The man was curious as he was from a different country he though it was peculiar the the languages.
Eyeliner is what girls where they feel they arent pretty enough but they are as pretty as they think they are. They are beautiful no make up needed at all!!!
RaWr Fear me now! Dont think you can run from me I am faster and stronger than you muahaha!!! I will eat you dont mess with me cause im a ninja dinosaur!!!!!!!!
An intersection is a four way stop or something of that type. It is a thing where many cars must stop.
A robot is an electronic sort of person kind of not a real person but in fact a robot most of you probably already know that.
Do not Drink!!! Its very very very bad for you its not good to drink. Be ever clean!!! Whiskey can hurt you very much.
Obsolete is a thing out of date such as newspapers and such...
The two had such a great connection together and they were madly in love.......
They spent all their time together and they often got strange stares you see she was the new girl a very odd one in fact. He didn't care what they did or said about them.
If you try and try again then you can then succeed so just keep to it and you will be able to do it.
Purpose means something that you need to do or a reason you did something. A reason for everything.....
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