It matters not how hard I try or what I say. No amount of words will ever make you understand how I'm feeling. The black pit of despair that resides between my lungs and presses against my rib cage as it tries to consume me. No amount of pills or therapy or talking it out will ever help me. You just can't see that.
I know more than the average person would believe.
With just once glance at me,
You'd see a childish face.
A pre-woman physique
But my eyes are ever knowing.
I've seen more
Than half the people my age.
I know.
I was born a wise soul.
I begin where I started, covered by blankets of past dreams waiting to be ripped into new nightmares. Every night is a new beginning for my mind to run rampant in the world of nether. These dreams rarely follow me into the waking world, and for that, I cry as I awaken.