Have you stopped to hear all the languages around you? Can you hear the flowers laughing and the whistling of the trees? It is worth it to take a peek into the world you live beyond.
I witnessed him enter survival mode,
Have mercy on me,
My soul is not well.
Have mercy on me
Give me something to smile about
And calm my breaking heart.
Have mercy on me
As I suffer through these rivers of tears
And dream of rivers woven into my destiny.
Have mercy on me, for my destiny is cloudy.
Look through the lens you choose,
But realise the colours don't matter
One bit.
My joyous soul laughs when I am near you purely because we are both alive.
My glow has disappeared
It always does when I notice those who think it it not glowing
With the right amount of light, the right color, or the right intensity.
My glow has disappeared
And I don't know how to get it back
Because there is no energy source.
This district of thought is filled with bizarre statements of selfishness and worry.
Why can you not be free to love your neighbor, help those in need and care for the greater good?
Can you not see that we are all one?
Or is your district so separate from mine?
The essence of you,
The essence of me.
Perfect chemistry.
An alignment of stars
A progression of time
An uncanny love.
The essence of us.
Jumping into the sweet abyss I observe all that is around me. I see stars, memories, nightmares, clouds, earths that have not been, dimensions you cannot feel, and questions that have not been answered. I observe and wonder at my humanity and the energy inside of me.
Moaning loudly and pressing
Holding a flower
Lighting a candle
Sipping tea
These are a few of my favorite things
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