Will you please calm down? Christopher was standing behind his desk holding out his hands, palms up. Begging in a silent but clear way for the man to sit back down. Imad looked at it from the corner, savely behind his computer. But the man wouldn't calm down. "I can't, this is war time now Christopher. You were supposed to take care of these bodies, without them noticing it. You got us into a full time war."
Everything feels so incomplete. This life, this love, this so-called succes of his, it all feels complete. How come he let it get this far? How could it get this far? He looked at Vera who was lying near his feat, unconscious. This was her, this was it, this was the love of his life. And this was her end. How could it get this far?
Imad kijkt naar zichzelf in de spiegel. Op de achtergrond klinkt rap muziek luid. Hij draait heel rustig zijn stropdas in elkaar, veegt met zijn handen over de wollen textuur van zijn pak. Hij haalt z'n neus op, bewondert zich van ver af.