
this is a sequel to whatever you had last week, remember? Bah, you are barely puking now, just go home, drink some liquids and go to sleep. You'll probably be fine tomorrow.
But he wasn´t.
they orbit around the body, like small shielding fireflies. It´s like they are helping him sleep better... Honestly, a weird show to watch but I have never seen anything so beautiful.
The Reveal was upon them, nothing they could do but wait sitting on their living room hugging each other and waiting for them to arrive, for them to take them away and finish what they were supposed to. Their eyes started to close, going away with their conciousness
The firefighter stood up, grabbing his knee while the sharp pain was shocking his leg. He grabbed the door again, feeling the heat through his gloves like a soft summer heat and pushed up with all the strength he had left, releasing the boy and his sister.
This is a weekly issue with you -she sat down, hands covering her face. He knew she has covering her watering eyes - and I'm just so tired right now. Of this, of you. -She stayed silent for a couple of minutes before adding -get out, i don't want you here anymore.
The cone fell done, breaking the silence. The noise jumped around, echoing, calling to the creatures around them and giving their location away. They didn't care for carefulness anymore. Now they started to run as fast as they could
Millions of citizens died thanks to the virus. No one's sure who released or how, if it was born it nature or man-made, but does it really matter anymore? 90% of human-kind was wiped of the earth in bloody swipe and, now, we´re all that´s left.
the copper wire is broken- he got up -can you go back and buy a new one? We need to know what's going on outside of the country
you turned this beautiful empire into a twisted, forgotten reminder of what it once was. Look at us now, we have to hide in the streets, running in the sewers, away from the creatures that you summoned and away from the twisted king you put on the throne.
what are you doing? I told you to pull up the bag -she took it off her sister´s hands -not to drag it. The bag was heavy, she granted her sister that, but she was old enough to carry it on her arms or her shoulders.
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