cone, como aquele cone de gelado que me imaginei a trincar num final de tarde precioso. Estava acompanhada por ti, com quem tinha estado no dia antes e estaria no dia seguinte. Aquela fase das paixões em que os amantes não se conseguem separar, nem mesmo para comerem um cone de gelado acompanhados só e apenas pelas suas belas almas e pelos seus esbeltos físicos.
Everything turned musical to him...The wind, the waves, the snizzes, the crys. He did not wonder where did that music came from. He actually knew it came from nature, from people, from animals, from emotions...
Dehydrated? Our mind can always be dehydrated. Yes, our mind...I do not mencion our body simply because it is as simple to cure as drinking a glass of water. However, our mind is confusing, complicated, curious and very hard-worker. I would say "workahoolic". It thinks, it forgets, it remembers, it memorizes, it sleeps, but ir never shuts down...It boils, sometimes. In fact it bolis so many times that we feel as desconfortable as if it was completly dehydrated...The problem usually lies in recovering from this mental state od dehidration. A process as confusing, complicated, curious and hard (worker) as the mind itself...
Some people just think methods are those memory helpers that are absolutely essencial in their lives. They are not. They are created by us, but in a stupid way of limiting ourselves.