
November 21st, 2009 | 354 Entries

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354 Entries for “windmill”

  1. The windmill chimes reminding me of the seconds spent, a play where the horses ran and windmill always came in last. Running dialogues by the Moulin Rouge, the improv I was forced to stay. This is all the mindgame of a saint, and for that I have no fear that I will come to pass.

  2. don quixote.

    cassie Maxwell
  3. windmills are wonderful buildings they can give power to people and can be used to do many different things they have so many uses and i have so little time they are also beautiful so so so so so beautiful i can not believe how beautiful theyy are but they are also very productive at the same time so they have killer looks and killer productivity

  4. Windmills are windy, I’ve never personally seen one though, not a big one at least. The occasional one at a mini golf course or so.

  5. The windmill chimes reminding me of the seconds spent, a play where the horses ran and windmill always came in last. Running dialogues by the Moulin Rouge, the improv I was forced to stay. This is all the mindgame of a saint, and for that I have no fear that I will come to pass.

  6. don quixote

  7. several swipes back and angled long, stretched across the body, overtop and extended over the tower, the base, the core, the propellers that complete the function,

  8. donkey hote wind energy corn boulder driving hungover in trhe morning looking at the windmill does it work? cement efficient flouf.

  9. Windy Miller lives in a windmill, I wish I did too

  10. windmill

  11. i like windmills they blow wind

  12. there was a big windmill at the end my home. It was so big one day there was cow near the field which was searching for water and went near the windmill and got scared seeing the windmill. It ran for miles and miles, because it thought it was big monster.

  13. is song of storms, do do do do do i can’t think of anything. So the girl named Juliet went up the hill

  14. I flailed my arms in the brisk afternoon. Leaves trailed off of my hoodie, crunchy brown bodies falling from their red fabric supports.

    The sky is cloudless.

  15. a windmill generates power from harnessing wind energy. there are many windmills in the netherlands. windmills have a charming appeal to them and foster thoughts of rustic farmlands.

  16. Is it always the windmills I see, when I open the window? Nothing but empty fields and windmills. One small street which leads me to the world – if I would have any desire to join the world again. The solitude of windmills is soothing.

  17. I’ve never seen a windmill. Wonder if they have windmills in Missouri City or Sugar Land. They are great for energy conservation. Maybe we should have a windmill in the backyard.

  18. The windmill can do so many things for us almmost like a heart. It can provide power, run things with no hope for anything in return. But if it stops there is nothing.

  19. Die Windm

  20. lonely windmill in a wheat field. soft winds blowing whispers in your ear, desolate landscapes waves before your eyes.

  21. The windmill was tall with many blades which spun in the wind. The sound was most pleasant and I stood there watching and listening for longer than I realized. The structure was wood and I was amazed that it was still standing considering its age. As I stood there I wondered about all the critters who have come to drink the water it pumped over the years, the homes it provided water to, and the families who lived in them.

  22. The windmill in the distance was just a silhouette. It was getting dark. The strange shape, a tall dark cylinder with its long waving blades of limbs, looked vaguely threatening. It was easy to see how Don Quixote could mistake a windmill for a threat.

  23. I saw a windmill last summer and I wanted to ride it. So I got a trampoline, set it right next to the damn thing and got my self ready. I sprinted towards the trampoline, took a big hop and got my arm sliced off.

  24. the windmill was large and in charge, we could see it from all of the windows in the house. No matter where we walked it was there. as if it moved and followed us. creaking in the wind as the metal and old steal turned around and around over and over.

  25. sea clifs, holland, for the skys,

  26. one word is always that one thing that i can never say, or seem to understand. why can’t they just know what’s going on, and do that one thing to male you feel better? wouldn’t it just be easier to say that one word as you walk out the door instead of having to deal with it later

  27. farms and producers use a windmill dont they?
    cows, hay barns things like that i really am not good at this and i have no idea what to write wtf is this anyways omg time is running out AHHH times almost done and i havent even talked about the windmill

  28. Windmills are made right here in America and they provide as a source of power. It’s a way to go green these days with this green fanatics everywhere. It’s good for the world instead of using coal and fossil fuels, and gasolinen dependency goes down

  29. the windmill came tumbling to the ground, a splattering of light and sparks dancing about in the wind and the rain. lightning had picked its next victim.

  30. is a thing that pople used to do flower?or something .it worked on wind,so they didn’t need elecricity. and it allways went on and on and around and was very useful. nowadays they are not so


  32. Arms flailing whipping don Quixote from his saddle. Mad giants blowing in the wind. Swing swing swing swing grab a hand and fly up and away, away and back down. Those sad pointed garages that are so neglected.

  33. There are windmmills everywhere. They are pretty and they help the environment. Or at least, I think they do. Um. They are an example of centripetal motion. We learned that in Science a few weeks ago. That means it goes around and around and around. Ah

  34. Is there one in new york city? I havent seen one yet. You would think we would need one here, but there seems to be none. There’s a lot in Palm Springs, but that’s 3000 miles away. oh well. windmill.

  35. i always pass from this place on my way to work known as windmill on the common, and i always wonder if there is a windmill there. I highly doubt it but it is a beautiful place with great green park on the

    WIndmill on the Common
  36. its big, and people named a dance after it. And it moves wind and people get electricity from it.

  37. the changing of the wind spins me across my axis. I create, I form, I roll. And so I turn the waters of time and rush them down the river. Where I’ll be. Where you’ll be. We won’t ever know. Meet me at the windmill. Meet me there and I’ll show you i love.

    Dylan Guerra
  38. there once was a windmill. tall and proud on the side of a hill. the people admired, ‘how great it is they would say, i want to live there one day’.

  39. beautiful, majestic; I love the sight of them.

  40. Let’s be like Dante and take down the windmills. Be the ones to want to protect and defeat. I want someone to conquer the unknown for my heart. Let’s drive by the windmills with these thoughts, of romance and brave knights. Let’s dream a little.

    S. Smile