Right now I don't have a clue on what's going on on. Maybe it's because I totally overslept or because I missed class all week. Regardless I am clueless.
The best music festival I has ever gone to wasElectricZoo! Wow was that the most amazing time of my life! I knew we shouldn't bought the three day pass damitt, but instead bought a ticket to see David guerra ad skrillex and supermash and th dirty south....aka it was all amazing all sick and couldn't have asked for a better time. Btw did imention we all dressed up like retards in neon and stuff .....oh boy did we blend in.
So the only thing that has kept me functioning this past week is that my college acceptance will be appearing soon... Not sure if it's this week. OR next week BUt this was not my best post....meh//
Odds- when I think of this word I think of luck. What are the odds of anything in life? Of scoring that winning goal, of getting that A on a test or of acceptance into that first college of your choice.
Well the first time I got stung by a bee I was at my cousins house. I really don't remember my age .... Probably eight? S anyways I was playing outside and all of the sudden I felt something on my knee and started to scream... Ow! My knee had blown up like a golf ball and I started to cry. I then got drugged on benedrl and it was all better!
Well right now my plans Have not been working. The saying you plan and gd laughs really has happened to me since everything I have planned for this year has not worked out. M college plans have been rocky with my top choices not working out and even my plans of the next vaca are not definite yet. I guess everything happens for a reason and hopefully my plans will work out.
liberty. many associate liberty with freedom. others think of it with justice.