I am in a tranport. transporting through life and honestly wondering where I'll end up. Tell me, is transport permanet? Is this it? Let's hope not because I'm tired of almost lovers.
He is the waiter. Not the typical "Oh. Here's your salty peanuts and dirty iced tea," kind. He waits on people. Waits on change, his life in particular.
Formal is what we aim for, isn't it? To be just another pin point in the crowd of other pin points. Black suits and ties, dresses. A slimmer fit for a slimmer standout. Formal is what we aim for.
I stayed in this motel my entire life. Dusty and unkempt, I am in need of Savior. Thank you for changing my sheets!
Divide. This is we. We are on two separate planes. Are we indifferent? We are divide.
Divide. This is we. We are on separate planes, resistant to change. Are we indifferent? Are we immovable? We are divide.
He becomes like an eagle- flying in the sky with no bounds or limits. Here, he is becoming, becoming something bigger and better than himself. Because when you're becoming something other than yourself, you are becoming all that you should be.
He becomes like an eagle- flying in the sky with no bounds or limits, creating a space all his own. When you;re flying you;re not really flying