worship is a very spirtual act. something everyone should particpate in on a weekly basis. worship brings us closer to those around us and build a stronger community through faith.
People worship all sorts of things, God of course, Buddha, Jesus, religious figures of various types. And then there is that other kind of worshiping..chocolate, wine, another persons body, a place….to worship is to love, to adore, to see nothing other than that which is good.
I worship many things. Some may be a little over the top, such as chocolate. Worshiping isn’t really necessary, but still it makes people happy. Those who sit higher demand more.
The life in the trees, the light in the night, the falling stars all around us. Your arms around me and your exclamation of wonder.
god, devil, demons.
the only the that I believe in
is it true or will it fade away
who really knows what will come and when i will
people worship people who are better than them, or say that they are better than them. Whether this is good or bad, it is true.
mr. Bigglesworth
I cannot understand worshipping something you cant prove. Some people take their worshipping their Gods too far and it leads to ignorance to other religions and other points of views…. thus fighting and world combat
to believe in something of either concrete or ethereal substance in which enraptures the entirety of their being at points in time.
Danni. Whoa
worship a man or a mouse?
reverance, the weight of ghosts, burning incense, westminster abbey, dead souls, they keep calling me… adoration, praise, fear.
surrender the little self to spirit. stop the ego from directing our actions, instead we open our hearts to spirit and be directed from within, for the good of all.
We worship the one true God. Fother Son and Holy Spirit.
god, praise, fabulous, wonderful savior, healer, less of me and more of You. Corporate, personal.
As a child we had a bible. A Qur’an and a Tanakh, Tao Te Ching and the Vedas. Never once did I have a coloring book–but I had more mandalas than one girl could ever color. My mother is Jewish. My father atheist. My sister is a pastors wife. My brother got lost along the way.
i think of god or higher power of some sort, organized religion. i don’t really like this word that much, it kinda sucks. it makes me think of churches or something, and old people.
She never worshiped a thing but the rain and the sky it dove down from. My father, he was the religious one until she spilled out of our life. After that he simply worshiped nothing at all. Me, I worshiped her, naturally. There was nothing solid and flawed there for me to realize as human. Nothing but holiness long gone.
She never worshiped a thing but the rain and the sky it dove down from. My father, he was the holy one until she spilled out of our life. After that he simply worshiped nothing at all. Me, I worshiped her, naturally. There was nothing solid and flawed there for me to fight against. Nothing but holiness long gone.
She never worshiped a thing but the rain and the sky it dove down from. My father, he was the holy one until she spilled out of our life. After that he simply worshiped nothing at all. Me, I worshiped her, naturally. There was nothing solid and flawed there for me to fight against. Nothing but holiness long gone.
Oh dear, I really hate this, this simply worshipping obsequious bowing and scraping in the workplace – of all places. I can’t stand any of this longer, and may have to quit my job to get away from it.
praise the Lord with so much Gladness that is how the world should be to get out from misery
The ideal of communion with the most high, a glorious experience deeply coveted by those who share the faith.
i never worship things, it is a very useless thing. everything has equal value and nothing is supperior than anything else. those who worship are insecure and feel inferior to anything. they are weak people.
the whole reason why i share with others. to help them feel the joy of his love.
to believe in and jump head in for. to have faith. to trust that they’re going to make everything okay for you. to understand that they care for you. to sacrifice what might be important, but actually isn’t really it.
I worshipped the love that I had for you, and you worshipped the body that I gave to you – the body, not the heart. Not the mind. Not the love. You worshipped me for my physical self and I worshipped you because you were everything that I thought the world would ever need to keep rotating. I was wrong. Worship is flawed beyond redemption.
I worshiped at the alter of god the other day. He never speaks to me. I wonder why? Have I been evil or bad or mildly disobedient? I hope not. I’ll go again tomorrow and try again.
Worshiping is not something you have to be religious to do. Worshiping is just something within yourself. You hold yourself to a higher power and you live for that. You have morals and beliefs.
Worship is a pure, physical, form of adoration. It gives an unmeasurable amount of praise, to him it is due.
To idolize
to hold to some higher pillar of being
am I supposed to worship the sun, the air the moon and the sky?
because I do
I don’t need a god
I worship life
I worship not only Gods, but also my family. But I don’t like to. I feel I sure must worship something, and sometimes people think I worship myself. Thus I fear being worshiped, because I shouldn’t do it myself.
Nietzsche once said : “Gott ist tott”.
On Sunday morning a worship service is held at the church. The church closes down and sets sail like a ship. The captain is the one in charge.
Worship should be reserved for God alone. Unfortunately we worship other things, people and even ourselves. What would like look like if we truly worshipped God alone? Would wars cease? Would love increase?
i find worship unecessary, sometimes it makes people feel better.. gives them hope.. but if you’re not in a position to need hope, why worship? We’re all just people, aren’t we?
He knelt on the temple ground in worship. But what is worship, he wonders? Why spend your entire lifetime worshipping a being you’ve never seen?
Because, the person next to him begins. The Lord our God has done many miraculous things, but we are too dense and self-involved to notice anything.
Jehovah is the only one to worship with the promise of everlasting life. What kind of world would I like without worship?
praise, kneeling
blindly following
people who dont think
pharoahs, kings
I go to church
To worship
My God
My Father
I love Him
And to return to him
I will follow his council
And commandments
I worship Him
Because He gave
Me a way to Return
To Him
god religion faith temple church coffee Christianity islam judaism buddhism hindu baha’i tv media clebrity
worship is a very spirtual act. something everyone should particpate in on a weekly basis. worship brings us closer to those around us and build a stronger community through faith.
People worship all sorts of things, God of course, Buddha, Jesus, religious figures of various types. And then there is that other kind of worshiping..chocolate, wine, another persons body, a place….to worship is to love, to adore, to see nothing other than that which is good.
I worship many things. Some may be a little over the top, such as chocolate. Worshiping isn’t really necessary, but still it makes people happy. Those who sit higher demand more.
The life in the trees, the light in the night, the falling stars all around us. Your arms around me and your exclamation of wonder.
god, devil, demons.
the only the that I believe in
is it true or will it fade away
who really knows what will come and when i will
people worship people who are better than them, or say that they are better than them. Whether this is good or bad, it is true.
I cannot understand worshipping something you cant prove. Some people take their worshipping their Gods too far and it leads to ignorance to other religions and other points of views…. thus fighting and world combat
to believe in something of either concrete or ethereal substance in which enraptures the entirety of their being at points in time.
worship a man or a mouse?
reverance, the weight of ghosts, burning incense, westminster abbey, dead souls, they keep calling me… adoration, praise, fear.
surrender the little self to spirit. stop the ego from directing our actions, instead we open our hearts to spirit and be directed from within, for the good of all.
We worship the one true God. Fother Son and Holy Spirit.
god, praise, fabulous, wonderful savior, healer, less of me and more of You. Corporate, personal.
As a child we had a bible. A Qur’an and a Tanakh, Tao Te Ching and the Vedas. Never once did I have a coloring book–but I had more mandalas than one girl could ever color. My mother is Jewish. My father atheist. My sister is a pastors wife. My brother got lost along the way.
i think of god or higher power of some sort, organized religion. i don’t really like this word that much, it kinda sucks. it makes me think of churches or something, and old people.
She never worshiped a thing but the rain and the sky it dove down from. My father, he was the religious one until she spilled out of our life. After that he simply worshiped nothing at all. Me, I worshiped her, naturally. There was nothing solid and flawed there for me to realize as human. Nothing but holiness long gone.
She never worshiped a thing but the rain and the sky it dove down from. My father, he was the holy one until she spilled out of our life. After that he simply worshiped nothing at all. Me, I worshiped her, naturally. There was nothing solid and flawed there for me to fight against. Nothing but holiness long gone.
She never worshiped a thing but the rain and the sky it dove down from. My father, he was the holy one until she spilled out of our life. After that he simply worshiped nothing at all. Me, I worshiped her, naturally. There was nothing solid and flawed there for me to fight against. Nothing but holiness long gone.
Oh dear, I really hate this, this simply worshipping obsequious bowing and scraping in the workplace – of all places. I can’t stand any of this longer, and may have to quit my job to get away from it.
praise the Lord with so much Gladness that is how the world should be to get out from misery
The ideal of communion with the most high, a glorious experience deeply coveted by those who share the faith.
i never worship things, it is a very useless thing. everything has equal value and nothing is supperior than anything else. those who worship are insecure and feel inferior to anything. they are weak people.
the whole reason why i share with others. to help them feel the joy of his love.
to believe in and jump head in for. to have faith. to trust that they’re going to make everything okay for you. to understand that they care for you. to sacrifice what might be important, but actually isn’t really it.
I worshipped the love that I had for you, and you worshipped the body that I gave to you – the body, not the heart. Not the mind. Not the love. You worshipped me for my physical self and I worshipped you because you were everything that I thought the world would ever need to keep rotating. I was wrong. Worship is flawed beyond redemption.
I worshiped at the alter of god the other day. He never speaks to me. I wonder why? Have I been evil or bad or mildly disobedient? I hope not. I’ll go again tomorrow and try again.
Worshiping is not something you have to be religious to do. Worshiping is just something within yourself. You hold yourself to a higher power and you live for that. You have morals and beliefs.
Worship is a pure, physical, form of adoration. It gives an unmeasurable amount of praise, to him it is due.
To idolize
to hold to some higher pillar of being
am I supposed to worship the sun, the air the moon and the sky?
because I do
I don’t need a god
I worship life
I worship not only Gods, but also my family. But I don’t like to. I feel I sure must worship something, and sometimes people think I worship myself. Thus I fear being worshiped, because I shouldn’t do it myself.
Nietzsche once said : “Gott ist tott”.
On Sunday morning a worship service is held at the church. The church closes down and sets sail like a ship. The captain is the one in charge.
Worship should be reserved for God alone. Unfortunately we worship other things, people and even ourselves. What would like look like if we truly worshipped God alone? Would wars cease? Would love increase?
i find worship unecessary, sometimes it makes people feel better.. gives them hope.. but if you’re not in a position to need hope, why worship? We’re all just people, aren’t we?
He knelt on the temple ground in worship. But what is worship, he wonders? Why spend your entire lifetime worshipping a being you’ve never seen?
Because, the person next to him begins. The Lord our God has done many miraculous things, but we are too dense and self-involved to notice anything.
Jehovah is the only one to worship with the promise of everlasting life. What kind of world would I like without worship?
praise, kneeling
blindly following
people who dont think
pharoahs, kings
I go to church
To worship
My God
My Father
I love Him
And to return to him
I will follow his council
And commandments
I worship Him
Because He gave
Me a way to Return
To Him
god religion faith temple church coffee Christianity islam judaism buddhism hindu baha’i tv media clebrity