I wish I’d been something more like myself, like everything, that something could be anything if not everything and that I could be that something. Someone once told me that wishing for something (if not everyhting) was what was important. I wish for myself to be myself.
wishes ain’t horses. beggars don’t ride. waste of time that, do it instead. Drop it in a well and hear it splash. Most fun you’ll get out of it. Dream.
When I see hate I hate back. When I see love I love. But, sometimes, when I see love, I hate myself for loving, and, sometimes, when I see hate, I love myself for hating. Who thought up these emotional responses in the first place?
i wish i had a bone if i were a dog… wishes are weird.. you always wish you were someone that you are not… even though you are happy with yourself now… it’s weird that we always strive to be someone else… for better hopefully…
Aditya Shankar
A heavy handed word. 11:11, make a wish. Will it ever come true? If I wish for a kiss from the pretty girl sharing my life, will I not get it every time? If I wish for world peace, will I ever get my wish granted?
I wish I had more patience, moere sympathy and love to give so many people. I want to express the deep flow of appreciation and love inside but all that comes out is frustration and angst at my limited resources. I want to find the person on the street who is walking alonme and bring them home for supper and coffee and give them a scarf and a big hug and chuckle at funny stories with them like I’ve known them for years. I want everyone to experience the joy that has been given to me by God througfh my sisters and my family and my friends and my kids. I am so blessed and wealthy to laugh at myself, to havge lived through the cold walks alone until someone pulled over and grabbed my hand and fed me a bowl of soup and cornbread, told me a joke and sang silly songs into my heart that changed me forever.
Abigail DeVary
I wish I could eat a large lollipop on top of a mountain, replete with snow and candy floss to which my feet stick like flies on flypaper. Could not imagine a better lookout than cherry-flavoured lollies.
like tender droplets of snowy love these wishes come to haunt us here. Our childhood still runs reticent beyond the sinking sun of fear. How could we stop to wonder where this icy path would lead us, dear? My darling, how I wished for snow. And ice came over us slowly like the blueness in our skin and green in oceans fell beneath the sea.
Mangala Kanayson
i wish i wasn’t hungry, i wish i wasn’t sad.
iwish people liked me.
i wish for everything beautiful.
i wish all for you.
you have no idea what you’ve signed up for
since it’s all packed up in the treasure chest.
you can’t help sprinting on tip toes
past sopping windows and light displays
asking all the wrong people
how to get inside.
Hannah Wells
Summoned by a wish, wished away, wishes for change.
Wishes that are granted in the worst way.
Wishing for wishes no longer to be a need.
Wishing for wishes to be more than so, wishing for people, to learn to grant their own.
I had a wish, I kept it in a jar at the very top of my bookshelf. Sometimes, the jar glowed. The little light inside represted all my hopes and dreams. One day, I would let the wish escape.
I made a wish, once. I wished for some strange ability for powers unknown to music, to control, to the all of it. Ha! I laugh now when I think of it, for I need no powers other than this, this power; to write.
R. Will Hektor
I wish you are happy. I wish you will realize you are worth so much more than you give yourself credit for. I wish you knew we all cared for you. I wish you would know you can do whatever you put your mind to. I wish you knowledge.
i wish wishes about wishing…
“You get three wishes and you are down by two!!!” Triumphed the genie in Tally’s face.
Thinking fast and hard Tally breathed out her wish in a whisper.
“What was that, Mademoselle!?” The genie turned up his nose.
Tally stared with piercing eyes into his misty ones.
“I wish for a life.”
I wish I had a dog. Wishing is associated with shooting stars. Wishing is also asscociated with miracles. Many people wish for different things.
To grow Up.
Reach for new goals.
Is what feeds the soul.
The will to make something happen.
Sometimes I feel the need to acquire things that I think will make my life better. Typically it starts with me wishing I had a beter job or at least made more money! The standard wish for me is usually related to some new gadget or product.
Shooting star. Close your eyes. Breathe in, breathe out. Cross you fingers, cross your heart, wish to die. Chant a rhyme.
something you do when you want something. you make them on a star and you make them on your birthday. they can be for other people or for yourself. They are something you want to happen in the future. Its a word that can be used lightly in everyday conversation, like “i wish i could have a cup of tea”
Jenny Leech
I wish that I could be famous, I wish I could be a star. I wish I could be on TV, I wish I could travel far. I wish I could be popular, I wish my wish come true. But most of all I wish for, the one the only you. x
I wish that I could be famous, I wish I could be a star. I wish I could be on TV, I wish I could travel far. I wish I could be popular, I wish my wish come true. But most of all I wish for, the one the only you. x
To wish is to maintain a degree of optimism and create the momentum you need to reach your desires. Concentrated wishing can lead to self fulfilling wishes.
It’s something that you want, but know you probably can’t have, something that is out of your reach. You have goals or desires, but these are more intangible things, things you desire. “When You Wish Upon a Star…
I enjoyed aladdin from a very young age, as soon as it came out in face, but remember beiong really annoyed, as during the ending I was caught out by the genies lil “GOTCHA!” line which forced me to spin whilst leaving in the aisles. The first time I was truly angry at a film. Fuck you robin williams, fuck you!
Ross Hyde
I wish ,I wish. What do I wish for? It’s almost Christmas, I wish the world would wake up, and see what Christmas is really all about.
For you I wish:
A sun that brightens your darkest days
Stars to send your wishes to
Small moments that take your breath away
Friends to lend a helping hand
Humility in the face of life’s devastations
Openness to new things not yet understood
LynnArts (Jen M)
A wish is something that should never come true, because if id did, you wouldn’t want it anymore
first thing that comes to mind is hope – i see them as synonymous, except that when i think of someone wishing for something as opposed to hoping, it is usually a bit more selfish of a desire
Wish is a human feeling, the coveting of something neither possessed nor attained – one wishes for things not readily at hand. To wish is human – to wish is to desire ultimate satisfaction, is it not
Benjamin G
i wish i could dream myself away to the future and to see two sunny rainbows in the heavens that are as many as fruits in the fall. all i could do is just to enjoy the view and feel peace with myself and wolrd.
lately, 11:11 has rolled around and i have been at a loss of what to wish. so instead, i just ask you what you wished for, and hope that you say “you.” so maybe, my wish is that you’ll wish for me.
Life’s biggest burden is filling the wishes of a loved one when they conflict with your own. You want to give them everything, including their wish, but the self sacrifice of your own wishes dwelve in your heart.
one word means so much, extracts a wealth of dreams.
Ricky S
what do I want? I don’t know…wishes are empty, right? I mean I hope for something that will change how I feel and I get it. I’m changed for a second then it’s all gone again. Wish scmish. I’m talkin about NOW!
what do I want? I don’t know…wishes are empty, right? I mean I hope for something that will change how I feel and I get it. I’m changed for a second then it’s all gone again. Wish scmish. I’m talkin about NOW!
Something that you can say outloud and it might never come true and it is too bad that there are a lot of wishes said in the world and a 50 50 percent chance of them coming true ifyou add them all up. I used to wish on a star for years for happiness and i dont know if it came true but i can only hope hope comes after wish.
I wish you could tell me something: why don’t everyone likes apple pie? It’s just marvelous! Maybe someday I’ll know how to make one for myself.
I wish I’d been something more like myself, like everything, that something could be anything if not everything and that I could be that something. Someone once told me that wishing for something (if not everyhting) was what was important. I wish for myself to be myself.
wishes ain’t horses. beggars don’t ride. waste of time that, do it instead. Drop it in a well and hear it splash. Most fun you’ll get out of it. Dream.
When I see hate I hate back. When I see love I love. But, sometimes, when I see love, I hate myself for loving, and, sometimes, when I see hate, I love myself for hating. Who thought up these emotional responses in the first place?
i wish i had a bone if i were a dog… wishes are weird.. you always wish you were someone that you are not… even though you are happy with yourself now… it’s weird that we always strive to be someone else… for better hopefully…
A heavy handed word. 11:11, make a wish. Will it ever come true? If I wish for a kiss from the pretty girl sharing my life, will I not get it every time? If I wish for world peace, will I ever get my wish granted?
I wish I had more patience, moere sympathy and love to give so many people. I want to express the deep flow of appreciation and love inside but all that comes out is frustration and angst at my limited resources. I want to find the person on the street who is walking alonme and bring them home for supper and coffee and give them a scarf and a big hug and chuckle at funny stories with them like I’ve known them for years. I want everyone to experience the joy that has been given to me by God througfh my sisters and my family and my friends and my kids. I am so blessed and wealthy to laugh at myself, to havge lived through the cold walks alone until someone pulled over and grabbed my hand and fed me a bowl of soup and cornbread, told me a joke and sang silly songs into my heart that changed me forever.
I wish I could eat a large lollipop on top of a mountain, replete with snow and candy floss to which my feet stick like flies on flypaper. Could not imagine a better lookout than cherry-flavoured lollies.
like tender droplets of snowy love these wishes come to haunt us here. Our childhood still runs reticent beyond the sinking sun of fear. How could we stop to wonder where this icy path would lead us, dear? My darling, how I wished for snow. And ice came over us slowly like the blueness in our skin and green in oceans fell beneath the sea.
i wish i wasn’t hungry, i wish i wasn’t sad.
iwish people liked me.
i wish for everything beautiful.
i wish all for you.
you have no idea what you’ve signed up for
since it’s all packed up in the treasure chest.
you can’t help sprinting on tip toes
past sopping windows and light displays
asking all the wrong people
how to get inside.
Summoned by a wish, wished away, wishes for change.
Wishes that are granted in the worst way.
Wishing for wishes no longer to be a need.
Wishing for wishes to be more than so, wishing for people, to learn to grant their own.
I had a wish, I kept it in a jar at the very top of my bookshelf. Sometimes, the jar glowed. The little light inside represted all my hopes and dreams. One day, I would let the wish escape.
I made a wish, once. I wished for some strange ability for powers unknown to music, to control, to the all of it. Ha! I laugh now when I think of it, for I need no powers other than this, this power; to write.
I wish you are happy. I wish you will realize you are worth so much more than you give yourself credit for. I wish you knew we all cared for you. I wish you would know you can do whatever you put your mind to. I wish you knowledge.
i wish wishes about wishing…
“You get three wishes and you are down by two!!!” Triumphed the genie in Tally’s face.
Thinking fast and hard Tally breathed out her wish in a whisper.
“What was that, Mademoselle!?” The genie turned up his nose.
Tally stared with piercing eyes into his misty ones.
“I wish for a life.”
I wish I had a dog. Wishing is associated with shooting stars. Wishing is also asscociated with miracles. Many people wish for different things.
To grow Up.
Reach for new goals.
Is what feeds the soul.
The will to make something happen.
Sometimes I feel the need to acquire things that I think will make my life better. Typically it starts with me wishing I had a beter job or at least made more money! The standard wish for me is usually related to some new gadget or product.
Shooting star. Close your eyes. Breathe in, breathe out. Cross you fingers, cross your heart, wish to die. Chant a rhyme.
something you do when you want something. you make them on a star and you make them on your birthday. they can be for other people or for yourself. They are something you want to happen in the future. Its a word that can be used lightly in everyday conversation, like “i wish i could have a cup of tea”
I wish that I could be famous, I wish I could be a star. I wish I could be on TV, I wish I could travel far. I wish I could be popular, I wish my wish come true. But most of all I wish for, the one the only you. x
I wish that I could be famous, I wish I could be a star. I wish I could be on TV, I wish I could travel far. I wish I could be popular, I wish my wish come true. But most of all I wish for, the one the only you. x
To wish is to maintain a degree of optimism and create the momentum you need to reach your desires. Concentrated wishing can lead to self fulfilling wishes.
It’s something that you want, but know you probably can’t have, something that is out of your reach. You have goals or desires, but these are more intangible things, things you desire. “When You Wish Upon a Star…
I enjoyed aladdin from a very young age, as soon as it came out in face, but remember beiong really annoyed, as during the ending I was caught out by the genies lil “GOTCHA!” line which forced me to spin whilst leaving in the aisles. The first time I was truly angry at a film. Fuck you robin williams, fuck you!
I wish ,I wish. What do I wish for? It’s almost Christmas, I wish the world would wake up, and see what Christmas is really all about.
For you I wish:
A sun that brightens your darkest days
Stars to send your wishes to
Small moments that take your breath away
Friends to lend a helping hand
Humility in the face of life’s devastations
Openness to new things not yet understood
A wish is something that should never come true, because if id did, you wouldn’t want it anymore
first thing that comes to mind is hope – i see them as synonymous, except that when i think of someone wishing for something as opposed to hoping, it is usually a bit more selfish of a desire
Wish is a human feeling, the coveting of something neither possessed nor attained – one wishes for things not readily at hand. To wish is human – to wish is to desire ultimate satisfaction, is it not
i wish i could dream myself away to the future and to see two sunny rainbows in the heavens that are as many as fruits in the fall. all i could do is just to enjoy the view and feel peace with myself and wolrd.
lately, 11:11 has rolled around and i have been at a loss of what to wish. so instead, i just ask you what you wished for, and hope that you say “you.” so maybe, my wish is that you’ll wish for me.
Life’s biggest burden is filling the wishes of a loved one when they conflict with your own. You want to give them everything, including their wish, but the self sacrifice of your own wishes dwelve in your heart.
one word means so much, extracts a wealth of dreams.
what do I want? I don’t know…wishes are empty, right? I mean I hope for something that will change how I feel and I get it. I’m changed for a second then it’s all gone again. Wish scmish. I’m talkin about NOW!
what do I want? I don’t know…wishes are empty, right? I mean I hope for something that will change how I feel and I get it. I’m changed for a second then it’s all gone again. Wish scmish. I’m talkin about NOW!
Something that you can say outloud and it might never come true and it is too bad that there are a lot of wishes said in the world and a 50 50 percent chance of them coming true ifyou add them all up. I used to wish on a star for years for happiness and i dont know if it came true but i can only hope hope comes after wish.
I wish you could tell me something: why don’t everyone likes apple pie? It’s just marvelous! Maybe someday I’ll know how to make one for myself.
Something i do all the time