You will bow to me. You will worship me. You will love me. You will let me be your master. You will let me fondle you. You will let me kiss you. You will let me use and abuse you. You will let me use you as an object for my fantasies. You will keep me level headed. You will be mine.
You must always be polite boy. I know that Grandma smells bad and thinks the Mexicans down the streets from us are really the commies that Senator McCarthy is always warning us about, but when she still had all her marbles and knew what year it was, it was her that taught you the utmost importance of etiquette. Remember, you will get like that one day and your own children will have to help you into the wheelchair and reminding you that those nice Mexicans down the street are not really going to blow up the neighborhood.
I sure wouldn't want to get the plague. It sounds so scary. I would imagine some weird rat melting my skin if I came in contact with it. My skin would melt and then I would die. That would be so weird. That must have been so scary back in the dark ages when they had no control over the disease and didn't have sophisticated medical care that we have.