
October 2nd, 2009 | 436 Entries

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436 Entries for “wine”

  1. Enrique tipped the glass of wine towards his lips, savouring the rich taste that sallied forth; stallions of grapes, galloping from the hills of Italy. Sweet, sweet texture.

    Antonio Watson
  2. drinking wine, white & red wine, drunk, broken glasses on the floor, have I been here before? I guess… what’s wrong with me? where have I been the last few hours?

  3. wine sweet grapes many vineyards worldwide hardworking farmers, fancy marketers, label designed to lure

  4. Dance, women, drunk, whore, fuck, money, regret, spilling, stains, regret, hangover, wanna die. I’m gonna be a father. regret.

  5. A fine wine is the best thing in a sunyday morning. We can’t appreciate the day without a little booze in our blood stream and to say it exactly wine is the best well besides beer.

  6. On summer evenings, we would park in the Winn Dixie’s lot and just sit, looking at the bright sign and watching the stray shoppers trudge in and out. I brought wine with a screw top and you would smoke, the plumes of your pleasure drifting out the open windows. Where is the bright beacon of your cigarette now?

    Brian Slusher
  7. wine, red wine, white wine, we all like wine, the fruity, rich, sensuous taste on your tongue, sends tickles t your tastebuds. Wine and cheese are the perfect combo. Or red wine compliments meat chops well! Erm, I prefer white sparkling wine.

  8. This wine is as red as the blood flowing from my heart. Let’s drink to love.

  9. Beautiful red, time to engage with your depth. Your friends will follow you down. Sleep then. And dream of hills.

  10. Wine is not something that I enjoy very often. I haven’t acquired the taste of drinking wine while dining. It, at times seems over whelming and I like the taste of a perfectly cooked meal too much to

  11. es gibt viele M

  12. he took me to the back room and we started in on some wine. a bottle, old, vintage, something, it smelled like regret and it tasted like heaven and I wanted it more than anything. He wanted to be close to me, and I could see it in the way he looked at me when he thought i didn’t notice, and i pulled him close, fingers curled around his shirt and pulled in tightly, and when his mouth touched mine I felt like i was going to explode. “come here,” I kept saying to myself, in my head, he couldn’t hear it or taste it, but I know he could feel it when my legs wrapped around him and made me want to exist in every sound his core gave me.

  13. sss

  14. wine is an alcaholic drink that i don’t like the taste of, so i don’t drink much of unless it’s with a meal and now I’m vegetarian I have to check is veggie friendly anyway. So I don’t drink wine a lot? so what. Life’s to short to drink stuff you don’t enjoy.

  15. There was an empire built on wine. The texture of the drink, the bittersweet feeling of the drink as it passed from one’s tongue to throat to stomach. The wine was powerful enough to build an empire. There was beauty in it. It soothed them.

  16. its a drink that i love, and it can really

  17. Years ago, after just getting out of the international mountain-guiding business, I grew wine grapes near Ukiah, CA. Since I had spent almost two decades in the Himalayas walking and climbing, I knew very little about viticulture or the science of producing grapes that would produce good wine. But like so many things, there is a heavy dose of common sense involved. So with the right attitude and a shitload of energy, it can be done pretty easily.
    The energy needed is obvious. Growing 40 acres of anything is hard work. Grape vines are living things and thus require not a casual kind of commitment and sacrifice.

    john m.
  18. wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine wine

  19. wine

  20. oh red red wine, under what sun have u been roasted, under what moon have u sleot…oh red red wine, what soil s memory lingers in yr taste..what hands picked u what feet crushed the juices out of u, ever so tenderly…red red wine in my hand…in my mouth i drink in u the sweet tast of the past

  21. Oliver sniffed the glass suspiciously. “What is it?”

    “Wine,” Pitrick said, simply, taking a long sip for himself.

    Oliver frowned. “I don’t trust it.”

    “Then don’t have any.” Pitrick reached to take the young boy’s glass.

    “Wait–I didn’t say I didn’t want any!”

    Oliver’s curiousity got the better of him, and he took a deep breath and drank.


  22. Wine, smooth silky, pugnent.

    I am really not old enough to drink it.

    but I have, and I do love the colour of red wine, thogh I’ll pass on the taste.

    I prefer champagne. Strawberry Champagne

  23. I don’t really like alcohol, but at the moment I really, really need to get sdrunk.

    So I pour the wine into a glass. It’s a standard drinking glass; I’d probably break an actual *wine* glass. I’m not exactly clumsy, but I am extremely tired.

    Killing people is hard work.

    I’ve been trying to not to think about it, and I don’t want to give up now, so instead I stare into the glass. Red. I try not to let it remind me of blood.

    I take a sip.

  24. I don’t really drink alcohol. I’m underage you see and am pretty set in my ways. I think I’d like to be refined drinker when I do. A connoseur, or however you spell that. Wine tastings, social gatherings. Yep, that’s what I’ll do.

  25. Wine has a very distinct smell…

    I prefer beer over it.

    Or pretty much just any other kind of alcohol.

  26. is distusting to my pallet unless it is cooked with.
    it’s just not my taste, i respect the time and effort and the philosophy behind it but i just don’t get it. why it’s so coveted its a liquid that gives you calories with no nurishment behind it. drink water or grape juice. that’s why i prefer to cook.

    Ryan Hansen/
  27. With cheeks flushing to the colour of the finest wine in the near by counties, Ariel spoke with a voice barely louder than the cooing of a dove

    “I love you.” My heart faltered for half a second before racing…

  28. My sister the lawyer hates wine. She feels bad, because she knows she should-she could make a case for wine. Beer is more her thing though. Appearances are hard to keep up.

  29. She tasted so much like wine that he felt himself getting drunk on her taste: (i want more more like her so sweet) She knew it and she smiled because, of course, there is no other taste she could possibly have. Wine is addicting. She is addicting.

  30. liquid, sweet, red, white, blush. From grapes. Great for cooking. Great for drinking. Makes some people snobs with thier swishing and swirling.

  31. purple-red. bitter/ gross. alcoholic. danger. pain. don’t listen. Don’t feel. Move on. Move on.

  32. 14 degrees, the rain is pouring over the windows, the trees are swaying from the gale force winds and here I am enjoying a glass of Australia’s finest wines in front of the fire. This is summer for goodness sakes.

  33. there was a time when i was eating and he was sit next to me, then we started talking, y cuando las cosas iban mejor, porque empec

  34. it went to his head…heady,intoxicating…a rich mouthful of flavour that absolutely engulfed his senses, and made his spirit soar. He looked at his companion, quizzically and half-drunk with the taste of his lips on hers.

  35. I drank the wine slowly, wondering how fast the poison would take affect. He nodded, happy that I would soon be dead. I had no choice but to obey.

  36. drink it slowly
    or quick enough to choke
    just a lil for the edge
    just a lil to keep things lubricated
    this habit’s become an addiction
    but nobody sees it
    so i will continue for another day
    maybe tomorrow i will be able to see my reflection

  37. all that flows through my mind is an italian villa with my grandma baking an amazing dish of pasta with melted cheese. The beverage of choice is of course the dark red wine that my grandfather makes in the vineyards with the grapes that only come rarely every season.

    Violetta Abi Naked
  38. He didn’t like wine. It was weak. Weakness wasa something he couldn’t tolerate. Not in people. Not in booze.

  39. refreshing beverage
    irritating complaints
    either way
    your day changes
    when you participate

  40. i have only had one glass of wine in my life. well, then there’s communion of course. i enjoy communion wine. is that strange? only one sip, every week or so. that’s all i get. but i like it. it makes my belly feel warm inside afterwards. i like the feeling.
