A scooter is a neat little tool that helps you get around. Two-wheeled. It's also a great name for a dog. There are motorized and non-motorized scooters. Fun.
An elm is a tree. When I was young and living in a small town out west, all of the Elms were decimated by Dutch Elm Disease. It was a very sad thing. Elms are a tree and we need them.
A form of communication. Can take many shapes. Especially interesting with non-verbal communication between people.
Oooh, I love some hamburger. With tomatoes, mayo, sesame seed bun. Like to change it up with the cheese. Maybe Swiss. Cooked medium well or well. May be mushrooms.
Prime real estate. Prime rib. Prime motive. Primal. Primitive. Prime the engine. Primarily, I am very alone.
Comedy is designed to be light of heart and to result in a happy or cheerful ending. Hope that's where my life is going. Skit or long running series.
Comedy can be dark or light. I can say for sure my life is a sad dark little comedy. What?
For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee. This is a tough one. To whom are you speaking? What part of grammar is whom? Whaaat? Wheere.
Coexist with me by being my neighbor. Doesn't mean we have to be friends. Although that would be nice , too. I am not the greatest typist on this keyboard of life. Do you cross your T's?
coexist. I need to learn to coexist with my anger and self-disdain. Coexist. To live side by side. Occupy adjoining space. Live together. Of course, peace does not have to be involved.
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