In the dim light, everything looks better. It was like the flowers, the trees, the cars even, - and above all, your face - they were all in soft focus. Like old movies, or something. Even the most humble object gained some elegance in the dimness. If only the sun would just wait a little longer to rise...
"My sister is stunning," I said.
The guy just stared at me.
"She looks like a dang horse, honey - "
But I walked away, too loyal to listen to another word.
Shuffle along! I feel like a cow in a herd of cattle and some day I'll be picked up for the slaughterhouse. If only I could shuffle out of here.
Instead, I rearrange cards and see if they can show me a way out - nope. They're just inanimate, like I soon will be. Brain fried to death.
What to say? I can't even describe my own, so how can I describe others' hearts? If you could describe a heart adequately, you will have discovered the answers to every question humans have ever asked.
the sound, it just rose within me and went to the tips of my fingers and I shuddered - I kept my mouth clenched shut, for otherwise I would sing along
At the beginning. once upon a time. In a land much like our own but far away and in another era. It's what happens after death, after something ends. The phoenix is always beginning. Beginning to grow, beginning to hatch, beginning to burn...
Autumn was the happiest time for me. It meant you were coming back. And you meant the world to me. So, from autumn to autumn, the world rolled around the sun and I waited for you to roll back to me.
I hated her so much. She was like the boy who cried wolf. Always worried the sky was gonna fall down.
So when she told me to be careful, I didn't pay attention.