and we grasped at the last things we had left.
how much did we use to have to be left with only this?
When will I learn? this same shit always happens to me. and I never seem to see it coming. I'll learn to get used to it someday, I suppose. or at least I can hope right?
and there we were, arguing as always. she has to have her plays doesn't she? of course that's what well end up doing for the evening. sadly, I have no lines in this script.
I feel like a visitor in my own skin.
life is kind of rough that way
She was cool
ripped jeans and leather jacket.
smoked cigarettes and drank beer.
she was every cliche:
and she is mine
I miss having a roof. especially on nights like tonight. Hearing the sound of rain hit the roof is the most amazing sound I know.
She is simple. then again maybe she wasn't so simple. but to me, she was. maybe she was simply complicated
at one time it was the both of us. I loved her and she loved me. We both loved each other. now we're both alone. but no matter what happens to either of us, we both have those memories
I would love to see puddles outside. puddles mean rain and rain means relaxation. I would love to see some relaxation as well. Life is getting to be too much and I just need to jump in a puddle
what kind a word is brunch? thats way to fancy of a word. this is a little disappointing. i was hoping to get a more suitable word for today but i guess ill have to settle for this one.
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