oh windmill winding in the wind. how i need you so. energy yes energy togehter again as one world januar back together again. i see you in the mirror and its been so long since ive seen you my friend.
I was searching for a picture of a man with a beard for a huge project I was working on. Then it came up. This guy had a windmill. In. His. Beard. He was an international competitor for the beard Olympics.
Holland, the netherlands. Peaceful countryside walks.
eso q? puede ser cualquier cosa!!!, pero nada es preciso
Wind blows and never ceases. Wind. There is wind. It’s air, really. That’s all. When you blow out your nose, it’s not even air anymore. It’s carbon dioxide. One carbon, two oxygens. It’s all a chemical format we’ve learned about in high school. Yet we still don’t understand it. We see a windmill and assume it’s decoration, but it’s for the wind.
She saw the windmill and the leaves it had upturned. The way the redsa dn yellows were swilring with the wind. the freedom they had, the freedom she had longed for. and with that last glimspe at paradise she got on the train to the big city.
Naama Dahari
Spinning, whirling dervish
brisk breezes
skin alive
senses reeling
wooden clapboard
i walk away
ah, the windmill. It turns, it spins. It brings power. Every time I hear the word “windmill”, I think of that song by the Gorillaz. Yuhknow? Feel Good Inc. It’s wonderful. It has a wonderful meaning as well. Windmills…
windmills a mill for wind kinda cool dont ya think, it mills wind,m ill be your windmill, blink, all the small thiings i think they have them on farms, onetime i saw one fall over on that show most shocking videos or something like that, ha
Windmills stand on an open field, watching, waiting for that which powers them to continue on. They are unable to calculate, to plan, to think on a higher level. You and I, we plan, we calculate, we think on a higher level – and yet we are as cold and unmoving as those mills in the sky.
Without a doubt he had never seen anything like it. Four battle cruisers parked off the planet, heavy weapons pounding the atmosphere. Blooms of destruction lit the sky as the planet burned beneath the relentless assault.
Above it all the moon sized space station and firing platform, rotated slowly like a deadly windmill, ejecting landing craft after landing craft.
A single jade coloured tear left the corner of his eye and rolled off the outside of his cheek as he witness and knew the horror below.
Sir - callthedragon@gmail.com
A windmill – it feels like I haven’t seen one in so long. It for some reason reminds me of a particular memory. On the bus, passing by – talking to my friends. Noticing the windmills, I don’t know why I rememeber this. I just do. It seems all quite weird to me. And this isn’t making any sense, I figure.
wind isy blowing through my hair and i cant breathe because it is too cold and i dont know were to look the hair is everywere
the windmill spins ever so violently
as the winds increase oh so dramatically
Catchy. Out of tune. Weightless.
windmills in the coast, in the beach everywere. We depend on them. They cause us sadness, they bring us happiness, And as The Beatles said, Happiness is a Warm Gun. no matter how much we want to scape, windmills are part of us. We are windmills. We owe them our sanity.
i had a windmill once upon a time, when i was a little girl and i used to live in the subuerbs, the windmill was very big and pretty, it was orange, with purple stripes, i loved it. I used to go with my mom to play there, the windmill was very warm and fuzzy, it was a lovely place
The sails catch the whispers of words that fly past; stories stolen from mother’s mouths and whipped out of the window, the barest scraps of shanties, whispered nothings that come from nothing and come to nothing, stolen on windswept piers from lovers’ mouths.
the energy that is better for the environment. makes outside look pretty. shows you how windy it is outside and then it makes you think about all the energy it’s making and how good it is for the environment.
it spins around and makes me thing of lord of the rings because the author was fighting with windmills at one point, i think. I went to see one once on a trip away with school, I have no idea why we went. But it wasn’t very interesting. I like bread.
Holland, air, tulips, dutch; love the one in golden gate park–beautiful, shingled, and nice grounds full of strollers, baby and legged. Never seen a “real” on other then the ones in bakersfield, but they’re totally unromantic and entirely too functional. Well, they do serve a purpose, but not a form over function one–which they shouldn’t… babblebabblebabble
I am windmill. As the day goes by I see the changes. Spinning slowly or fast. Hopefully a relaxed paced. Oh don’t get too dizzy. I’ll provide shade and shelter. Oh the stories I have to tell if I only had a mouth.
there was a windmill on top of a lonely hill. it was owned by a young woman who had lost everything, everything but the windmill. it was her home, her life, and her passion. it represented who she wanted to be, a strong independent woman who listened and respected the wind.
round and round it goes constantly spinning never stopping. it is a question to many.. What does this marvellous spining object do and help us with? as we can stand and watch it for hours many us us do not know the purpose of this awesome object.
the windmill off in the distance spins lazily in the cornfield, the lack of a breeze barely moving the spokes. the summer sun beats down on the farm hands clearing the field where sweat mixes in with the dirt on their faces. at the end of the line, the young one falls to his knees.
Lisa F
Taking into consideration, such a marvelous invention such as the windmill can provide quite the splendid power for those who have no other source of electricity–or are simply eco-friendly. Otherwise, my knowledge of the windmill is limited, and I find it a rather lovely little device situated in the many rivers of the suburbs.
What could he say to the windmill, who saw the whole thing happen. The knife in the neck. The shovel. But most of all the words that were exchanged. The words that only he and the windmill heard. And yes the body that was no longer moving.
A windmill. Since when does wind have to be milled? What are we doing with this milled wind? Making it into textiles? Making it into tables and chairs? What else do mills do, i have no idea. I’m modern.
wheat Holland Netherlands yellow wind electricity happy mill water cold fall turn around round circle love
She sat in the field staring as the windmill turned slowly in the gentle breeze, just as she had done countless of other times. The world had ended, but the windmill and the breeze remained. There was something to be said for that.
that’s the name of the road i live on. I associate it with holland, and now, these days, with green energy, with the future. windmill. the four armed monster in don quiote.
howdy ho
The windmill spun slowly, round and round untill the very motion seemed to numb myself. I got bored and decided to continue on. I then approached another Windmill. It looked identical to the previous one, but I didn’t wuite register this.
the windmill has large blades with which it catches the air. the fast spinning of the windmill creates a blur for my eyes. if i try to keep up with one blade, i can make it out, just barely. without the windmill in my backyard, my house would have no movement.
i once saw a windmill it made me happy i thought about all the places in the word there could be one. and when people see them, do they feel happy too? I think they are so cool and calming in a way.
Windmills provide energy to pump water from the ground onto fields and into homes so people can have indoor plumbing and fields can grow into food for the masses.
it may mill the the wind but it is a structure with lavish elegance in the landscape. it stands alone and it plays with the wind
Round windy and fast. The windmill powers much of America. I like the word windmill – it is fun to say… Windmill… windmill.
I freaking love wind turbines, siiting on a wharf in denmark watching a row of them out to sea just turning is one of my favourite memories. I find the slim lines of modern windmill weirdly soothing, the slow lazy turn calming, and of course I’m an engineering nerd so yay big machines and alt energy
windmill farms in the night…white moonlit flowers in the dark
oh windmill winding in the wind. how i need you so. energy yes energy togehter again as one world januar back together again. i see you in the mirror and its been so long since ive seen you my friend.
I was searching for a picture of a man with a beard for a huge project I was working on. Then it came up. This guy had a windmill. In. His. Beard. He was an international competitor for the beard Olympics.
Holland, the netherlands. Peaceful countryside walks.
eso q? puede ser cualquier cosa!!!, pero nada es preciso
Wind blows and never ceases. Wind. There is wind. It’s air, really. That’s all. When you blow out your nose, it’s not even air anymore. It’s carbon dioxide. One carbon, two oxygens. It’s all a chemical format we’ve learned about in high school. Yet we still don’t understand it. We see a windmill and assume it’s decoration, but it’s for the wind.
She saw the windmill and the leaves it had upturned. The way the redsa dn yellows were swilring with the wind. the freedom they had, the freedom she had longed for. and with that last glimspe at paradise she got on the train to the big city.
Spinning, whirling dervish
brisk breezes
skin alive
senses reeling
wooden clapboard
i walk away
ah, the windmill. It turns, it spins. It brings power. Every time I hear the word “windmill”, I think of that song by the Gorillaz. Yuhknow? Feel Good Inc. It’s wonderful. It has a wonderful meaning as well. Windmills…
windmills a mill for wind kinda cool dont ya think, it mills wind,m ill be your windmill, blink, all the small thiings i think they have them on farms, onetime i saw one fall over on that show most shocking videos or something like that, ha
Windmills stand on an open field, watching, waiting for that which powers them to continue on. They are unable to calculate, to plan, to think on a higher level. You and I, we plan, we calculate, we think on a higher level – and yet we are as cold and unmoving as those mills in the sky.
Without a doubt he had never seen anything like it. Four battle cruisers parked off the planet, heavy weapons pounding the atmosphere. Blooms of destruction lit the sky as the planet burned beneath the relentless assault.
Above it all the moon sized space station and firing platform, rotated slowly like a deadly windmill, ejecting landing craft after landing craft.
A single jade coloured tear left the corner of his eye and rolled off the outside of his cheek as he witness and knew the horror below.
A windmill – it feels like I haven’t seen one in so long. It for some reason reminds me of a particular memory. On the bus, passing by – talking to my friends. Noticing the windmills, I don’t know why I rememeber this. I just do. It seems all quite weird to me. And this isn’t making any sense, I figure.
wind isy blowing through my hair and i cant breathe because it is too cold and i dont know were to look the hair is everywere
the windmill spins ever so violently
as the winds increase oh so dramatically
Catchy. Out of tune. Weightless.
windmills in the coast, in the beach everywere. We depend on them. They cause us sadness, they bring us happiness, And as The Beatles said, Happiness is a Warm Gun. no matter how much we want to scape, windmills are part of us. We are windmills. We owe them our sanity.
i had a windmill once upon a time, when i was a little girl and i used to live in the subuerbs, the windmill was very big and pretty, it was orange, with purple stripes, i loved it. I used to go with my mom to play there, the windmill was very warm and fuzzy, it was a lovely place
The sails catch the whispers of words that fly past; stories stolen from mother’s mouths and whipped out of the window, the barest scraps of shanties, whispered nothings that come from nothing and come to nothing, stolen on windswept piers from lovers’ mouths.
the energy that is better for the environment. makes outside look pretty. shows you how windy it is outside and then it makes you think about all the energy it’s making and how good it is for the environment.
it spins around and makes me thing of lord of the rings because the author was fighting with windmills at one point, i think. I went to see one once on a trip away with school, I have no idea why we went. But it wasn’t very interesting. I like bread.
Holland, air, tulips, dutch; love the one in golden gate park–beautiful, shingled, and nice grounds full of strollers, baby and legged. Never seen a “real” on other then the ones in bakersfield, but they’re totally unromantic and entirely too functional. Well, they do serve a purpose, but not a form over function one–which they shouldn’t… babblebabblebabble
I am windmill. As the day goes by I see the changes. Spinning slowly or fast. Hopefully a relaxed paced. Oh don’t get too dizzy. I’ll provide shade and shelter. Oh the stories I have to tell if I only had a mouth.
there was a windmill on top of a lonely hill. it was owned by a young woman who had lost everything, everything but the windmill. it was her home, her life, and her passion. it represented who she wanted to be, a strong independent woman who listened and respected the wind.
round and round it goes constantly spinning never stopping. it is a question to many.. What does this marvellous spining object do and help us with? as we can stand and watch it for hours many us us do not know the purpose of this awesome object.
the windmill off in the distance spins lazily in the cornfield, the lack of a breeze barely moving the spokes. the summer sun beats down on the farm hands clearing the field where sweat mixes in with the dirt on their faces. at the end of the line, the young one falls to his knees.
Taking into consideration, such a marvelous invention such as the windmill can provide quite the splendid power for those who have no other source of electricity–or are simply eco-friendly. Otherwise, my knowledge of the windmill is limited, and I find it a rather lovely little device situated in the many rivers of the suburbs.
What could he say to the windmill, who saw the whole thing happen. The knife in the neck. The shovel. But most of all the words that were exchanged. The words that only he and the windmill heard. And yes the body that was no longer moving.
A windmill. Since when does wind have to be milled? What are we doing with this milled wind? Making it into textiles? Making it into tables and chairs? What else do mills do, i have no idea. I’m modern.
wheat Holland Netherlands yellow wind electricity happy mill water cold fall turn around round circle love
She sat in the field staring as the windmill turned slowly in the gentle breeze, just as she had done countless of other times. The world had ended, but the windmill and the breeze remained. There was something to be said for that.
that’s the name of the road i live on. I associate it with holland, and now, these days, with green energy, with the future. windmill. the four armed monster in don quiote.
The windmill spun slowly, round and round untill the very motion seemed to numb myself. I got bored and decided to continue on. I then approached another Windmill. It looked identical to the previous one, but I didn’t wuite register this.
the windmill has large blades with which it catches the air. the fast spinning of the windmill creates a blur for my eyes. if i try to keep up with one blade, i can make it out, just barely. without the windmill in my backyard, my house would have no movement.
i once saw a windmill it made me happy i thought about all the places in the word there could be one. and when people see them, do they feel happy too? I think they are so cool and calming in a way.
Windmills provide energy to pump water from the ground onto fields and into homes so people can have indoor plumbing and fields can grow into food for the masses.
it may mill the the wind but it is a structure with lavish elegance in the landscape. it stands alone and it plays with the wind
Round windy and fast. The windmill powers much of America. I like the word windmill – it is fun to say… Windmill… windmill.
I freaking love wind turbines, siiting on a wharf in denmark watching a row of them out to sea just turning is one of my favourite memories. I find the slim lines of modern windmill weirdly soothing, the slow lazy turn calming, and of course I’m an engineering nerd so yay big machines and alt energy
windmill farms in the night…white moonlit flowers in the dark