
this again.what is up with oneword. this is the third day in a row for mispelled. the word should be mis-posted. i hope there will be a new word tomorrow. then i can enjoy myself again.
i cant. u will. ok. just think. i couldn't come up with any misspelled werds within a minit to be abel to get my poynt acrost. so i will gif up on my atemp.
it flowed very adeptly a right up into our house. before we knew it, the gas had knocked us silly. luckily, brenda had the quickness of mind to throw a chair through the window before we passed out.
its all in the angles. a bit like life, but with green felt. you must think ahead without really thinking. intuit and then do it. chalk this one up to a nice metaphor.
i will never get out. this is where it will end. the angles are true and the fates have spoken. when is not important. it will happen.
we toiled. that is an old word that we began to understand as we baked under the cloudless sky. every pore emitted our sweat. we were soaked just getting out of the van - and were spent by the time they gave us our tools -me a rake, jessica a shovel, the rest, well who cared about them...
he just got in there and worked his evil magic. the sneering aside, the raised eyebrow, the well-placed throat clear. every thing he did carried an innuendo, or insinuendo in the words of peter o'toole in a movie i one saw...
all along the watcher the princes kept their view. i for one love the words of that song. my girlfriend things it is too cerebral for her. but all versions work for me, but the best is the wah-wahs of jimi's guitar, yo-yoing across the speakers.
let's get this straight, m-m-kay? you sit there and learn, i stand here and teach. you don't talk until i ask you to. because i want you to get this and get it tll it hurts.
hmmm, that tastes/looks/feels so good. let's just keep doing this until they have to break down the door and haul us out. let's just stay here and do...
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