You may receive a visit from the guy who was tricked into buying seven bags of sand.
When presented with such a silly question, I wondered whether it was time for me to move on from this numbing position to consider a better suited and more creative vocation, one where my mind will actually be applied.
We sometimes talk about grace-growers - people who require you to have more grace, because not everyone is easy to love. Sometimes people have hurt that they carry around with them and they are sometimes difficult to get along with because they take things the wrong way. Think one can go ahead and call the grace-grower a stretcher too; same principle. Stretching is painful, but it's how we grow.
My suggestion is that you take this time to write something that matters, something that inspires, something that will suggest to you that there is a life full of adventure and mysteries out there. Be bold, walk in the opposite spirit.
Science claims that it is a system of fact and that God's system is myth, not based on fact. Fact is, science was created by God. It is his little tool to create things. Our human capacity think we can prove that there is no God by the means of science, whereas we don't take into account that science itself is the creation of an infinite God.
Life's best harness is the Bible, you can say I'm old fashioned, but have you ever read it? Have you ever tried what it suggests? If you have, you will know that it's principles ring true and that it truly is the book of life. I don't know how I ever lived without this harness.
The configuration of these elements is doomed for failure. First off we don't have the location, nor the support, and most of all, we don't have the blessing. Painful as it may be, let's push through and persevere and hope for something better on the horizon, for surely he gives good gifts, and those who wait, will soar like eagles.
The distributor came around the corner with his parcels of gifts, with all our names on it. Some gifts were for self edification, others were for reaching the deaf and the blind who couldn't hear or see, but that they might here the message too.
Soups is all my boss eats in winter. Everyday, can you get me that soup again please? See, I look after the three of them as regards lunch and it can be quite an ordeal keeping everyone happy and warm, especially in these arctic conditions. Soups work fine.
Carry on sowing your seeds, for you will not know what sort of harvest you will reap, you cannot control the weather or the growth itself, but be faithful in sowing your seeds.
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