
is when you get too old to like the people telling you what to do
is when "instructor"
changes from your pretty second grade teacher with the soft voice
to a boss who probably couldn't pass that second grade class
adulthood is terrifying
you were a very plausible mistake
full of reasonable promise
and decent intentions
sent spiraling down a path of moderate apathy
and excessive greed
distance isn't just a thing
but miles do not stretch
these things are unbending
brittle in the way of stones
and strong like heavy rain
there is power in the distance
but much more in disguise
the eternity of substance
is limited by quantity
much more than by valor
when our water stores run dry
when the entirety of supermarkets
are cleaned down to the empty shelves
it will not be the heroes
that somehow procure more
rather, it will be the theives
If you kneel I'll bruise
Heavy purple, ugliness
Hide it in the pew
we only ever see
as far as light provides for
and our path is only ever lit
but the flame that we create ourselves
behind each darkened barricade
could lay lumps of coal
or hardened sheets of ice
and I wonder which is worse
The power of forced entrance
Waits not only for the strong
The best laid walls of mice and men
Are nothing against fleas
Some filth apart from mud is dust
Some dust is limitless
dates are different things for those
who mark their planners carefully
who cross off boxes on a calendar
and run through days like marathons
shrugging off the minutes
or drinking down the time
drowning in an hour on a bench
with a pretty girl
or staring at their watches
dates are different things for those
picking up a that pretty girl at 8:00
distilled into the bottom of a glass
this curious case is closed
whatever substance it may be
that molds itself to love or hate
does not change as medium
or fuel in unlit charge
distilled into a single spark
Let no man stand his ground
I want to be the girl with messy hair
Who used to occupy my mind
The endless black of pupils
Caught in photographs
Now feel hallow in my skull
I want to be the slightly tousled girl
The recklessly abandoned girl
The sick and vaguely frantic girl
The one who used to bleed
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