It was a breathtaking sight. White capped mountains and snowy clearings. The cool ice reflected off of mountains surrounding the trail i had hiked the earlier morning. I withheld the view before me in awe and saved it in my heart and soul for rainier days.
Why must i be forced to face trial for something i have never even dreamed of doing. If i am to be punished i just want them to know its not my fault!
The lashes of my eyes twinkled with freshly fallen snow. Ice layer everything, winter had just begun. The time of snow ball fights and snowman. I love winter.
I was afraid. from the depths of my soul i feared it. I could not hide from it nor could i fight it. Life was to short to live, why make it shorter?
I roller bladed across the isles of the local Wallmart, I am SO busted if i get caught, were my last thoughts before rollerblading right into the manager. O great...
I was chained to a rock hard concrete wall. The bars dug deep into my flesh. I left in complete darkness. When will i be safe again?