it was all i could do. to beg. to plead. maybe she'd turn around, maybe she wouldn't. i couldn't have rallied any harder even if i'd wanted to.
Patience, patience. If only I had the time to wait for you to come around.
Patience, patience.
She'll keep you waiting for a thousand years.
she looked around the room as he mixed drinks in the kitchen. family photographs, vases from around the world, satin pillows, and a single coaster, painted by the hands of a little one with the words "I love you, Dad"....
i know them. lots of them. they go to work at 4:00pm. they leave work at 12:30am. they make $2.13 per hour, and trust on the faces they see each night to make up the difference. a lot of times, those faces don't. or won't. bastards.
if i could afford
to pay the postage
i'd mail myself to you
wrapped up in tissue
stuffed in a box
with packing peanuts
we're held together. we're never apart. it's almost like being in love.
we sit down to dinner at the table at his parents' house every saturday. i can't help but notice that his mother keeps her home impeccable. i am really hoping he doesn't expect the same from me. i was raised much less formally. there were 6 of us kids. there wasn't time to keep up with the dust.