My brother has asthma. It is annoying for him, He tries to hide it because he sees it as weakness. He doesn't have it very bad but it does limit him physically, sometimes he doesn't tell me when he is hurting because he is afraid I will judge.
I refuse to let the fact that God has not seemed to answer my self-gratifying prayers let me stop passionately pursuing him and his will at ALL costs. Inversely though I also refuse to stop praying and rationalize away God's ability to answer my prayers with miraculous power. Perhaps this rant should be under the word balance, because between those two refusals there is a fine, fine balance to hold.
I just went for a bike ride, my bike has a chain, it almost fell off but i was able to save it. I biked fast.
Every story has a bunch of sides. Any good story or conflict or relational devellopment can't be two dimensional. It is decidely 3D with a variety of facets and sometimes, there is clear communication and, like a cube, everyone has a very similar idea about what is happening, regardless of perspective. Other times things do not work out so neatly.
Half of what I am about to say will never be finished. It is simply
that way people become con
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it can really be quite annoy .
Where do we find comfort. Everyone has their comfort's, their little niche or escape that they return to over and over again. Some of them are unhealthy, some are simple, some are more complicated, but it is what makes us comfortable that we seem to pursue most in this world. It is the comforts of easy living that people spend so much of their hard earned money acquiring.
That event had changed everything. Life on this planet would never be the same, at the time it had seemed so small. So insignificant. There were millions nowadays who actually knew just how big, how monumental and history changing that event had been. It was just a normal day back them but the truth was much much deeper than anyone guessed, that day that Jesus died.
Misty reminds me of the start of a Sherlock Holmes novel, a scary scene with hounds or something. It is setting the stage for the book, it is describing the night in question from the victim's wife's perspective or some such view. Misty may even be the novel's first word.
I'm in the zone, the mental head game i am playing has caused some pain, some joy, a lot of lessons. Sometimes i am up, sometimes down but for now i am in the zone, i will learn the lessons, i will not be mad because of the past and I will not let her have control over my thoughts so long after she has left. I am in the zone, the zone that says, I win, the zone that leads to freedom.
We all want. It is arguable that want, the ability to desire something we don't currently have is the main trait that separates humans from the rest of animals. i do not think this is the case but it is arguable. I find it interesting that so often when we get what we want all we do is start thinking about the next thing we want, never satisfied.
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