
December 6th, 2009 | 829 Entries

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829 Entries for “worship”

  1. worship is a part of church. you worship god. we worship because we are in awe and we are thankful. sometimes worship is uneahlthy. we worship things like people and money and objects and become so obsessed with them that they take over our lives. Sometimes if we worship an object it consumes us.

  2. It is hard to worship these days. Days with two houses…the one that needs selling and the other needs fixing… days with five kids and a husband who comes and goes, driven by the pressures of a job. Hard to keep God in the center and me out of it. But on the days I do, those are the best ones…joy filled and peaceful. And I wonder why I don’t worship more.

  3. you can worship anything, really. most commonly people worship a God. Mostly Christians, and Catholics. other religions have other things, such as Gods, that they also worship.

  4. People like to worship in church. I don’t mind as long as they don’t force there belifs on others.

    Lady Psychic
  5. I go to church sometimes, not often though now that I got to college. I should probably go more often, I love God, and I miss him. I feel selfish and lonely because of it sometimes. My family would be upset with me.

  6. a persons own form of exahltation to the creator. its different for every person…and its not neccessarily singing Hillsong songs…its beautiful and unique!

  7. the people were sitting at the table,
    worshiping as usual.
    the candle was in the middle.
    the ghosts wern’t present just yet, they waited.
    “Nothing is better”

    Katie/ katie_twaddle@centurytel.net
  8. prayer

  9. a time to think and feel like you are one with God. That is what worship is about. It is about appreciating the love and happiness in your life and thanking God

    Britney C.
  10. worship what?

    worship whatever you think you need to but don’t try to tell me i need to worship a marble podium. worship what you may, i respect you for it. worship what i won’t, you should respect me all the same.

  11. worhsip again? but I worship all the time. is it wrong for me to have other notions of need and urgency towards the things i want to do? not everything can be to your liking and thus, I cannot spend my days wholistically thinking of you. Such a crazy notion for one to have that all is because of something else that we will never fully comprehend….

  12. The one thing people rely heavily on. They dont really know what to worship and they dont really know if it is right, but they do it anyway. Human beings have not yet scratched the surface of what worship really is and they dont seem to plan on doing so. Worship is nothing to me if i have no belief in what the worship hold.

  13. worship me

  14. Devotion,
    seeing that which inspires awe.
    A reason to revere, appreciate,
    discover and observe.


    So many great reasons to worship.

    Bella Shing
  15. Something you get together with other people to do. Praising God and offering up to him your praise and thankfulness. It’s part of coming together as a body of worship and fellowshipping with your fellow believers.

  16. people for some reason think that to “worship” brings them closer to being holy themselves when, I believe that to worship only means to try to put yourself in the position of the place of the very thing your are worshiping. All you are serving is to try to paint yourself as a better picture then what you really are

  17. I worship him in a way. He is like a brother, after all. Even if he doesn’t appreciate everything I do for him. Even if he doesn’t understand. I do it all for him. No one missed him more than me. (Inspired by “The Watcher”)

  18. God.

  19. They saw nothing. They heard nothing. They thought nothing. They were simply mindless shells, worshiping their “god”. Why can’t they see? Why can’t they see how wrong they are? Worshiping blindly results in blindness.

  20. The circle of devotees fell to their knees and immediately began prostrating themselves before the divine figure, worshiping more fervently than they had ever worshiped before. They knew that the faintest hint of unfaithfulness would result in a swift termination of their life, so they made a great show of it all, even appearing to shed tears of joy at the arrival of the supposed messenger from God.

  21. Worship. I think of religion with this word. Then again, who wouldn’t? People from all different religions worship each and every day. Religion can be a thing of beauty. Even those without can still respect the idea.

  22. something you do in your own time. love it or hate it, its special. for me, it is God. for others it can be a toy or a person. its faith.

  23. god jesus muhammad islam spirit allah

  24. Her crown glittered in the sunlight, her dress waved about in the gentle breeze, its sumptuous fabrics dazzling those around her; she looked ready to be worshipped by everyone in sight.

  25. god o my god american gods neil gaiman is a great author my personal favourites are norse gods like odin and thor ands loki and baldr greek gods are kind of lame these days because everbody is an expert when it comes to greek myths i worship grapefruits

  26. God. Or material things. But which one matters more? Is there a right or wrong about worship? Why do we do it anyway? Is it because of love? Because of lust?

  27. worship is to find the lord…to fee;l the faith as if someone is dere to take care of yu…someoone who is inside you..someone who u can look upto…life is gone to find the truth..the truth about god..n worshiopp..bt the truth lies uin us…lies in us…to tell us we are all jus part of nature….

  28. worship

  29. worship

  30. Spirit.
    Moments of peace.
    Moments of retrospect.
    Take them.
    Feel them.

  31. I think of god even though im not religious. Worship…. your master? I don’t know. bow down serve complete loyalty a following. Maybe a king?

  32. A mindless group builds
    Towering temples trembling
    too many tears shed
    only pain may follow
    all in the name of love
    all in the name of “God”

  33. jesus god church love happines

  34. hate.

  35. something you do at your place of um worship something you need faith for something i rarely do something i wish i were connected to something i feel phony in sometimes and something i am envious of something that shouldn’t evoke any of these emotions which is probably ironic and pretty horrible something divine and pure

  36. peace

  37. god

  38. this word means to treat someone as if they were a deity

  39. Silly little notion…to think our cries and felt deeper because we label it as worship

  40. to know someone well
