basic clothing. my actor clothes.
how I long to take my shoes off, put on the leggings and the sweater.
put my hair up.
roll up my sleeves
and move through a space, letting anyone and everyone affect me. Letting things happen. seeing people's eyes.
i need to plug in my computer. I have this experience often. I think a lot about how tethered I am to it. How i carry around a tail of power in my purse.
Its like the moments when I send myself an email, then get excited that i got an email, then get excited when my phone beeps telling me I got a message. But really, It was just a message from myself.
I remember going up into the mountains in utah... or was it montana to find sage. I think about wisdom and favorite things. Sacred people stored away in tents in the mountains, burning herbs and finding solace, wisdom, and clarity in that. Oh what I would give for a mountain. A mountain now. To go above the clouds where you can barely breathe and burn herbs and find clarity in the fog.
so obvious
there are things that i constantly see directly in front of me, but i have an obsession with layers. I create them and build them and construct them intricately. like curtains at the back of a stage descending into nothingness. I seek people with curtains and curtains and walls and layers of enigma.
Enigmatic is my type