades turning lazily as the sun sets behind them. I slow the truck and roll the windows down, feeling the wheat, feeling the falling sun on my face.
the windmill blows hard to the ground
he whispers the songs of the past
Oh windmill, you don’t look back
A big white windmille looking to the sky.
windmills are in that play with the chivalrous guy. he tries to fight them, and he is victorious.
I work in the windmill. I can see you coming, and I can see you going. I can see what you do when you think nobody is watching. I know that you feel inadequate. I know you don’t like how your wife left you, or your boss treats you like a pansy. You feel like your brother is better than you and that you won’t ever make it in life.
You won’t.
windmills make energy for a better environment. they’re always turning, in a cyclical motion. and one day im going to sit atop one and think about the world, in the middle of some vast expanse of a field. but soon, ill just jump off and run off into the distance,
Don Quixote, the dreams and imagination that can sometimes cause fear and intimidation, but also something we must overcome. Overcome the windmills, and use imagination to achieve things we didn’t think were possible.
Remember Don Quixote? All those windmills that he saw as something else. We should let our imaginations soar, but with at least our toes still planted in reality.
Karen Chaffee
windmills are an environmentally friendly source of energy that have been sexed up into electricity generating wind farms recently as part of a global initiative to reduce carbon emissions.
round holland mill corn upminster tulips mice power wind farm renewable energy
The windmills of my mind…keep turning. Brushing away the cobwebs that seem to settle on my grey cells nowadays. Brushing away the hurt, the guilt, the misery. And every time I breathe, I feel like that windmill just turned once more.
generates power
I really don’t know what a windmill is
There once wa a man who in his lonlyness dicided that the best bet was to work within a windmill. One day two men showed up, one in an old armor who suddenly decided to charge at the rotating structure.
windmill maybe a device that works with wind power. Maybe something porduced by a strong blow
windmills are used to crunch stuff and make pizza. Gorillaz made a song about them once.
mr refrigerator
i spun.
i spun.
& spun & spun,
& my arms like a windmill
just turning infinitely,
pushed everything into
the distance;
& if windmill’s had a mouth,
i’d laugh until the
post-mortem sun.
I like them. They live in the sea. They are red and rosy. And they make the slugs sing.
The old windmill creaked and groaned in the grip of early winter winds, determined to hold fast to the spot the millers’ sons hed inherited from their father and nine generations before him.
Break. Crack. Bang. Up, up, up. And the whoosh swishing of the turbines drowns out everything else, but the bright sparkling sun above me. Squinting, I run.
I walked through the deserted field, the only sound is the creaking windmill to my left. It’s spinning like crazy. I stare at it while the wind moves my hair in time of a passionate dance.
love, summer, wheat, smile, hair
In ireland i saw a lot of windmills. I loved Ireland it was so inspiring. The wind was so strong it almost blew me overrr
i’ll be in holland in the next couple of months…land of windmills, right?
i can’t help but think that i might just.. stay.
i am not tethered here
Out in the pasture sits a windmill. It’s a beautiful windmill. I watch it as the wind blows the blades around. It reminds me of my childhood when father used to let us play in the fields. I loved those days. I’ll vividly remember that Windmill for the rest of my life.
windmills are a dutch trademark, they have been used for centuries help grind corn or dry up land. Some windmills are still functional but most are just being kept for cultural purposes.
Modern windmills generate power.
The windmill sits on top of the hill. THe sails revolving in the light breeze. It’s peaceful and i can hear the swoosh as they go by. I wonder how long it has stood her by itself watching over the village and the hills.
This reminds me of Paris first of all, and my visit to the moulin rouge. i was about 12, and it scared me. I think we saw some real life prostitutes, which, prior to this trip, i thought were a thing of the past , and no longer existed. I was very wrong.
Holland, grass, trees, energy, pioneers, blades, useful, scenery, beautifu, flowers, nature, fields, water, horses, rabbits, providing, bread, 1900s
Turning, blades turning, spinning in the air, filled with motion, sound. It stands, turns, begins to be, is always, continues into forever.
Don Quixote fought windmills and I fought with living room chairs. Inanimate objects have a way of pissing you off when you’re least in the mood.
they are pretty, reminds me of a farm in europe. also my grandma likes them because of the man of la mancha. they are hard to overturn i hear.
a thing that spins and generates energy
The windmill stood silent
on the farm that had been
abandoned years before.
The barn was empty,
its wood decaying.
The animals had long ago
died of starvation. The
farmhouse was empty,
silent, and dust covered
the furniture. The farm
was abandoned, a monument
of the peaceful past.
Today, live, go, think, love, peace, don’t give up, family, house, mother, father, remember.
That’s it, all things that you can get in your heart.
don something or other chased some windmills once. feels a bit windy, i guess. ANTM did an awesome shoot with windmills once, season six, i think? Wow, tyra’s crazy sometimes
pinning pinning
pining pinging
i would like
to conserve energy
and the beautiful milky breath
of this earth
can help us to do that
yes, please,
yes, please.
are not going to be the savior of our world, jsut because we have developed wind technology as well as other more enviromentally friendly energy sources. overpopulation is inevitable.
a windmill is a device that creates energy from wind. right? or grain or something. and don quixote fought them. and they have some of them around here near the ocean, i forget where. maybe i’d know if i had my license. but yeah, they’re tall and white and modern looking. ummm and i gu
Eine gro
Windmills on the horizon, blades turning lazily as the sun sets behind them. I slow the truck and roll the windows down, feeling the wheat, feeling the falling sun on my face.
the windmill blows hard to the ground
he whispers the songs of the past
Oh windmill, you don’t look back
A big white windmille looking to the sky.
windmills are in that play with the chivalrous guy. he tries to fight them, and he is victorious.
I work in the windmill. I can see you coming, and I can see you going. I can see what you do when you think nobody is watching. I know that you feel inadequate. I know you don’t like how your wife left you, or your boss treats you like a pansy. You feel like your brother is better than you and that you won’t ever make it in life.
You won’t.
windmills make energy for a better environment. they’re always turning, in a cyclical motion. and one day im going to sit atop one and think about the world, in the middle of some vast expanse of a field. but soon, ill just jump off and run off into the distance,
Don Quixote, the dreams and imagination that can sometimes cause fear and intimidation, but also something we must overcome. Overcome the windmills, and use imagination to achieve things we didn’t think were possible.
Remember Don Quixote? All those windmills that he saw as something else. We should let our imaginations soar, but with at least our toes still planted in reality.
windmills are an environmentally friendly source of energy that have been sexed up into electricity generating wind farms recently as part of a global initiative to reduce carbon emissions.
round holland mill corn upminster tulips mice power wind farm renewable energy
The windmills of my mind…keep turning. Brushing away the cobwebs that seem to settle on my grey cells nowadays. Brushing away the hurt, the guilt, the misery. And every time I breathe, I feel like that windmill just turned once more.
generates power
I really don’t know what a windmill is
There once wa a man who in his lonlyness dicided that the best bet was to work within a windmill. One day two men showed up, one in an old armor who suddenly decided to charge at the rotating structure.
windmill maybe a device that works with wind power. Maybe something porduced by a strong blow
windmills are used to crunch stuff and make pizza. Gorillaz made a song about them once.
i spun.
i spun.
& spun & spun,
& my arms like a windmill
just turning infinitely,
pushed everything into
the distance;
& if windmill’s had a mouth,
i’d laugh until the
post-mortem sun.