
August 4th, 2024 | 7 Entries

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7 Entries for “wizard”

  1. It was magic that the wizard performed. It was always magic. No deception or sleight-of-hand or anything like that. It was magic.
    Or maybe it was just what I wanted it to be.

  2. A wizard.
    A magician.
    A fantasy.
    A figment of a child’s wild imagination.
    As real as the spells they perform.
    And suddenly they vanish,
    In a puff of dirty smoke.

  3. “Are you ready to become a wizard, son?” My dad asked. He was the most powerful wizard in the world, and I was about to become second. If you’re a wizard, on your 18th birthday you become an official wizard of your kingdom.

    Tiffany Wagner
  4. He can make all your wishes come true, that was the rumor. In reality, he was waiting for someone to help him, return the favor. He waited for millennia holding on to the false hope of a stranger’s kindness. Cursed to watch everyone’s happy ending, while he saw his from a cage of power he didn’t ask for.

  5. “You’d have to be a wizard to get through this traffic,” M. said. J got out of the car and stepped on the running board. Cars were zigged and zagged every which way.

  6. Atop the tower whose stone peaked out through thick ivy, was a single window. Peering inside, the space was much too large for the walls that contained it and was filled with all manner of mystical objects.

  7. Mysterious , quirky with a gentle understanding , that is how I always found him to be … little did I know what was yet be revealed .
    It was an incredibly hot day and finally we had been excited to enter this new bright sunny weather. After the dark grey days of winter.
