
December 31st, 2023 | 13 Entries

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13 Entries for “zestful”

  1. Excited
    Full of life

  2. Having joy and getting things accomplished without negative feelings. Having confidence to do things in life without fear. Energy driven. Loving life with no limits. Enjoying the time you have on earth.

  3. Surprisingly refreshing supporting new energies

  4. Surprisingly refreshing supporting new energy

  5. It is being so full of life that a little spills out, like the spray of an orange as your fingernail slips under the peel, so much energy that it bursts out at the slightest opening.

  6. To be full of energy and purpose towards a task. It holds to the idea that you will pursue with passion and determination to accomplish your goal.

  7. full of life, energy, fun ,friends ,optimistic ,family ,,sharing, happy, seeking ,reaching for more, belief in better enjoying today loving life

  8. full of life, energy fun friends optimistic family sharing happy seeking reaching for more searching belief in better enjoying today loving life

  9. It was an afternoon where the colours were sharper, the sky a bit brighter, and the company more cheerful. The conversation was engaged without being raucous, and the food was satisfying. The tabbouleh particularly was remarked upon for being very zestful.

  10. Living life with energy and passion that is palpable in every arena you enter. The energy that you exude energizes others so much that they become inspired by you. This is perpetual energy.

    Mark Gonyea
  11. They were all laughing, which intestified the zestful atmosphere of the situation. They had run out of gas, the night on the dark highway, was cold and no other cars were coming. They couldn’t think of anything else but to laugh.

  12. She smiled in that zestful way of hers, barely able to contain her emotions. But, the smile faded just as quickly when she looked over my shoulder.

  13. Full of cheer and happiness. Loves life. High energy. Looks for the positive.
