
He held the crystal in his hand. Shimmering and cleaved like quartz, but more transparent. There were no secrets in front of him, but instead behind him, bringing him here. He had it. He held it. It was his.
The beast had lay dormant for a hundred years. A tangled mess of metal and machinery, once elegantly assembled and chrome, it now lay on the floor of a cave deep in the universe.
Hoping they wouldn't find her is all she could do right then. Sam was in the car, a bit weary but forcing his eyelids to stay up to play just a little bit more gameboy. Blissfully unaware of what they were running from. She buried Tim's gun the night before. Even he he woke up he couldn't get to them in time. The Sanctuary had come through, they were going to make it.
They say you can measure a man's worth by how he carries himself. But to Jim that couldn't have been true. Being crippled from birth he never stood tall. He never puffed out his chest or picked up his chin. Yet he saved those children, carrying them two-at-a-time as the bus slowly sank into Wilshire pond. He was the hero he knew he could be, even if he'd never look the part.
The death of her grandfather was an historic event in the community, a turning point for all. He had led them, taught them, judged them ,and decided their futures. Now they were free. Free to leave that town.
Banks? No they weren't starting with banks. Jimmy was out of his goddamn mind. Start small, a 7-11, maybe a pawn shop on the seedier side of town. But banks? They've got alarms, guards, insurance. Banks required finesse, and a plan. That wasn't exactly Jimmy's strong suit.
The concept was simple. From here to Rome in as little time as possible. Cars, planes, bikes, helicopters, feet. Whatever it took.
She needed those kidneys or two small boys would lie dead in the hospital. He could make it, he knew he could. But not if they had it their way...
Go see her adviser? For what? She was Queen and the decision was hers. Quell the rebellion, save the empire. She may not be the greatest law-maker but the kingdom needed a leader, certainly not anarchy.