There is this day that I woke up feeling like P. Diddy, and the whole golden blinky day change with the single message of an ex. So long for the feeling of greatness. Not a rocker no more.
Suddenly you realized that life is not that complicated. That most things only hover with you for a while, and then some new come around. Hovering thru them like them thru you. Simple.
I´ve been thinking about that man who came to my house the other day. I wasn't sure why, but I knew I felt the need for him. Maybe, he was selling me something, or maybe he was just everything i was looking for. Such a drag.
I have always been interested in the business of coffee and blenders, all those things I thought would have been an excellent thing to learn in a place like starbucks, or something. For at least to know something about coffee.
I have never heard a thing such as a dietary, as my nutriologist suggested it. I think, probably she meant that I am far behind my nutrigional regimen. In other words, fat. Very fat.