
August 17th, 2024 | 4 Entries

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4 Entries for “elephant”

  1. Elephant stomp, stomp out messages, tell each other stories on moonlit nights, “we remember, we always remember, the earth itself is measured in our footsteps, we walk with the weight of stories, we carry the world on our backs. Since we are big, we can be gentle, yet not afraid to break down forests. Do not forget your bigness, child, neither in your fear nor your anger.”

  2. Extraordinarily big animal

  3. The elephant in the room didn’t leave. Sometimes it slept behind the couch and the family members would laugh and pretend they didn’t know the secrets that it hid. Sometimes, when they had been drinking, the atmosphere turned ugly and the elephant in the room, came out of hiding, rose to its full height and gave a blast that rang out through the neighborhood.

  4. Thinking back to adventures we were never meant to have, back to when our eyes lay upon creatures from lands we were never meant to be in. They were magnificent yet the sheer size of them stilled us – surely such large things could not exist.