
The tall, copper spire with a crucifix on top told Eiise she was in the right place—St. Peter's Episcopal Church, where Terry had told her last night to meet at 7 o'clock sharp. Problem was, as she entered the sanctuary, no one was inside, not even a clergyman; had Terry gotten caught up and couldn't make it? Or worse...had he bailed on their deal?
"This quilt has been in my family for four generations," The old woman spoke, running a withered hand across the faded orange fabric. "It's said that whoever possesses it is guaranteed to find true love. And now, Mariella, I want you to have it."
Arlene's smile faltered. "I don't know what you mean."
Nancy pursed her lips a moment, trying to choose her words carefully. She spared the quickest of glances at Vera, who gave an almost imperceptible nod of encouragement. "I simply mean, Ms. Campbell, that I don't know why you'd want me of all people to attend the biggest party in town. We hardly know each other."
"You've undergone a massive transformation in such a short amount of time," The reporter said, angling the microphone closer to Angela's mouth. "How did you do it?"
Underneath the TV studio lights, she was sweating bullets. Still, she tried to maintain her smile as best she could in order to give an intelligent response.
But that's when the first explosion hit.
Pleasantly caught off guard by her boldness, Aidan allowed a smile to touch his lips as he glanced in Kelsey's direction. She seemed to catch on rather that he was impressed, and knowing her, she'd gloat the rest of the day for having been the one to make him smile, especially in a room full of people he couldn't stand.
Instead of the usual annoyance he felt at the idea of Kelsey getting a win, however, Aidan found that he didn't mind one bit—that took some boldness to admit, too.
With determination in her heart, Alana took a step forward into the living room and cleared her throat loudly. "Shaun, can I steal you away for a sec?"
He nodded, setting his mug down on the coffee table. As he stood and began to walk toward her, Alana tried her best to even her breathing. She could do this. It was long overdue.
Even if he rejected her...Shaun deserved to know that she was in love with him.
"Exploration," The elder gentlemen muttered, a far away look in his eye. "Exploration of the unknown is what got us into this mess in the first place. If you ask me, I say leave what's at the bottom of the the bottom of the ocean. Some curiosities need not be satisfied."
"I'm standing in solidarity with you all during this difficult ordeal," The senator's voice was even—not too emotional, but not unserious. "I understand what you're going through–"
"NO YOU DON'T!" A voice—angry, desperate to be heard no matter the cost—suddenly broke through the air, causing more than a few curious murmurs to ripple through the crowd.
"Unity?" Tara spits the word out with venom, face growing hot. "How can you talk about unity at a time like this?!"
"Lower your voice, Jesus..." Adam reaches out a hand for her, but she takes a deliberate, if not exaggerated step backward, nearly tripping over the ottoman. "This is the only way out of this mess, Tara. You're in deep just as much as I am. So we either do it together, or not at all. And I don't think you want to go down that road."