
She'd made a huge mistake. The words were out before she could take them back and they brooked no confusion. No path lay open to alter what she'd said. There was only one interpretation available, and of course, he'd gone to it immediately. And as soon as his face fell, as soon as his knees went out from under him, and his heart dropped to his guts, she realized she was wrong.
I slowly rose from my knees, secure in the knowledge that everything would be OK. But it wasn't. God told me to keep fighting, and you told me you were leaving, no matter what. Force to choose between believing in you and believing in God, I believed in the thing in front of me. When you left, you took my faith with you. And I am a better man for it.
The timbers creaked as the truck pulled across the old bridge. It had never been meant to support this sort of weight, but the soldiers inside had no choice. Crossing the bridge was the only way out of the valley, and the valley wasn't theirs anymore.
They came at him sideways,crabwise, liquid. Violence he was prepared for. Manipulation, infiltration, all the tools of warcraft were at his disposal. He hadn't prepared for, couldn't prepare for an attack from the gods. Disease had carried off more than half of his population and now his ancient enemy came offering the cure. All he had to do was abdicate. Join the empire.
I pulled back hard. Taking careful aim I let the ball bearing slip from my fingers. The surgical tubing snapped back to its original length pulling the steel ball with it. The ball rocketed forward propelled by the released energy.
I held my hand awkwardly in front of me. I was afraid to touch it, afraid to touch anything, certain my skin would simply slip off. I had read horror stories about the consequences of liquid burns, but never took any precautions. I cursed my stupidity, my naivete, as I looked down at my rapidly blistering hand. Why couldn't I have thought ahead and set the cup of noodles on the counter before I poured the water in?
It never stopped. The horrific crashing. The guns finally fell silent the day the last human died.
A flicker. A crackle. A burst of pain and death. I stood facing him alone, behind the rows of fallen. My sword heavy, my shield dragging, I knew that now was my only chance. We had spent so many lives charging the walls of this castle, and now the Emperor would die.
Bloodless, dry, and somehow still moving. The waves of undead crash into the barricades. We all knew it would end someday, society can't sustain itself forever, but who knew it would end like this? Zombies I suppose we had prepared for. But skeletons? It doesn't even make sense.
It had been 10 years. He worried. Worried that things would be different, that no one would remember him, that he'd gotten old, fat, bald, and boring. Worried that he wouldn't be able to handle it. He lied to himself though. He told himself he was worried about seeing his friends, when he was really worried about seeing his father's dead body.
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